1500字范文 > my holiday my holiday英语作文80词

my holiday my holiday英语作文80词

时间:2022-09-23 13:44:24


my holiday my holiday英语作文80词

七年级英语上册 综合练习60

I’m Xia Lin. I’m 20. My aunt lives in Shanghai. I went to visit her with my dad in the holiday. We drove a car to Shanghai, but we didn’t know her address.Then dad called aunt, we met at the gate of a big supermarket. We were very happy to meet, because we haven’t seen for one year. On the second day, aunt took us to visit many places. In the evening, we cooked many dishes in aunt’s home. We were all excited. We sang many songs and danced in the meeting room. On the third day, we went to a park. We had a picnic in the park. We talked about our family and our lives. We were very happy. On the fourth day, dad and I left Shanghai. We made a promise, we would get together next year.

( ) 1. What did Xia Lin do on her holiday?

A. She drove a car. B. She visited her aunt. C: She was happy.

( ) 2.How did they feel when they met? They felt_____?

A. sad B. excited C: happy

( ) 3. What did they do on the evening of the second day? They _____.

A. visited many places. B.cooked many dishes at home. C: went to a park

( ) 4.When did they have a picnic? They had a picnic on _____.

A. the 2ndday B. the 3rdday C: the 4thday

( ) 5. When will we meet again?

A. Tomorrow B. Next week C: Next year


The first person I saw as soon as I returned from my holidays was my grandfather. He opened the front door for me and stood there, looking me up and down in amazement.

“Whatever’s the matter with you?” he asked.

I went straight into the living- room and sank exhausted into an armchair. It was hard to explain my appearance. It was pale, unshaven, dirty and tired out after my journey.

“I’ve been traveling on the Balkan Express,” I mumbled weakly,“and I haven’t eaten a thing for over eighteen hours. so didn’t get a seat, I spent most of my time in the corridor where I was nearly trampled to death.”

“The Balkan Express!” my grandfather exclaimed.“When I was a young man, that was a wonderful train. There was a permanent dining- car and you could get some of the best food and wine in Europe. I can even remember a time when a gypsy orchestra was employed to play to the passengers during meal- times.” He looked me up and down again, then added with a sigh,“You couldn’t best the old Balkan Express for comfort.”

“Times have changed, grandfather ”I said sadly.

“Judging from your appearance,my boy.” he answered.“They’ve changed for the worse. Now you go and have a nice hot bath and I’ll get you something warm to drink.”

My sister, her children, and my family of five went to my parents’ place on the second day of the National Holiday.

We spent three days together with my parents, my two brothers, my nephew and my niece, during which we enjoyed each other’s company and had a wonderful time.

In addition, we went to my cousin’s wedding together and met a lot of relatives and friends there.

We returned home last night. We wanted to stay with my parents for some more time, but we had to come back home at least three days in advance before October 8th due to the Covid-19 epidemic .

We are looking forward to another reunion.







When my mother and her younger sister were in Huizhou on holiday, a friend invited them to his home. He showed them around, treated them to big meals in five-star restaurants and booked rooms in a five-star hotel for them to stay for the night. He covered almost all their expenditure of the two days’ trip.

Twenty years ago when my mother was running a cloth wholesale business, she sold her goods at low prices to this friend who was still a poor young man then instead of those buyers who offered much higher prices, because of which he has been grateful to my mother.

Many years later, he became very rich. Regarding my mother as his benefactress, he keeps in touch with her, calls at her place occasionally, and is ready to warmly welcome her as well as her family and friends to his home at any time.

When talking about this friend who’s only several years older than me, my mother always says he’s a good person with a grateful heart, which reminds me of the Chinese saying “Receiving drips of water when in need, and I shall return the kindness with a spring.”





#夏日大作战# #打卡挑战局#

#欢迎光临我的生活 第一期#


My husband has been on holiday since yesterday,thus we went out and had a big meal to fulfill my son’s wish immediately. Then, we went shopping, bought some flowers to decorate our house .

We seldom had lunch outside this year due to the epidemic.

Today, we went to Huayang Lake Ecological Park. I love this kind of environment. Because there are many beautiful flowers, trees and plant, the air is really fresh and there are many boats in the lake, which allow the individuals to use by pay.

There are many families have picnic in the grass and fly kites,play sports and have some fun games.

This place is very suitable for me and my children not only because of the environment but also its catering. There are many kinds of food here, we can have whatever we want!

Here was another happy day.

Tomorrow, I will go with my son to meet my friend and we will have a big lunch as well.








#新春庙会# #从今天起记录我的# #学英语:语言文化之旅#

The New Year holiday ends today and goes to work tomorrow. In the new year, I wish myself and my family good health! Everything goes well!(新年假期今天结束,明天上班。新的一年,祝愿自己和家人身体健康!事事顺心!)



反义词: 关闭 shut

vt. 关闭;停业;幽禁

vi. 关上;停止营业

n. 关闭

adj. 关闭的;围绕的

The little boy shut the gate angrily and left.


I shut my coffee shop during the epidemic.


This street is shut during the holidays.


She shut her eyes and fell asleep at once.


Today is the first day of the National Day holiday. I got up early and went to Mount Yuntai with my father.

Dad said: "climb to choose a difficult mountain road to exercise perseverance." So we chose to go from the back mountain path. The road up the mountain was not easy to walk at first. Within a few minutes, I was sweating. The more I went up the road, the steeper I was. Later, I really "climbed" with my limbs. I accidentally got a little hurt on my foot! Although very tired, but I still insist on down to the top of the mountain.

Standing on the Yuntai Mountain, looking down, the long flowers and plants are beautiful. Among the green grass, there are colorful flowers. I lay on the soft grass exhausted, but I was very happy, because this time I chose the most difficult way to walk, and climbed up without rest. My father, who was so tired and sweaty, boasted that I was long, brave as an adult, and I was very beautiful in my heart!

Today is really a happy National Day.#英语#

All my family members find that the materials for cooking use up fast if I stay at home in all kinds of holidays and vacations.

During the workdays in each week,I have to get up early at 6:20 in the morning and hurry to work after a quick washing without breakfast. Then the whole day I am busy working just like a spinning top without much stop. When I get home ,it is usually about 8:00 in the evening,exhausted and hungry.

It is a dilemma between whether to have a good dinner or not. Sometimes I think I have had a tiring working day and I need something good to make up for what has been consumed. Sometimes I hear a voice from the bottom of my heart,“don't eat so much ,it‘s too late to eat and you can not digest the food at such late time,or you will put on much weight,which you care a lot and you need to do much exercise to lose it.”

So what is the result?I have to make a good choice. Usually I have to have a bite to keep my belief to be slim. However,I think it unfair for my family members.

When I stay at home during the holidays or the weekends,I would like to make a lot of nice food for my family. I usually plan to buy the materials for cooking and purchase them online in advance,which is really of much convenience for the busy morden people,all we have to do is to fetch them from the certain pointed spot.

I usually buy eggs,beef,pork,milk and all kinds of fresh vegetables as well as seasoning. I am willing to try all kinds of newly-cooking food by myself after watching on the Internet,although sometimes I fail to cook it as delicious as expected. The love for life makes me lively no matter what the results are.So usually I have expensive holidays and weekends.

My husband is still working on his computer. This morning, one of his co-workers called and asked him to finish some extra work.

Working from home, he is supposed to have more time at his own disposal, but he doesn’t seem to have much leisure time. He’s as busy as usual even in holidays. Poor man!



