1500字范文 > my winter holiday my winter holiday英语手抄报

my winter holiday my winter holiday英语手抄报

时间:2021-02-02 09:50:10


my winter holiday my winter holiday英语手抄报

摘抄自《英语会话320句》字幕之四: ...上班

55. 今年寒假你回老家吗?Will you go back to your hometown this winter vacation?/今年不回去,我爸妈来我这过年 /No, my parents will come here for Chinese New Year.

56. 你是第一次来西班牙旅游吗?Is it the first time for you to travel Spain?/对,我一直想来巴塞罗那看看圣家堂 Yes, I've always wanted to visit the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.

57. 这双袜子破了,扔了吧 These socks have worn out. Throw them away/别扔啊,补一补还能穿 No, I won't. They are still wearable after being darned.

58. 你中文听力不错 You have good Chinese listening/每天早上,我都听中文广播 I listen to a Chinese broadcast every morning.

59. 你昨晚没睡好吧? You did sleep well last night, did you?/是啊,昨晚两点才睡,今天早晨五点多就起来了 Yes, I went bed at two o'clock and got up at five o'clock.

60. 不好意思,这么晚了还打扰你 I'm sorry to bother you so late/没事,我还在看小说呢 It's OK. I am reading a novel.

61. 你现在上大几? What's your senior year now?/大二 I'm a sophomore.

62. 暑假期间,大家抽个时间聚一下吧 Let's get together something during the summer vacation/我跟你想的一样 I have the same thought.

63. 现在的孩子,每天除了学习还是学习,真辛苦 Today's children are not easy for they have to study, study and study./学生当然应该学习啊 Students have to study.

64. 她说不能来,因为要加班 She said she couldn't come because she had to work overtime/怎么又要加班啊? 她现在这个工作太忙了 Why does he have to work overtime again? She is so busy.

65. 这儿比芝加哥冷吗?Is it cold here than Chicago?/这儿没有芝加哥那么冷 No, It's warmer here.

66.你是哪年来中国的 When did you come to China?/97年,我在北京住了二十多年了 In 1997, and I have lived in Beijing for more than 20 years.

67. 你怎么了,不舒服吗?What's matter with you? Are you feeling bad?/我好像有点发烧 I seem to have a slight fever.

68. 签证下来了吗?/Have you got your visa?/下来了 Yes, I got it.

69. 我买了两张电影票,一起去看吧 I bought two movie ticket. Let's go to see it./好啊 That's great.

70. How many people are there in your party?你们一共来几个人?/Five. 五个

71. 你家几口人?How many people are there in your Family?/五口人,还有一只猫 Five, and a cat.

72. 我们这边靠近海边,风很大We live near the sea, and it is windy here./是吗?我家那边很少刮大风 Really? My hometown Isn't like that.

73. 请你下周再来一次

Please come again next week!/好的 I will

74. 离期末考试只有两天了The finale exam is only two days

Smoothmood Winter Holiday Capsule Collection

冬季文艺少女的气质穿搭 耐看简约实穿风格展现自然舒适的时髦感

The golden words:"I get ready to exercise, travel and read on winter holiday."[赞][赞][赞][赞]


#新春庙会# #每天打卡背单词# Life is short, but there is so much

After days of winter vacation, I came back to the office to see if the green plants were all right as it is so cold and dry without anyone to take care of them for so long a time. Amazing! Unbelievable! All the plants are in wonderful condition, declaring the coming of the spring.

The arrangement for them before the vacation works!

What did I do for them?[呲牙][呲牙]

291.this is a beautiful day let‘s play outside 今天是美化的一天,咱们到外面去玩吧。let‘s

292.is she having a good time in Japan 她在日本玩的开心吗?

293.Emma is having a good time in Japan.she is talking a vacation now.

294 .Anna has lunch at a cofe every Sunday

295 duo never takes a vacation in the winter 多儿从来不在冬天度假

基础英语 第131期


When it is summer in China, Australia is winter. The winter holiday is 1____ time of the

year for most Australian students. 2_____ these days, the weather is usually_____, so they can have a good time outdoors. If one lives in a the countryside, he or she 4______ have fun playing in the fields. If one lives in a 5_____, he or she likes to go to a park to play.

