1500字范文 > 第一次 我是如何带学生读英文原著的? (分享资源:《化身博士》PDF+MP3)

第一次 我是如何带学生读英文原著的? (分享资源:《化身博士》PDF+MP3)

时间:2023-08-05 23:45:24


第一次 我是如何带学生读英文原著的? (分享资源:《化身博士》PDF+MP3)

【Questions:Why did Mr. Utterson say he had already known the name of the man who signed the cheque? Who was Hyde? Who signed the cheque for him? Why did Hyde hurt the girl?】

2.Summary for "The search for Hyde"

Mr. Utterson tried to seek for Hyde. Mr.Utterson was worried that his old friend Henry Jekyll would be in the control of an evil man Hyde. Mr.Utterson didn hope that Hyde would possess the money and property from Henry Jekyll. So Mr.Utterson wanted to find it out.

【Questions: Who was Hyde? Why did Henry Jekyll plan to give his money and property to such a bad man? We said Hyde was a bad man because he treated a girl in the street badly. In Mr. Uttersons mind, he thought Hyde was planning to force Dr. Henry Jekyll to sign the will that would give Hyde all of Jelylls possessions.】

3.Summary for" Dr. Jekyll was at ease "

We already know Dr. Lanyon, Mr.Utterson and Dr.Jekyll were old friends. So now they were having a dinner party given by Dr. Jekyll. So, Mr. Utterson had the chance to talk to Dr. Jelyll. However, the latter was unwilling to talk about his will and Hyde. He just asked Mr. Utterson to help Hyde get his rights. After Mr. Utterson promised, Dr. Jekyll felt at ease.

【Questions: Why? In my view, Dr. Jekyll had something hidden from his old friends and he wanted his old friend not to continue to search for Hyde any more. This way, Dr. Jekyll would be safer. If you had known the end, you can understand it.】

4.Summary for "The Carew murder case"

Dr. Jekylls servant saw the Hyde committed the crime on Carew. Normally, we would think that Hyde had some reason to hurt Carew, for money, for position or for something else? Anyway, Hyde had killed Carew.

【Questions: At the end of the story, we know Hyde killed Carew hardly for any reason. The inspector came to Hydes house because he was recognized by Dr. Jekylls servant. Hyde had once visited Dr. Jekyll’ house. So far, we think that Mr. Hyde is the criminal.】

5.Summary for "The incident of the letter"

Jekyll received a letter. Actually, the letter was written by himself. However, Uttersons head clerk was a handwriting expert and he recognized the handwriting of the letter was similar to Jekylls.

【As a wise reader, we may conclude that Jekyll and Hyde are likely to be one person.】

6.Summary for "The remarkable incident of Dr. Lanyon"

Dr. Lanyon died and left Mr. Utterson a letter, which was a big surprise to Mr. Utterson.

【Questions: What has caused him to die so soon? Perhaps he couldn’t bear the fact that Jekyll committed the crimes after he turned into Hyde, an evil person.】

7.Summary for "The incident at the window"

Jekyll slammed the window shut suddenly because there was a strange change on his face and he didn want it to be found.

【Questions: How is he feeling? Does he really feel successful and happy after he invented the drug?】

8.Summary for "The last night"

The servant Pool found it frightening and asked Mr. Utterson for help. Eventually, they knocked down Jekylls door and found that Hyde had died but no sign of Jekyll. Mr.Utterson saw some

letters given to him by Jekyll.

【Questions: Who had killed Hyde?】

9.Summay for "Dr. Lanyons narrative"

This was the letter mentioned on Page44 to Mr. Utterson by Lanyon. The letter told people what Lanyon knew about Jekyll- How he turned from Hyde to Jekyll and he realized Jekyll had committed the crimes after he transformed himself into Hyde by using the drug he had invented.

【Ideas: It’s wise of the author to present the letter to the reader in this period. If the letter is given earlier, the story cannot have been so mysterious.】

10.Summary for "Henry Jekylls full statement of the case"

Everything was clear. The letter left by Jekyll after his death made everything clear. Jekyll told Untterson the whole truth of the event. After taking the drug, Jekyll turned to Hyde and committed crimes.

【Questions: What kind of person was Jekyll when he was young? Why did he want to invent the drug? What had he suffered? Why had he killed himself? Such questions were answered in the letter.】

原版小说具有丰富的思想内涵,为培养学生的批判性思维能力提供了良好的平台。批判性思维过程是一个提问过程,学生通过不断质疑、提问、考察、证实来提高认识,加深理解(梅学芳,)。 教学中经常遇到学生“被提问”的现象,本质上说,教师并未发挥学生的主体作用。因此,本次教学中加入“学生提问”这个环节。在此基础上教师作选择和整理,形成“问题单”。这部分问题不同于章节问题,它们侧重于全篇的理解。


1. At the beginning, why did Jekyll want to become Hyde? (张天尧组合)

2. What is Jekyll like? And what is Hyde like? Describe them respectively(分别)based on the story.

3. At the end, why cannot Mr Hyde become Jekyll again? (张天尧组合)

4.每当什么情况时,Jekyll会变成Hyde? 书中有这样例子吗?(陈圆圆组合)





9. Do you think man has dual nature? If so, what’s the purpose of the story?

10. Why did Jekyll commit suicide?

11.What happened to his body after he killed himself?

