1500字范文 > 哈里王子儿子名字确定为阿尔奇 未封贵族头衔(中英文)

哈里王子儿子名字确定为阿尔奇 未封贵族头衔(中英文)

时间:2023-05-24 00:28:51


哈里王子儿子名字确定为阿尔奇 未封贵族头衔(中英文)


伦敦当地时间下午4点45分左右,哈里王子和梅根,正式为他们周一出生的第一个孩子取名为阿尔奇·哈里森·蒙巴顿·温莎(Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor)。哈里王子和梅根为他们的儿子选择了一个名字,据信在现代英国王室历史上几乎没有先例。哈里梅根夫妇通过他们的官方社交媒体账号宣布了这一消息,结束了几天来对宝宝名字的狂热猜测。

The waiting game is finally over. Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have revealed the name of their first child: Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. The royal couple made the announcement Wednesday via their official Instagram account, ending several days of feverish speculation about their son"s name.


The announcement came with a black and white photo showing Queen Elizabeth II meeting her new grandson. The monarch was flanked by her husband, Prince Philip, and her grandson, Prince Harry, and Meghan stood beside her mother, Doria Ragland.

阿尔奇为英国皇室第七顺位继承人,但由于英国皇室一百年前收紧称谓规则,在女王册封之前,他并不会被称为“王子殿下”(his royal highness)。哈里王子和梅根王妃本可以赋予阿尔奇一个贵族头衔,如伯爵,但他们决定不这么做。

Archie became seventh in line to the British throne the moment he was born, but he won"t be called "his royal highness," as the rules around the granting of royal titles were tightened up about 100 years ago. Harry and Meghan could have chosen to have Archie bestowed with an aristocratic title — make him an earl, for instance — but they decided against it.
