1500字范文 > 厦门国际银行东山岛国际半程马拉松赛 领跑员故事

厦门国际银行东山岛国际半程马拉松赛 领跑员故事

时间:2021-03-04 05:47:45


厦门国际银行东山岛国际半程马拉松赛 领跑员故事



Running helped me to believe in myself

Daria Ishchuk 瑞雅


Hello, my name is Daria Ishchuk and my Chinese name is 瑞雅。It has been my dream to do the pacer. I have never visited Dongshan Island before but I believe it is a very beautiful place.In order to complete the Dongshan Island leaders task, I conducted a 10km test on the weekend.

我叫达里亚·伊什丘克, 我的中文名字叫瑞雅。做配速员一直是我的梦想。我以前从未去过东山岛, 但我相信那是一个非常美丽的地方。为了能完成好东山岛领跑员任务,周末我进行了10公里测试。

I started running five years ago, in , when I entered the university in the Czech Republic. My life was changing around that period a lot, I met a lot of new interesting people, I lived and studied in a big city full of strangers and all the pressure got me to start running. My first running was a very common hobby running in a park and the beginning was not easy for me. But soon I realized it was helping me handle the stress and I could enjoy my life more. Apart from stress relief, running brought much more to my life. I started thinking more about what I eat, by what environment I am surrounded and about my physical and psychological health generally. It also helped me to develop certain skills like endurance and discipline. I realized that my limits are only in my head and learnt how to overcome them. On my way of self-development, I started being interested in races.

我开始跑步是在五年前, 也就是, 当时我进入了捷克大学。在那个时期,我的生活发生了很大的变化, 我认识了很多有趣的人。在陌生的大城市里, 生活和学习的压力让我开始跑步。我最初跑步是在公园里,第一次跑步对我来说并不容易。但很快我意识到跑步可以帮助我减轻压力, 我可以更加享受生活。除了缓解压力, 跑步给我的生活带来了更多的改变。我开始更多地思考我吃什么、我周围的环境、 以及我的身心健康。跑步锻炼了我的耐力和纪律性。我意识到我的极限只在我的脑海里, 学会了如何克服它们。在我自我提升的过程中, 我开始对比赛感兴趣。

My first half-marathon I ran when I was studying in Chongqing three years ago. It was a forest half-marathon and my friends who ran only 5k competition that time were waiting for me at the finish line more than 1.5 hours! I was so grateful and I will never forget.


My best half marathon is 1:41.Currently, I am working on improving my time for a half-marathon and my close objective for this year is to run a whole marathon. My true dream is to become an ultra-marathon runner in the future. For now, one of more reachable dreams is to run a half-marathon in Pyongyang in North Korea. Me and my friend are going to participate in this April. I believe, that running is not only about the sport, it is also about the lifestyle, personal attitude towards challenges and being a part of runners’ community. I believe in running and running helped me to believe in myself.

我半程马拉松最好成绩是1:41。目前,我正在努力提高我参加半程马拉松比赛的时间,而今年我的目标是完成全程马拉松比赛。我梦想在未来成为超级马拉松运动员。 目前,我和我的朋友们准备参加今年四月的朝鲜平壤的半程马拉松比赛。我相信,跑步不仅仅与运动有关,也与生活方式、个人对挑战的态度以及跑步社交有关。我相信跑步可以让我更加自信。