12.What do you think of the end? Do you think the end implies something?

13.What can we learn from the story? What can we do to balance the two sides in our daily life?

14.我们如何看待Doctor Jekyll?




The book , The strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde talks about the human nature. It begins with a story about Mr Hyde. With the development of the story, you can feel mysteries are fading away and the truth is becoming clearer. After reading it, I was astonished that Dr Hyde and Jekyll are the same person. In the end, Jekyll kills himself for the crimes committed by Hyde. Actually, Hyde is dead but Jekyll is alive. Kindness can defeat bad things. Everyone has two sides. However, the evil can never prevail over good.


This novel mainly describe a famous and respectable doctor who become an evil man after taking a drug. His name is Dr Jekyll. He makes an magic powder. After taking it he would become a small,ugly and evil man called Mr.Hyde. Then he can do lots of evil things even being a murderer. Though he realizes his mistakes,he cannot resist the temptation.

However, for he takes too much drugs, he becomes Dr. Hyde out of control. This makes him suffer a lot. Eventually, he killed himself with sadness. Of course, Mr. Hyde died, too.

In our lives, we should remember who we are and what we can do or not. Only in this way can we be ourselves and insist on being righteous. I believe that everyone has two characters, but we must oppose evil. Mans nature is kind, and kindness must prevail over evil finally.


After reading the book “The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde”, I have two opinions. First, it is important to care about our attitudes. Once it becomes stressed, we should find some interesting things to eliminate it. Secondly, we should not be too concerned about fame and wealth. Dr Jekyll doesn‘t want to give up the achievements he has, he starts his transformation into the evil Mr Hyde, and finally he went to death.

All in all, we should keep a clear mind to face the temptation in life, and always maintain a positive




本书用Mr Utterson 的角度讲述了Dr Jekyll 拥有双重人格和用药物强制分离出来的故事。可能在世界上每个人都拥有着双重人格,在表面下藏着另一个自己面对世界、社会各种压力,人们善于将自己伪装的无懈可击、面面俱到,实际在内心中藏着一个并不完美和不被认可的一面,那是人们一种不满情绪压抑久了的结果。我们应学会处理好不同的自己,让自己善的一面完全影响恶的一面,寻找适合自己的方法发泄自我,不能像文中的Jekyll为不损害自己的名誉地位,分离出另一个自己危害到社会,自己也饱受折磨。分裂型人格最终会危害社会、也会毁灭自己。


The main theme of the book is the ‘divided self ’ or the ‘dual ’ nature of man . It is centered around the belief that good and evil are present in all of us and explores what could happen if these parts were chemically divided into two separate personalities.

Dr Jekyll is really a poor man .At the beginning, he starts his transformation into the evil Mr Hyde because he is afraid his behavior is inappropriate and he wants to save his reputation. However he doesn’t realize he will become an evil and die.

Fortunately, Dr Jekyll has a loyal friend, Mr Utterson. He is a determined, serious and wise person. He is my favorite character in the book .





Stevenson著有的《化身博士》讲述了一位拥有两个极端人格,Jekyll的悲剧人生。书中没有提到Jekyll的快乐生活,相反Jekyll还一度羡慕过Hyde,想要以Hyde生活。这在一定程度上表达了人不能只注重荣誉的目的,并且过度的压抑会令人崩溃,就像是Jekyll产生的变态的心理和人格分裂。我认为Jekyll并不是一个至善的人。可能就是因为Jekyll内心最深处的黑暗Hyde诞生了。这种极端的方式发生应征了小说的主题“人性罪恶潜能”这一主题。故事的剧情发展源于 Stevenson对人性的见解。他厌恶虚伪,这注定了Jakyll的悲剧人。




In our daily life, we shouldn’t do something against the laws or principles. We need to avoid enjoying life the whole day. It’s necessary for a person to work hard and learn to control oneself.


虽然阅读时一项学生自主的学习活动,关乎学生主观体验,但在成功的课外阅读活动中,教师扮演着不可或缺的角色(Day Bamfold,1998)。文学作品是语言的精华,是具有美学价值的作品,有助于提高阅读者的语言能力和理解能力,启迪创新精神、意识和灵感,完美人格品质(罗益民,)。本次教学体验感觉有些收获,至少在探索教学实际中遇到的问题,并及时调整方面做了改进,如小结助读,问题伴读,学生提问,互动交流,读写结合,佳作欣赏等做法,能较好地调动学生原著阅读的兴趣。但还存在以下问题:





Day Bamfold,(1998) Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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罗益民 “阅读经典与英国文学教学”,《外国文学研究》第2期

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