1500字范文 > 语法驿站:一般现在时里 我们都用be动词表达啥?

语法驿站:一般现在时里 我们都用be动词表达啥?

时间:2021-10-02 11:43:55


语法驿站:一般现在时里 我们都用be动词表达啥?

谈及我们是谁如:Im John and this is my friend Lucy. We e from England.

Im Janet and these are my sisters. This is Sandra and this is Patricia. Sandra and Patricia are doctors.

谈论天气如:Its cold today.

Its a beautiful day.

Its usually hot here.

It isn very warm today.

谈论时间如:Its ten o clock.

Its half past four.

You e late!

谈及地点Milan is in the north of Italy.

John and Mary are in Dalian.

谈及年龄:My sister is six years old.

谈及我们的感受Im happy.

They e sad.

They e bored.

Shes tired.

We e hungry.

Im thirsty.

He isn afraid.

They e cold.

问候、致意Bill: Hello. How are you?

Jane: Im fine. Thanks. How are you?

道歉:Im sorry Im late.

描述事物It isn expensive. Its cheap.

Its an old film. It isn very good.

These photos are bad!

