1500字范文 > 大声朗读英语 就会提高你的发音和讲话技巧吗?

大声朗读英语 就会提高你的发音和讲话技巧吗?

时间:2022-06-21 09:11:20


大声朗读英语 就会提高你的发音和讲话技巧吗?

Hey whats up, Stefanie the English coach here from EnglishFullTime. com. In this video, Im going to answer the question "Will reading out loud help me improve my pronunciation and speaking skills?"


Now the simple answer is that "yes, it will help in some ways but there are better methods." And I don recommend that you primarily use this method reading out loud to improve your pronunciation and your speaking skills.


So Im going to explain why in this video. Okay, so several months ago I wrote an email about this to all of my subscribers and one person wrote back.


And he was so angry and he was like: "how can you say that reading out loud isn the best method for improving our pronunciation and our speaking skills?" "This is what weve been taught this is what our teachers have shown us, this is what we all do."


And first of all, I was kind of like "okay, just because thats what everybody does and thats what you e being taught doesn mean that thats the best method, right?" The reason why reading out loud is not the best way to practice your pronunciation is because words in English, and I say this all the time, are not pronounced the way that they are written.


In fact, words in English often have nothing to do their pronunciation has nothing to do with the way they e written.We have silent letters, we have confusing letter combinations.


You know, when we e speaking, we cut off the ends of words, we add sounds, we eliminate sounds. And when you are reading text on a page, that text is flat.


You can read what intonation you e supposed to speak with.You can read what emphasis you e supposed to put on which syllable.


You can read any of that information. So reading the words on a page, you could be reading them incorrectly and whos gonna be there to correct you, right?


Whos gonna be there to say: "Hey, no, you keep messing up right there. You keep doing that, thats not how its done." If you e just reading out loud, you could be practicing something incorrectly and then practicing it consistently incorrectly.


And then you e gonna solidify an incorrect language pattern in your mind. Simply put, you cannot read sounds, you can hear sounds.


So if you e trying to improve your pronunciation, you should not be reading and then trying to pronounce. You should be listening and then imitating what you hear.


Because your ears will not deceive you but your eyes will. Youll read a word and youll see a silent letter there, and you won realize its silent, so you think you have to pronounce it, right?


Your eyes are deceiving you. They e making you think that you need to pronounce a word in a certain way when you don .


So rather you should listen to words, listen to sentences, listen to audio clips and just imitate what you hear, right? Many of you know this as "shadowing".


You e shadowing what you hear, you e saying it as you e hearing it or you e pausing the audio, pausing the video, and then repeating what you just heard. And then replay those audios again and again, listen repeat, listen repeat.


And that way, you will learn to start sounding and speaking more like a native speaker and less like a textbook. A lot of foreign speakers when they speak in English they actually sound like a book.


Like very choppy, you know, like they e reading one word at a time and pronouncing everything perfectly but nobody speaks like that, right? So reading out loud is not a great method, because your eyes are gonna see separations between words.


They e gonna see the spaces, and its gonna give you this idea that "oh my gosh, theres a space here between these words. So I need to make spaces in between my words when I speak."


And thats simply not true. We run all the words together practically. Okay, you guys, we use so many contractions in English.


So again, if you e listening and then repeating what you hear, you e more likely to develop a natural sounding English. Now the other reason why reading out loud won necessarily help you with your speaking is, because the way that sentences are constructed in a book are not the way that they are spoken in conversation, okay?


And Im going to give you an example of this. So I have a book here its called The E-myth Revisited and here on Chapter 3 the very first sentence goes like this.

我来举个例子。这里有一本书,叫做The E-myth Revisited,第三章第一句话是这么说的。

"It is self-evident that businesses says like people are supposed to grow and with growth comes change." Thats a great sentence but its a great sentence for a book.

"It is self-evident that businesses says like people are supposed to grow and with growth comes change."这是一句很棒的话,但是只是对于一本书来说。

I do not talk like this, okay? So instead of saying "it is self-evident", I would say like, "hey, its obvious, its obvious."

我平时不会这么说话。我不会说"it is self-evident",我可能会说"Hey, its obvious, its obvious"。

And instead of starting my sentence like that, I might not even say "its obvious" cuz when something is obvious we just say it we don have to say its obvious. So I would just say "You know, businesses are like people they have to grow."

甚至有可能我连这个都不会说,因为有的时候很多东西非常明显,所以我们压根儿就不用强调“很明显的是”。我可能就说,"You know, businesses are like people they have to grow"。

Thats it, thats how I speak. I don have to speak in this fancy way that this book is written, and this book isn even that fancy.


But as you can see from this sentence here, it still has some pretty complex sentences. And again these sentences are very well-written, but nobody talks like that.


So if you want to learn to speak in a natural way, you have to imitate people. And not even people giving speeches, because the way you speak when you give a speech is a lot different than the way you speak in a conversation.


So in conclusion, reading out loud will help you improve reading out loud, okay? If you want to improve your pronunciation, listen and repeat what you hear.


And if you want to improve your speaking skills, then do that same thing, listen and repeat but engage in conversations with other people where you can practice your speaking skills, and where you can get feedback.

Because in a conversation someones gonna say, "oh Im sorry what what do you mean by that?" or "I don understand what you mean." or "Could you explain that more?" or something like that.


That shows you how you e doing. And likewise, if nobody asks that if nobody says "oh what do you mean", if they just carry on with the conversation and keep going, then that confirms to you that they understood you and you e doing great with your English.


Okay so if all of this makes sense, please let me know in the comments. And I would love to do more videos like this, where I answer frequently asked questions.


So if you have a question that youd like me to do a video about, please let me know in the comments just type it out there in the comments. And if you want to give me some context also that would be really helpful.


Tell me why you e asking, what you e struggling with, and what your goal is, what you e trying to achieve, okay? Alright, so that is it.


If you want a guide on to senior English with native speakers, meeting native English speakers online, interacting with us, so you can practice your English, improve your English, learn new vocabulary, build your confidence, etc.

I have a guide on my website, Im going to link it here in the description, I always share this guide because it is literally the most popular one on my entire website EnglishFullTime. com.


Thats it you guys, have a great day and I will see you in the next video. Bye.

