1500字范文 > 闻者伤心 听者落泪的句子 有没有一句戳中你的泪点

闻者伤心 听者落泪的句子 有没有一句戳中你的泪点

时间:2021-06-20 02:53:03


闻者伤心 听者落泪的句子 有没有一句戳中你的泪点

1. 你知道么,破镜重圆本来就是一件很可笑的事情,镜子它破了就是破了,你非要把它拼在一起,就算你拼好了,它还是有无数个裂痕,拿着割手,看着难受,这么脆弱的感情一碰就碎,到最后还是重蹈覆辙。

You know, getting back together is a ridiculous thing. Mirror, it is broken or broken, you have to put it together, even if you put it together, he still has countless cracks, holding a cut hand to look uncomfortable, such a fragile feeling is broken when touched, in the end Still repeat the same mistakes.

2. 连做梦都害怕失去的人,你说我有多爱。

Even the dream is afraid of losing people, you say how much I love.

3. 总有个名字,让你嘴角上翘,又眼泪下掉。

Theres always a name that makes your mouth go up and your tears go down.

4. 你都走了,我还怕什么?

You e gone. What am I afraid of?

5. 那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已散落在天涯了。

Those who used to say that they will never part, have long been scattered in the ends of the earth.

6. 我一直以为山是水的故事,云是风的故事,你是我的故事,可我却不知道,我是不是你的故事。

I always thought the 30-year-old story cloud is the story of the wind, you are my story, but I do not know if I am your story.

7. 我们像是表面上的针,不停的转动,一面转,一边看着时间匆匆流去,却无能为力。

We are like a needle on the surface, constantly turning the image, turning to watch the time go by in a hurry, but there is nothing we can do.

8. 不是时间没有等我,是你忘了带走我,我左手是过目不忘的萤火,右手里是一个漫长十年的打坐。

Its not that time hasn waited for me, its that you forgot to take me away, my left hand is an unforgettable fluorescent right hand is a long decade of meditation.

9. 有人说,时间让人忘了疼,我不觉得,是时间让人习惯了疼。

Some people say that people really forget the pain, I do not think it is time people used to the pain.

10. 人生,或许就是在一次又一次的遇见里,慢慢变得丰盈,又在一次又一次离别中,变得圆满。

Life may be in the encounter again and again, you slowly become full, and again and again to become complete in the departure.

11. 短发也剪了,酒也喝了,烟也抽了,挽留也挽留了,可是,他还是把我丢了。

Short hair also cut to drink, smoke also smoked, retain also retain, but he still lost me.

12. 曾经有一个朋友给我讲过一个故事,一棵树爱上了马路对面的一棵树,我问她然后呢,她说然后就没有然后了,很久以后我才懂,不可能的事,开始就是结束。

A friend once told me a story. A number was missing a tree across the road. I asked her, and then, she said, and then there was no more. After a long time, I realized that the impossible was the beginning and the end.
