1500字范文 > 超有爱照片:乔治小王子手抱妹妹夏洛特小公主!


时间:2024-03-28 02:43:36



The world has finally been graced with an adorable photo of Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge, being held by older brother Prince George, more than a month after she was born. 谢天谢地,世界人民终于迎来了一张备受追捧皇室兄妹照:剑桥公主殿下,夏洛特.伊丽莎白.戴安娜和她的哥哥乔治小王子,小公主出生刚刚一个多月,她的哥哥手抱着自己的小妹妹。 这下各大媒体和英国人民又侯不住了,来看看各大媒体的报道: 赫芬顿邮报 Yep, they e siblings all right!The British royal family on Saturday released a new photo of Princess Charlotte and her older brother Prince George, the first to feature both siblings together. Its also the first public photo of Charlotte since the days following her birth in early May: 是的,他们是兄妹,毫无疑问!英国皇室本周六晒出了一张夏洛特公主和她的哥哥乔治小王子的合影,第一张包含兄妹俩的合影。这也是自小公主出生之后晒出的第一张官方照片: We e delighted to share the first photo of Prince George with his little sister Princess Charlotte /lJbWwsqFva 我们很高兴与大家一起分享第一张乔治王子和他的小妹妹夏洛特的合影。照片发自推特网 — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) June 6, 肯辛顿宫殿(@肯辛顿皇家),6月6日 可是英国人民又开始就照片发布者和发布时间开始纠结了: However, the Kensington Palaces official Twitter account revealed that the photo had actually been taken by Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge in mid-May. 但是,肯辛顿宫殿官方推特账户揭露照片实际上是由剑桥公爵夫人,凯特于5月中旬拍摄。 The photo of Prince George and Princess Charlotte was taken by The Duchess of Cambridge in mid-May. 乔治王子与夏洛特公主的照片是由剑桥公爵夫人5月中旬拍摄。 — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) June 6, 肯辛顿宫殿(@肯辛顿皇室),6月6日 Regardless, the Internet still responded with a deluge of "OMGs": 无论怎样,网络反馈如潮,充满着哦,我的天啊的赞叹: @KensingtonRoyal omg!!!! Im dead!!! @肯辛顿皇室 哦,买嘎达!!!我被萌死了!!! — Kate Pippa Style (@livelovelaughvr) June 6, @KensingtonRoyal LOVE THEM,OMG! @肯辛顿皇室 大爱他们,哦,我的天! — FanofKateMiddleton (@fanof_kate) June 6, @KensingtonRoyal OH MY GOD MY HEAAAAAAAAAART @肯辛顿皇室 哦!买!嘎达!我的小小小小小小小心脏 — iffat (@iffatxcheryl) June 6, @Cheyenneee35 IM CRYING OH MY GOD @Cheyenneee35我忍不住哭了,哦,上帝啊 — amy elliot dunne (@rauwsha) June 6, @KensingtonRoyal omg this so cute @肯辛顿皇室 哦,买嘎达,这太可爱了 — Rachie /rach (@rachandre76) June 6,
