1500字范文 > 第七节:主谓一致:什么时候用单数谓语?什么时候用复数谓语?


时间:2022-12-27 08:09:01






16. 主谓一致的基本规律是什么?


(1) Still I unwillingto play the games with them sometimes. I didn’t realize how right my parents was until I entered high school.

(解析:根据主谓一致和前后时态一致原则,第一句缺谓语动词was; 第二句从句为复数主语my parents,应该配复数谓语were,全句改为:Still I was unwillingto play the games with them sometimes. I didn’t realize how right my parents were until I entered high school.)

(2) When summer came, they will invite their students pickthe fresh vegetables!

(解析:根据主谓一致和前后时态一致原则,状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来时,故单数主语summer配单数谓语comes, 此外,主句中已经有谓语动词will invite, 主句中的其他动词就须用非谓语形式,不定式表将来,故改为to pick, 全句改为:When summer comes, they will invite their students topickthe fresh vegetables!)

(3) My uncle tellme that the key to his success is honest.

(解析:单数主语my uncle配单数动词tells;根据语境,honest“诚实的”改为honesty“诚实,诚信”,全句改为:My uncle tellsme that the key to his success is honesty.)

(4) My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and endat 3:30 p.m.

(解析:由and知道end和starts一样是并列的谓语,和主语my dream school保持一致,全句改为:My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and endsat 3:30 p.m.)

(5) My dream school looklike a big garden.

(解析:根据主谓一致原则,look改为looks, 全句改为:My dream school lookslike a big garden.)

17. 主谓一致有哪些例外情况?

17.1. 以-s结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致

(1) 以-s结尾的疾病名称和游戏名称


Arthritis area disease causing pain in the joints of the body.

(解析:以-s结尾的疾病名称做单数主语用,故are改为is, 全句改为:Arthritis isa disease causing pain in the joints of the body.)

(2) 以-ics结尾的学科名称

Physics, mathematics, mechanics, politics, statistics(统计学), economics(经济学), athletics(体育)等通常作单数用,谓语用单数。

Physics arean important subject in middle schools.

(解析:以-ics结尾的学科名称做单数主语用,故are改为is, 全句改为:Physics isan important subject in middle schools.)

(3) 以-s结尾的地理名称

The United states, the United Nations等作为国名表示单一的政治实体,通常作单数用,谓语用单数。

The United States area great country.

(解析:The United state作为国名表示单一的政治实体,做单数主语用,故are改为is, 全句改为:The United States isa great country.)


The Himalayas hasa variety of plants and animals.

(解析:The Himalayas不是单一的政治实体,做复数主语用,故has改为have, 全句改为:The Himalayas havea variety of plants and animals.)

The Niagara Falls isthe most famous waterfall in the world.

(解析:同理is改为are, 全句改为:The Niagara Falls arethe most famous waterfall in the world.)

(4) 其他以-s结尾的名词

成双成对的单词如:Scissors(剪刀,有两个刀片), glasses(眼镜), shorts(短裤), trousers(裤子), pants(裤子)等通常作复数用,谓语用复数。

Joe’s new pants isblack.

(解析:pants一般当复数主语用,故is改为are, 全句改为:Joe’s new pants areblack.)

(5) Means(方法,手段), series(系列), species(种类), headquarters(总部)等词是作为复数主语还是单数主语取决于他们在语境中的实际应用情况。

All means hasbeen tried out.

(解析:语境中有all, 故all means当复数主语用,has改为have, 全句改为:All means havebeen tried out.)

The only means to achieve success areto work hard.

(解析:由the only“唯一的”可知主语the only means做单数主语用,全句改为:The only means to achieve success isto work hard.)

A new species havebeen found.

(解析:根据语境a new species“一个新物种”做单数主语用,全句改为:A new specieshasbeen found.)

About 55 species of fish isdiscovered.

(解析:根据语境55 species of fish“55种鱼”做复数主语用,故全句改为:About 55 species of fish arediscovered.)

17.2. 以集体名词作主语的主谓一致

(1) 通常作复数的集体名词,谓语用复数。

Police, people, cattle, poultry(家禽)

Cattle providesus with milk and beef.

(解析:cattle通常做复数主语,故全句改为:Cattle provideus with milk and beef.)

(2) 通常作不可数名词的集体名词,谓语用单数。

Machinery(机器), equipment(设备),furniture(家具),merchandise(商品)等

All the machinery in the factory aremade in China.

(解析:machinery为抽象名词,通常做单数主语,配单数谓语,全句改为:All the machinery in the factory ismade in China.)

(3) 即可作单数也可作复数的集体名词

audience(观众),committee(委员会),class, family, government, public, crew(全体船员或机组人员)等


The committee areresponsible for the safety of the school.

(解析:根据语境,the committee视为一个整体,做单数主语用,应配单数谓语,全句改为:The committee isresponsible for the safety of the school.)


My family isdoing their own things.

(解析:根据语境their可知my family侧重家庭的成员,做复数主语用,应配复数谓语,全句改为:My family aredoing their own things.)


1. The football team (is, are) being reorganized.


2. The football team (is, are) having baths and (is, are) then coming back here for tea.


3. The government (is, are) doing its best to improve the environment.


4. The government (has, have) discussed the matter for a long time.


5. The class (is, are) taking notes with their pens.


6. The public (is, are) very concerned about the children’s education.


7. The public (has, have) a right to know what is contained in the report.



