1500字范文 > 可爱的温柔句子 生活中的不期而遇 都是你努力后的惊喜~

可爱的温柔句子 生活中的不期而遇 都是你努力后的惊喜~

时间:2019-08-14 01:15:27


可爱的温柔句子 生活中的不期而遇  都是你努力后的惊喜~


I wear short skirts in the name of summer and take away your mind for the moon.


Life is far more aggrieved than you think, but you are also far more powerful than you think.

日落跌进行星河里 留给山川湖海的着迷 长夜繁星的欢喜。

Sunset falls in the river of stars leaving the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas fascinated by the joy of stars in the long night.


Secretly asked for a handful of broken stars from Xinghe, only waiting for you to close your eyes and scatter them into your dreams.

荣幸是什么 是江河三千里遇见你 遇见你之后 凛冬散尽 漫天星河。

What is the honor of the river three thousand miles to meet you after winter scattered all over the sky and stars.

这份喜欢 大抵是沾了 我的好心情和那晚月亮的光才变得如此闪耀。

This love is mostly because of my good mood and the light of the moon that night.


If a star represents my love for you at first sight, are you ready to meet all the arrows of the universe.

男孩子呀 你要明白,女孩子的撒娇,女孩子的任性 小脾气,都是再告诉你,快抱抱我。

Boys, you should understand that girls coquetry and willful temper are all to tell you again, hold me fast.

我揉碎一枚月亮 化作万千星辰 我要把它放进你的眸子里从此在这星火斑斓里沦陷。

Ill crush a moon and turn it into a thousand stars. Ill put it into your eyes and fall into the gorgeous stars.

把夏天的遗憾写在秋天将要落下的叶子上吧 它们在土里待上一个冬天 来年会开出希望的花儿。

Write the regrets of summer on the leaves that will fall in autumn. They will stay in the soil for a winter and come out with flowers of hope in the next year.

