1500字范文 > 双语:乔治小王子入选王室最佳着装!


时间:2021-08-13 02:11:34



At just five years-old, he has entertained world leaders in his dressing gown, enjoyed global tours on private jets and attended only the most prestigious royal events. 仅仅5岁的乔治小王子,穿着睡袍就受到各国领导喜爱。不仅如此,他还享受着私人飞机的环球旅行,参加最尊贵的王室活动。 And now Prince George has been named on Tatler magazines annual best dressed list. 现在乔治小王子还获得了杂志《Tatler》的最佳着装。 The prince is the youngest addition to the 30-strong list, appearing alongside his mother the Duchess of Cambridge, 36, aunt the Duchess of Sussex, 36, gan-gan the Queen, 92, and celebrities including Amal Clooney, Lily James and Harry Styles. 乔治王子是30强中最年轻的,同样进入榜单的还有他的妈妈——36岁的凯特王妃,婶婶——36岁的梅根,“刚-刚”——也就是他92岁的奶奶,还有一众明星包括,Amal Clooney, Lily James 和 Harry Styles。 According to the society bible, Prince George, often seen in statement shorts, sleeveless jumpers and knee-high socks, . 根据这本类似“社会圣经”的杂志,乔治小王子经常穿着statement的短裤,无袖套头衫,及膝的长袜。 The Duchess of Cambridge is lauded for re-wearing her looks and for mixing designer labels with high street heroes. 凯特王妃因出席各种活动穿旧衣和混搭各种高街品牌的服装而为人称道。 Meanwhile the Queen, the oldest person on the list, is described by the magazine as he ultimate power dresser, citing her fondness for right block colours as well as her love of floral prints. 同时,在名单中年龄最长者,女王本尊,被该杂志描写成“最具影响力的着装,”女王喜欢明快的颜色,还喜欢各种花卉印花。 Unsurprisingly the latest addition to the Royal family, the Duchess of Sussex, also appeared on the annual list as well his Prince Harrys cousin, Lady Amelia Windsor. 新晋成员梅根的入选不足为奇,同样入围的还有哈里王子的表妹亚美莉亚·温莎女勋爵。 Many of Meghans outfits have sold out within minutes of her being photographed, as women clamour to emulate her chic style. 梅根的照片一出,她的各种穿搭分分钟售罄,女人们对她的复古装扮趋之若鹜。 The publication said of the Duchess: Prince Harrys Californian bride blew us away with her Givenchy wedding dress and has redefined modern royal style with every subsequent appearance. 该杂志评论梅根:“哈里王子的加州新娘的纪梵希婚礼裙子让我们为之惊叹,每次出席活动重新定义现代皇室穿衣风格。‘’
