1500字范文 > 亲爱的 英文 亲爱的英文缩写

亲爱的 英文 亲爱的英文缩写

时间:2019-03-13 13:39:32


亲爱的 英文 亲爱的英文缩写


"sweetheart deal "是啥含义?

"情侣装" 用英文怎么表达?

今天讲的这几个短语都和"sweetheart" 有关。这个"sweetheart"/ˈswiːthɑːrt/是用作(称呼语),亲爱的,宝贝儿;恋人;爱人;心上人。

1, sweetheart neckline: 在这个短语里的sweetheart是指像❤的形状,neckline 是"领口"的意思,整个短语就是"心形领口",只不过中国人的习惯,把它叫做"鸡心领"。还有一种说法,叫"V-neck".

例句: I really love the sweetheart neckline of this dress.我真的特别喜欢这件衣服的鸡心领。

2, sweetheart deal:想象一下这个场景: 你对购买的东西不满意,想退货,还在满是顾客的商店里嚷嚷着东西有多不好,然后店长把你拉到一旁,故作亲近偷偷地说"sweetheart, 你别嚷嚷,我给你退货,还再送你个礼物"。你说行。那么这种就叫"sweetheart deal". 也就是"私下达成的,不想让别人知情的交易"。

例句: There must be a sweetheart deal behind of this, or the complaint could not be solved so fast.这背后一定有幕后交易,否则投诉不会这么快就解决了。

3, sweethearts outfit: 这是其中一种相对正式的说法,还可以说"lovers pack"

例句: That couple who are in sweethearts outfit look so outstanding.那对情侣穿着情侣装,看起来真漂亮。





My dear compatriots! China is the nurturing mother of us all. Do you think she is lovely and beautiful? —Beloved China


#我们一起学英语# #英语每日一句# #英语#


A: 亲爱的,晚安。

B: 刚到家啊。

A: 有一会。

B: 累了吧,早点休息。改天再联系。

A: 嗯。好梦......


A: Good night, Darling.

B: You've got home,right?

A: I've got home for a while.

B: You must be exhausted. Go to bed early and let's talk someday.

A: OK. Sweet Dreams.


The tone of the conversation appears to be sweet — one-sidedly. B sounds a little bit nonchalant, distant, cold compared with A, who begins with '親愛的'. '親愛的' isn't something we would normally say; we are shy and reserved, traditionally. So it is very, very sweet and suggests passion if said in all sincerity. It's imagined that A worked very hard and got home late, feeling exhausted. He just wanted to have a casual small talk with his sweetheart but was put a full stop shortly by B, who seemed to show much concern for his tiredness.




1.Dear classmate,as I’m sure you know by now.亲爱的同学们,我相信你们现在已经知道了。

2.Our favorite teacher Ms.Steen is leaving soon to go back to the US.我们最喜欢的老师斯汀女士很快就要离开回美国了。

3.We’re very sad that she’s leaving because she is fun teacher.她要走了,我们很难过,因为她是个有趣的老师。

4.To show how much we’re going to miss her.let’s have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th.为了表示我们多么想念她,让我们在下周五28号为她举办一个惊喜派对。

5.Can you come to the party?你能来参加聚会吗?

6.If so,can you help with any of these things?如果能的话,你能帮上忙吗?

7.Please tell me by this Friday.请在这个星期五之前告诉我。

8.1)Buy food and drinks.2)Think of games to play.3)Prepare things we need for the games.4)Bring Ms.Steen to the party without telling her,so that she can be surprised.1)买食物和饮料。2)想想要玩的游戏。3)为比赛准备我们需要的东西。4)把斯汀女士带到聚会上,不要告诉她,这样她会感到惊喜的。

9.I look forward to hearing from you all.我期待你们的消息。


【23考研英语】#波妈真题带练#Day68|❤️且背且翻译❤️ #谭剑波考研英语全程陪伴#


He quotes a giant of classical economics, Alfred Marshall, in describing this financial impatience as acting like “Children who pick the plums out of their pudding to eat them at once” rather than putting them aside to be eaten last. 【英语一 Text 1】


act [ækt] n. 行为;法案 vi. 行为;表现 vt. 扮演act为词根级词,表示“行为”,而“表演”、“扮演”本身就是一种行为;“法案”是规范人们“行为”的法律条文。



My dear! I love you, the long distance is not distance, but the interdependence of the soul; Love you, the end of time is not a legend, and it is a miracle to meet! I want to be good with you, all my life! Hold on to a crazy, hold on to an eternal, you say, I understand! I said, you know! Love continues to burn, love continues to sublimate, we go through the journey of life together!


My dear! I love you! Pray for well-being in this life, cherish this life has! If you are well, it is sunny!




◽️Are you okay, sweetie?


◽️Carol moved her stuff out today.


#我的生活日记##秋日生活打卡季# #头条创作挑战赛# #英语# #英语分享# #经典台词# #记忆中的经典台词# #老友记# #美剧# #学习# #自律生活养成记# #你摘抄过的最喜欢的句子,有哪些推荐# #自律#



1.Dear students.We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.亲爱的同学们。这学期我们为你们准备了一些有趣的东西。

2.On September 21st,we have a school trip in the afternoon.9月21日下午,我们有一次学校旅行。

3.October is a great month.十月是个好月份。

4.On the 12th and the 15th,we have two ball games,soccer and volleyball.在12日和15日,我们有两场球赛,分别是足球和排球。

5.School Day is on October 22nd.校庆是在10月22日。

6.Your parents can come to our school.你们父母可以来我们学校。

7.Next month,we have an art festival.It’s on November 3rd.下个月,我们有一个艺术节。它是在11月3日。

8.We have an English party on November 30th.我们在11月30日举办一次英语聚会。

9.And on December 3rd, we have a book sale in the school library.12月3日,我们在学校图书馆举行一次售书活动。

10.This is a really busy term.这是一个很忙的学期。

muscle in (on sb/sth)强行干涉,粗暴干涉#高考英语# #学英语#
