1500字范文 > 感情里:根本没有天生合适的两个人 只有相互迁就的两颗心

感情里:根本没有天生合适的两个人 只有相互迁就的两颗心

时间:2023-09-01 00:51:50


感情里:根本没有天生合适的两个人 只有相互迁就的两颗心


I really love you, but if you ask me why I love you, it's a pity that although I love you very much, it's a pity that I don't even know why I love you, but I know a little, because I have a reason not to love others because of your appearance.


In fact, I am very selfish about your love for me. I think your eyes are full of everything about me. I really want to be excellent, excellent to you, you have no reason to refuse me, excellent to you, you can't find any reason to refuse me as long as I appear in front of you.


How I wish I could be the one who will guard your life, the one who can understand everything about you, and the boy you will entrust your whole life with.


I regret that I met you too late, because in Me Before You, I have used up all my impulses and recklessness, and all I have left now is to think for a long time and think twice.


On the road of life, do I know what's behind me? No one is behind me, but I keep looking back. Why? I keep asking myself why I turned back, and what am I waiting for?


At the beginning, you made me blush again and again, naively thinking that there would be a future, but in the end, you made me cry. Since then, I have been afraid to devote myself to my feelings.


In fact, I am willing to wait for you, and it is not terrible to wait. What is terrible is that your waiting has no result, no end, nothing in the end, and the last thing to greet you is that we are not suitable, not suitable.


In fact, we should all understand a truth, that is, there are no suitable two people in heaven, only two hearts accommodating each other.
