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计算机科学导论第12版答案 计算机科学导论第12章参考答案.pdf

时间:2019-06-14 18:33:45


计算机科学导论第12版答案 计算机科学导论第12章参考答案.pdf



Abstract Data Types

Review Questions

1. An abstract data type is a data declaration packaged together with the operations

that are meaningful for the data type with the implementation hidden from the user.

3. A linear list is a list in which each element has a unique successor.

5. Two common implementations of a general list are an array and a linked list.

7. A push operation adds an element to the top of the stack while a pop operation

removes an element from the top of the stack. A push can put the stack in an over-

flow condition while a pop can put the stack in an underflow condition.

9. The enqueue operation adds an element to the rear of a queue. The dequeue opera-

tion removes the element at the front of the queue. The enqueue operation could

put the queue in an overflow state while the dequeue could put the queue in an

underflow state.

11. A depth first traversal processes all of the nodes in one subtree before processing

all of the nodes in the other subtree. In a breadth first traversal, all the nodes at one

level are processed before moving on to the next level.

13. In a depth-first traversal, all of a vertex's descendents are processed before moving

to an adjacent vertex. In a breadth-first traversal, all adjacent vertices of a vertex

are processed before going to the next level.

15. A network is a graph with weighted lines.

Multiple-Choice Questions

17. d

19. c

21. a
