1500字范文 > jelly bean jelly beans是什么意思英语

jelly bean jelly beans是什么意思英语

时间:2020-09-30 10:36:37


jelly bean jelly beans是什么意思英语

I dated a guy for 6 years. He had children from a previous relationship. Three boys and two girls. When the boys were 13, 14 and 15 their mother left them in a house with no running water, no electricity and no food. They came to live with us at my insistence. My ex was a terrible father but I stayed with him so I could keep the boys safe, housed and in decent condition.

After three years, he became too much to deal with, so I broke up with him, but still had a great relationship with the youngest and oldest (the middle one was too much like his dad!).

Fast forward four years, I have a wonderful boyfriend who is a terrific dad to his kids and my son who I adopted as a single mom. He’s very close with the youngest of the older boys and we all are just family. My boyfriend and former step son took to each other like peanut butter and jelly! They have a fantastic relationship and even though my stepson lives out of state are very close. My stepson lives less than 20 miles ftom his father, but my ex is a terrible dad and doest treat the boys well, so they don’t have a lot of interest in spending time with him.

Last year, my stepson was getting married. He asked me to step in as the Mother of the groom. I immediately said yes and was so honored. Then, he asked my boyfriend to be his best man and step in as the Father of the Groom.

My boyfriend was hesitant because he was afraid he would cause permanent damage to the relationship between my step son and his dad. I assured him that his dad did that damage and he wasn’t invited to the wedding because he would ruin it and make it all about him. Also, he has a severe alcohol problem and once he crossed the line it would be horrible for everyone. My boyfriend stepped in and the wedding was beautiful, fun and solidified the relationship he has with OUR son! We are now excited to be welcoming our honorary granddaughter this November.


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