1500字范文 > 迟到的毕业季文案 唯美又伤感

迟到的毕业季文案 唯美又伤感

时间:2021-03-21 07:31:02


迟到的毕业季文案 唯美又伤感

1. 时间太短,遗憾太多,愿我们在以后彼此看不到的岁月里,熠熠生辉。

Time is too short, too much regret, because we can not see each other in the future in the years to shine.

2. 时光不老,我们不散。

Time is not old, we are not separated.

3. 没有特别的事,但是有一群特别的人。

Nothing special, but theres a special group of people.

4. 无论走了多远,毕业的那一天,是思念的起点。

No matter how far you go, the day you graduate. Is the starting point of missing.

5. 始于二零一七初秋,终于二零二零盛夏。

Beginning in the early autumn of , and finally in the summer of .

6. 我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。

We laughed and said goodbye, but we knew that goodbye was far away.

7. 今天天气很好,下午没有课,以后也不会有课了。

Today the weather is very good, there is no class in the afternoon, and there will be no class in the future.

8. 毕业了,不能和你们在一起了,到时候照个毕业照吧,也没有其他奢求了,只是觉得遗憾了。

I can be with you when I graduate. When I take a graduation photo, there is no other luxury. I just feel sorry.

9. 聚是一团火,散是满天星。愿此去前程似锦,再相逢仍旧似故。

Gathering is a fire, scattered is the stars. Would like to resign, have a bright future, meet again still thinking.

10. 毕业了,下个夏天教室里仍会坐满人,可惜不是我们了。

No, next summer, the classroom will still be full. Too bad its not us.

11. 毕业了,那些平时你们不敢说出来的话,现在大声的说出来了吗?

Graduated, those who usually do not dare to say it, now say it out loud?

12. 你总说毕业遥遥无期,转眼又各奔东西。

I heard that graduation is nowhere in sight, and in the blink of an eye, I have to go my own way.

13. 送君千里,终须一别。

Send a thousand miles to the king! Finally have to say goodbye.

14. 轻轻的,时光荏苒着,匆匆的毕业到来了。毕业了,我们约定好不好;毕业了,我们坚持好不好。虽然学校生活已毕业,但我们的爱情永远不会毕业。

Gently time flies with sufficient graduation, graduated, we agreed to graduate well, we insist on good? Although school life has graduated, but our love will never graduate.
