1500字范文 > Beautiful campus_1500字_英语作文

Beautiful campus_1500字_英语作文

时间:2022-12-17 15:56:58


Beautiful campus_1500字_英语作文

"A gentleman is a man of self-improvement. " The name of our school comes from the phrase, Tian Jian Primary School.

Entering the gate, a large wall reflected into the eye. On the wall is printed the school"s principle: "Use true love to moisten life, let wisdom touch the heart." Go to the right. Every morning exercise, big class or gym class, the silent playground will instantly boil. The flowerbeds on both sides were full of flowers, like smiling faces dancing in the breeze. In the morning, the campus, the sound of long books flying in the air. Always warm and warm.

First floor, all kinds of functional rooms. There"s Taoyishi, the conservatory, the school doctor"s office and so on. The library is also on the ground floor. In the library, all kinds of books are available and all students can borrow them free of charge with their student cards.

First floor, all kinds of functional rooms. There"s Taoyishi, the conservatory, the school doctor"s office and so on. The library is also on the ground floor. In the library, all kinds of books are available and all students can borrow them free of charge with their student cards.

On the second floor, there are classrooms for grades 1 to 2. The main building is our comprehensive stairwell. There"s a stage, there"s all kinds of music. Our choir can rehearse here, let the song fly. It"s also a great place to host the school"s big events.

Third floor, third to fourth grade. There"s also a counseling room.

On the fourth floor, there are five or six grade classrooms and radio studios.

Our big team site is on the fifth floor. The work of the Commission is carried out here. There are computer rooms and laboratories on the fifth floor. These are our favorite places to visit.

Heaven is healthy, the gentleman is self-improvement. Tianjian elementary school is a fertile land, we will thrive here.