Sally, an Australian girl, likes 6____ very much. She always travels in her country. But, this year she 7_____ go to China. She is interested 8_____ Chinese history very much. 9____ she is going to Beijing and Nanjing by plane. She’s sure she’ll have a _____ holiday.

( ) 1 A. best B. the best C. better

( ) 2 A. On B. At C. During

( ) 3 A. good B. rainyC. hot

( ) 4 A. should B. may C. must

( ) 5 A. city B. hotel C. country

( ) 6 A. drawing B. traveling C. to visit

( ) 7 A. planned to B. wants C. hopes to

( ) 8 A. in B. on C. to

( ) 9 A. And B. But C. So

( ) 10 A. bad B. sunny C. wonderful





1. 我希望有一天醒来,街道上车水马龙,我也不用戴口罩;

2. 好想去公园散步,看满园春色;

3. 期待可以跟好朋友聚餐;

4. 盼望可以再次漫步校园内,与同学一起学习…… 请根据以上提示,写一篇英语作文。

参考词汇:新冠病毒 novel coronavirus 疫情 epidemic situation 口罩 face masks


1. 词数: 100 词左右;

2. 作文应包含以上所有要点,可适当发挥。


What a different winter holiday we have this year! Because of the spreading of novel coronavirus, we have to put off the beginning of our school life. We have to stay at home to study online during this epidemic situation. What a pity!

I dream to hang out with my friends without wearing the face mask; I hope to go for a walk in the park, enjoying the beautiful spring; I expect to have a big meal with my relatives, sharing our unforgettable experiences; I also look forward to going back to school as soon as possible, having group discussions excitedly.

Winter has passed, spring can’t be far away. I believe we will return to our lovely school in the near future.





1. 时间副词



just now刚才

right now立刻, 马上

right away立刻, 马上



that day那天

2. 地点副词







here and there到处



3. 方式副词







4. 程度副词

描述行为、 动作或状态的程度的副词称为程度副词。

much……得多 little很少

very much很, 非常



almost几乎, 差不多

5. 频道副词








注意: 1. 频道副词总是出现在实义动词之前, 连系动词、 助动词或情态动词之后。 但sometimes有时也可置于句首或句未。

eg: His mother usually walks to work. 他的母亲通常走路上班。

She is always free during the winter vacation. 寒假期间她总是很闲。

Sometimes, computers also make mistakes. 有时, 计算机也会出错。

2. how often常用于对频率进行提问; 当仅对具体的次数提问时, 用how many times.

eg: How often does John take a bath? 约翰多久洗一次澡?

How many times does John take a bath every week? 约翰一周洗几次头


1. Uncle Tang ______ eats out because his wife always makes delicious food for him.

A. sometimes B. often C. seldom

答案: C

解析: 根据题意: “唐叔叔很少外出吃饭,因为他的妻子总是为他做美味的食物。”,应该用seldom“很少”, 才符合题意。

2. Kate was ______ late for school. The bell rang right after she entered the classroom.

A. always B. almost C. still D. already

答案: B

解析: 根据题意: “凯特上学快迟到了。她一进教室铃就响了。”, always“总是”; almost“几乎”, 符合题意; still“还”; already“已经”。






It has been more than one month since the epidemic was released, and it is believed that most people have passed the epidemic.

People start to eat out, travel, play with each others, go to work, go to school,uh... they are still on winter vacation.

It feels like that life is back to normal.

This makes me wonder, whether we can go on a trip?

I really want to go to Chiang Mai, Thailand again. The leisurely pace of life, low consumption, and many fruits are very cheap, and its delicious cup noodles are especially delicious!

All in all, probably because the first time I travel to Chiang Mai was a honeymoon trip with Mr. Zhong, so I always feel that Chiang Mai is a very beautiful place.

Now, I believe that travel to Chiang Mai with my son and daughter will be another wonderful time.

Thailand, can we arrange it one more time this year?

#从今天起记录我的# #头条创作挑战赛##今年春节在哪过#
