1500字范文 > 网易云热评文案|如果你觉得撑伞没诚意 那我淋雨爱你

网易云热评文案|如果你觉得撑伞没诚意 那我淋雨爱你

时间:2022-07-09 12:50:01


网易云热评文案|如果你觉得撑伞没诚意 那我淋雨爱你

一起看晚霞 意思是我们在一起吧

Lets watch the sunset together, which means lets be together

陪我度过一整个夏天的人 也要和我一起踩着落叶走向秋天哦

The person that accompanies me to spend whole summer, also want to step on fallen leaf to go to autumn together with me

我愿意与你分享 因为你也是爱我的.

I am willing to share with you, because you also love me.

忘不掉的人像是星星 到了晚上才显得特别

People who can be forgotten are like stars. They become special only at night


A name on scratch paper means a lot

看着我 相信我 我拉你上岸 我好好爱你

Look at me. Trust me. Ill pull you out. Ill love you

愿我惦念之人远离不祥之刃 言希千万里之遥 只要岁岁平安 即使生生不见

May The people I miss be far away from the unlucky ones, and may they live and die as long as they are safe


There are people who hide their love for many years.

“想在黄昏时 带着温柔纵身越向你的星球”

"want to take a gentle plunge towards your planet at dusk. "

你眼中有星河浩瀚 山河千里 而 我眼中有你

You see the stars, you see the mountains, and I see you

你眸间温涟 藏山高水远 我的人间

Your eyes warm ripple, hidden mountains high water far, my world


Drunk people think of AH, is the sand at the bottom of the lake.

“世间变化不停 人潮川流不息 我只想每个落日身边都有你”

"The world is changing, people are Kawa no Nagare no Yō Ni, I just want you by my side every sunset. "

网易云热评文案|星星也会恐高, 只是被黑夜拖着,也就无所畏惧了

网抑云热评文案|有机会耳机分你一个 然后开启心动模式



