1500字范文 > OS_windows_性能监视器资源监视器任务管理器:指标阅读与使用/关闭/调整虚拟内存/andro


时间:2018-12-28 01:02:40




windows_性能监视器&资源监视器&任务管理器:指标阅读与使用refenrencesMemory performance监控系统资源使用详情添加监视对象(属性)(以内存为例)监控内存使用实例任务管理器中的内存信息虚拟内存& committed memory(paging file)Processor(处理器)Processor Information(处理器信息)C1 TimesDPC TimeProcessor TimeProcessor PerformanceProcessor UtilityProcessor Frequency调整虚拟内存android 内存管理



How to Check Your Computer’s Memory Usage in Windows ()CPU Analysis | Microsoft DocsWindows Memory Monitoring demystified (cloudradar.io)

Memory performance

The Memory performance object consists of counters that describe the behavior ofphysicalandvirtualmemory on the computer.Physical memoryis the amount of random access memory on the computer.Virtual memoryconsists ofthe space in physical memoryand ondisk. Many of the memory counters monitorpaging, which isthe movement of pagesof code and databetween disk and physical memory.Excessive paging, asymptomof a memoryshortage, can causedelayswhich interfere with all systemprocesses.




左上:资源监视器(resmon)左下:性能监视器(perfmon)右上:一个用户程序(user program process)右下:软媒魔方-内存整理(user’s process)


what’s that value in brackets?Compressed memory? What’s that? It ‘s available only if you have turned on memory compression. It shows how much data could be compressed to save memory. Memory compression comes at the cost of CPU resources.

虚拟内存& committed memory(paging file)

The third value is the“committed memory”and it refers to the virtual memory.Virtual memoryfor your computer ishard drive space硬盘驱动器空间used by Windows whenit fills up填满 the physical RAM.It’s also called thepaging file. On Unix, they call itswap space.Thefirst valuetells you how much datahas been relocated (迁移) to diskandthesecond numberisthe reserved space on diskforthe virtual memory.The fourth value is“cached memory”. 这部分内存也是被使用了,但是仅仅用于缓存一些数据/程序来达到加速的目的当有新的进程需要请求内存时,该部分的内存可以分配给新进程,而不需要挤兑已有进程所持有的空间,这种机制提高内存的利用率,大大的好If the system hasenough free memoryapplications canuse it for caching even they don’t really need it.This memory will befreed and shiftedtoother applicationsif needed. If you havelow memory availablebuta high usage of cached memoryyou are not really low on memory.Cached memory isavailableforapplications. Next is the“paged pool” memory. This is the amount of memoryused by important operating system processes.Also calledthe kernel-mode components.That will bemoved to the pagefile if physical RAM starts to run out.The sixth and last valueis thenon-paged pool memory. It issimilartopaged pool memory.It’s the memory ifthe kernel-mode componentswhich muststay in real memoryandcannot be relocated to virtual memory on disk.简单的说,就是该空间里的数据不可调换到磁盘中(用于存放重要的系统内核组件,确保不被调出) 在操作系统中,意味着,访问该空间中的数据不会发生缺页(引发缺页中断)


TheProcessor performanceobject consists of counters that measureaspects of processor activity.The processor is the part of the computer that performsarithmeticandlogical computations,initiates operations on peripherals,and runs thethreads of processes. A computer can havemultiple processors.The processor object represents each processor as an instance of the object.

Processor Information(处理器信息)

The Processor Information performance counter set consists of counters that measureaspects of processor activity.The processor is the part of the computer that performs arithmetic and logical computations, initiates operations on peripherals, and runs the threads of processes.A computer can have multiple processors.On some computers, processors areorganizedinNUMA nodesthat share hardware resources such as physical memory.The Processor Information counter set represents each processor asa pair of numbers, wherethe first number is the NUMA node numberandthe second number is the zero-based index of the processor within that NUMA node. If the computer does not use NUMA nodes,the first number is zero.

C1 Times

% C1 Time is the percentage of time the processorspends in the C1low-power idle state.% C1 Time is asubsetof the total processor idle time.C1 low-power idle stateenables the processor tomaintainitsentire contextandquickly return to the running state.Not all systems support the % C1 state.

DPC Time

% DPC Time is the percentage of time that the processor spent receiving and servicingdeferred procedure calls(DPCs) during the sample interval.DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than standard interrupts.% DPC Time is a component of % Privileged Time because DPCs are executed in privileged mode. They are counted separately and are not a component of the interrupt counters. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.

Processor Time

% Processor Time is the percentage ofelapsed timethat the processor spends toexecuteanon-Idle thread.It is calculated by measuringthe percentage of time that the processor spends executing the idle threadand then subtracting that value from 100%.(Eachprocessorhas anidle threadto whichtimeisaccumulatedwhenno other threads are ready to run).This counter isthe primary indicator of processor activity, and displaysthe average percentageof busy timeobserved during the sample interval.It should be noted that the accounting calculation of whether the processor is idle is performed at an internal sampling interval of the systemclock tick.On todays fast processors, % Processor Time can thereforeunderestimatethe processorutilizationas the processor may bespending a lot of time servicing threads between the system clock sampling interval.Workloadbased timer applications are one example of applications which aremore likely to be measured inaccuratelyas timers aresignaled just after the sample is taken.

Processor Performance

Processor Performanceisthe average performanceof the processor while it isexecuting instructions, as apercentageofthe nominal performance(标称性能)of the processor. 根据后面对ProcessorFrequncy的描述,该指标应该是频率(当前工作频率相对于标称频率的百分比) On some processors,Processor Performance may exceed 100%.Some processors are capable ofregulatingtheir frequency outside ofthe control of Windows.Processor Performance will accurately reflect the performance of these processors.

Processor Utility

Processor Utilityisthe amount of worka processor iscompleting, as apercentageof the amount of work the processor could completeif it were running at its nominal performance and never idle.On some processors,Processor Utility may exceed 100%.

Processor Frequency

Processor Frequencyis thefrequencyof the current processor inmegahertz(兆赫;百万赫兹).Some processors are capable of regulating their frequencyoutside of the control of Windows.Processor Frequency willnot accuratelyreflect actual processor frequency on these systems.Use %Processor Performanceinstead.


windows 希望至少分配400MB的虚拟内存用于系统记录错误

android 内存管理

android 内存管理

