1500字范文 > 面试英语:如何回答自己的优缺点


时间:2019-01-21 11:06:54



"What are your greatest weaknesses"?

I love the question "What are your greatest weaknesses?" because its a trick question which traps a lot of people. A lot of people feel that they have to answer the question of where their weaknesses lie by stating things that they truly are not good at, and thats not true. We want to spin this question around into a positive. So perhaps try saying things like, "One of my greatest weaknesses is that I don have a lot of patience for work that isn done in a timely manner, or work that isn done to very high levels of excellence, which Im committed to in my own work." So things like that will help to put a positive spin on what could be potentially a very dangerous question. 参考答案:我最大的弱点之一是,对一些不及时的工作缺乏一些耐心,可能自己的工作还没有达到精益求精的高水平。 What Are Your Greatest Strengths? Your greatest strengths are things that you need to know about yourself before you even embark on the job search process. If you don know what your greatest strengths are, it might be premature to really start marketing yourself as a viable candidate for a position. And you might want to get with a career counselor who can help you indentify what those strengths are. But typically, employers are looking for people skills, technical skills; skills that are directly applicable to the type of position you are applying for. 参考答案:你最大的优点是,你在求职面试之前必须了解自己。如果你不知道你最大的优势是什么,可能还为时过早,而在面试过程中才是销售自己最好的时机。您可能希望得到一个职业顾问的帮助,可以帮助你增加识别这些优势是什么。但通常情况下,雇主正在寻找一些拥有技能、技术以及和此职位所要求的人才。 编辑推荐(编辑:何莹莹)
