1500字范文 > summer holiday summer holiday加不加s

summer holiday summer holiday加不加s

时间:2020-08-02 13:10:07


summer holiday summer holiday加不加s

2. 暑假的第一项任务是放松心情,摆脱学业压力。学生们可以去海边、山区或玩乐园放松身心,寻找内心平静。当然,许多学生也喜欢呆在家里,享受一些私人时间、阅读和电影。

3. 然而,暑假并不意味着成为一名沉闷的宅男或宅女。暑假是尝试新事物和挑战自己的好机会。学生们可以尝试参加新的夏令营,学习新技能,比如做饭、绘画或学习一门新语言,这些都是提高自己技能的好方法。

4. 另外,许多学生也利用暑假积极参加志愿者工作,帮助社区、灾区和弱势群体。这样不仅可以提高社交能力,还能让学生们更好地理解社会和关注他人的需求。

5. 随之而来的问题是,如何规划好暑假的时间?首先,学生们要考虑放松和学习的时间。学生们应该智能安排时间,使得自己同时能够放松和学习。其次,学生们要着眼于自身需求、志愿者机会和旅行目的地。这需要学生们提前做好计划。

6. 如果你没有足够的时间或者财力去远足或者国外旅行,那可以考虑一些新事物或新活动。比如,去询问当地的音乐会、舞蹈表演或者当地博物馆里的举办活动;或者是去上课,关注一些免费的公共讲座;还可以尝试在家制作各种美食,体验美食的魅力等等。

7. 学生们还可以尝试利用暑假来寻找职业机会。许多学生可以找到一个允许他们和未来的工作领域有直接联系的实习。这有助于学生们了解自己是否适合相关职业,同时也可以提高学生们在这个领域的技能水平。此外,学生可以去参加招聘会或者制作个人简历,以减轻毕业后找工作的压力。

8. 在享受暑假的同时,学生们也要注意健康问题。夏季的高温天气容易引起疲劳、头晕和晒伤。因此,学生们需要尽量避免外出或者在炎热的天气下活动,保持充足的睡眠和饮食,以确保自己的身体健康。

9. 最后,暑假的时间很宝贵,不要浪费在玩游戏和上网上面。学生们可以利用这段时间来更好地了解自己、提高技能和寻找职业机会,创造有意义的回忆。

2. Summer holidays

When it comes to the phrase \"Summer holiday,\" its common to hear both \"Summer holiday\" and \"Summer holidays.\" So, which one is correct? Technically, both are correct, but there are some subtle differences in usage that you should be aware of.

1. Summer holiday

\"Summer holiday\" is typically used to describe a singular break from school, work, or regular activities that takes place during the summer months. For example, you might say \"Im taking a two-week summer holiday to visit my family in Europe.\" In this context, the speaker is referring to one specific period of time during the summer months when they will be away from their regular routine.

Its worth noting that \"Summer holiday\" is more commonly used in British English. In American English, the phrase \"Summer vacation\" is more commonly used to describe a break from school or work that takes place during the summer months.

2. Summer holidays

\"Summer holidays,\" on the other hand, is typically used to describe the season as a whole. For example, you might say \"I love the summer holidays because theres so much to do outside.\" In this context, the speaker is referring to the entire period of time during the summer months when they have more free time to engage in recreational activities.

Its worth noting that \"Summer holidays\" is more commonly used in British English. In American English, the phrase \"Summer break\" is more commonly used to describe the season as a whole.

3. Which one is more common?

As mentioned earlier, both \"Summer holiday\" and \"Summer holidays\" are technically correct, but their usage differs depending on the context and the variant of English being used. In general, \"Summer holiday\" and \"Summer holidays\" are equally common in British English, but \"Summer vacation\" is more common in American English.

4. How to choose which one to use?

When deciding whether to use \"Summer holiday\" or \"Summer holidays,\" consider the context in which you are using the phrase. If you are referring to a specific break from school or work that takes place during the summer months, use \"Summer holiday.\" If you are referring to the season as a whole and the activities that take place during that time, use \"Summer holidays.\"
