1500字范文 > 1月13日托福考试真题 托福独立写作高分范文推荐

1月13日托福考试真题 托福独立写作高分范文推荐

时间:2021-07-08 20:38:16


1月13日托福考试真题 托福独立写作高分范文推荐




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is a waste of money for governments to fund space travel or space exploration.










Billions of dollars are spent every year by governments’ space agencies, but does this money bring us enough benefits, or should we pull the plug and spend it on our basic needs on Earth? Opinions are divided about whether or not the huge money spent on space exploration programs is worthwhile. For that matter, what are the pros and cons?

On the one hand, why do some people believe that space exploration is worth ever penny of it? To begin with, those who think that investing in space programs (which are undeniably costly) is a waste of money are probably not very sensitive to the great scientific advances that we have so far achieved. Humans are driven by curiosity to explore the unknown, to discover new worlds, to push the boundaries of our scientific and technological limits, and then to push further still. The results have been rewarding, for example, space exploration helps to address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe and the history of our solar system. Through addressing the challenges related to space exploration, we expand technology, we create new industries along with new jobs, and we help to foster a peaceful connection among governments on the international front. In reality, space exploration programs show no signs of stopping, and they are expected to get bigger in the coming years.

On the other hand, other people think that the cash spent on “giant leaps for mankind” would be better utilized on our planet. This concept is even more true in a time of collapsing economies and world-wide austerity measures. There is no denying the fact that we are threatened by imminent crises, and certainly we are facing serious issues here (and not in the outer space), and these dangers are getting worse as we simply watch them. High on the agenda are such compelling problems as the disappearance of the rainforest, the pollution of oceans, and the global warming that causes climate to change. Further, some of the criticism compares space exploration with the human basic needs on which the money could be spent, explaining that every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who are hungry and are not fed, from those who are ill and are not cured, and from those who are cold and are not clothed.

The final thoughts are that, independent of these both views, our space exploration will benefit humanity as a whole. It is one thing that more money should be used to help meet the human basic needs, and it is quite another thing to allow space exploration to continue in the future. Human curiosity being without limits, it seems that there is no turning back regarding space exploration. (458 words)



--to pull the plug 终止

--worthwhile 值得的

--for that matter 就以那件事来说

--pros and cons 赞成与反对


--worth every penny of it 毫无浪费

--sensitive 敏感的

--fundamental 基本的

--to foster 增进


--giant leaps 大步前进

--austerity measures 节约措施

--imminent 即将到来的

--criticism 批评


--the final thoughts 结论

--as a whole 整体而言

--It is one thing,…, it is quite another thing…. 两回事

--there is no turning back 永不回头


