1500字范文 > node.js 程序_如何不使用外部程序包创建Node.js Web应用程序

node.js 程序_如何不使用外部程序包创建Node.js Web应用程序

时间:2020-07-09 10:26:18


node.js 程序_如何不使用外部程序包创建Node.js Web应用程序

node.js 程序

by Abhinav Pandey

通过Abhinav Pandey

如何不使用外部程序包创建Node.js Web应用程序 (How to create a Node.js web app using no external packages)

没有框架,没有NPM,没有Package.json,没有多余的装饰 (No frameworks, no NPM, no Package.json, no frills)

In this post, we willdive deep inside Node.js fundamentalsby creating a Node.js web app without any external packages. We will cover core concepts likestreams, events, exceptions, HTTPetc.

在本文中,我们将通过创建一个没有任何外部包的Node.js Web应用程序来深入探究Node.js的基础知识。 我们将涵盖流,事件,异常,HTTP等核心概念。

Currently, whenever we say we are going to implement a service in Node.js, most of the time we are going to use Express or other 3rd party libraries to implement our functionality. And I am not going to say there is any harm in doing that. These libraries provide necessary abstraction over redundant concepts which make us efficient.

当前,每当我们说要在Node.js中实现服务时,大多数时候我们将使用Express或其他第三方库来实现我们的功能。 而且我不会说这样做有任何危害。 这些库提供了使我们高效的冗余概念的必要抽象。

But with greater abstraction, the low-level logic of your program is hidden from you. As a result, we’re not able to develop a clear picture of how our business logic interacts with Node.js.

但是有了更大的抽象,您的程序的底层逻辑就被隐藏了。 结果,我们无法清楚地了解我们的业务逻辑如何与Node.js交互。

But as Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js said:

但是正如Node.js的创建者Ryan Dahl所说:

You can never understand everything. But, you should push yourself to understand the system.
您永远无法理解一切。 但是,您应该推动自己去理解系统。

We will push ourselves to form this clear picture in entirety.


So, let’s build a raw HTTP Node.js application with no Framework, no NPM, and no Package.json.

因此,让我们构建一个没有框架,没有NPM,也没有Package.json的原始HTTP Node.js应用程序。

We will build an app that will:




Create aServer instance


Attach listenersto therequestevent of the server object


Parse request bodyandheaders


Sending Responseto the client.


Handle error eventsat request and response streams.


But, here is the catch ;)


We will do all of it from scratch with just


a terminal,and




Yes!! We will usenobody else’s framework,nobody else’s librariesjustraw JavaScriptand coreNode.js runtime.

是!! 我们将使用其他人的框架其他人的库仅使用原始JavaScript和核心Node.js运行时

Let’s Begin!


Before creating an HTTP server, let’s clear up the necessary concept of an HTTP module in Node.js.


What is HTTP?


httpin Node.js is an inbuilt module that allows client-server communication via HTTP protocol. This module provides an interface to create either an HTTP client or HTTP server that can communicate with other HTTP servers or clients.

Node.js中的http是一个内置模块,允许通过HTTP协议进行客户端-服务器通信。 该模块提供了一个接口,以创建可以与其他HTTP服务器或客户端进行通信的HTTP客户端或HTTP服务器。

And to make this communication space efficient, anhttpmodule providesstreamingofdata using stream interface. And since stream passes data in chunks, that means Node.js never buffers the entire request or response at once in the memory. We will come tostreamssoon.

而为了让这个通信节省空间,一个http模块提供的数据使用流接口。 而且由于流将数据分块传递,这意味着Node.js永远不会在内存中一次缓冲整个请求或响应。 我们将很快来到

So for our app, we will use thishttpinterface to create an HTTP server that will listen to a particular port and give data back to the user.


导入HTTP模块 (Importing the HTTP module)

To use either thehttpserver or client you must requirehttpmodule.


var http = require(“http”);

Now let us see how the above line actually works:


For loading an instance of a particular module in our runtime, Node.js provides us arequirevariable which is globally accessible. We use that globally definedrequirevariable and tell Node to load thehttpmodule (by passing'http'as the only param to therequirefunction call).

为了在运行时中加载特定模块的实例,Node.js向我们提供了一个require变量,该变量可以全局访问。 我们使用全局定义的require变量,并告诉Node加载http模块(通过将'http'作为对require函数调用的唯一参数)。

There is a list of other globally available Node.js objects that you can check out in node REPL( by pressing <tab> twice).


But the 2 most important for our use are:




Themodule(in-depth explanation in the next article)


(We do not need torequire(‘require’)orrequire (‘module’)as they are global ).

(我们不需要require('require')require ('module')因为它们是global)。

How doesrequirework?


At runtime when Node.js invokes arequirecall (require(‘./path/to/fileName’), it searches for a file with a name the same as what’s provided in the only parameter to the require function call.

在运行时,当Node.js调用require调用(require('./ path / to / fileName')时,它将搜索名称与require函数调用唯一参数中提供的名称相同的文件。

And once the file name matches, Node.js checks for 3 types of extensions:


.js— Node.js looks for “fileName.js” at the specified path to load as js script.

.js— Node.js在指定路径下查找“ fileName.js”,以作为js脚本加载。

.json— If Node.js finds “filename.json” file at the specified path it loads a file with the name corresponding to the value of the ‘main’ key in the JSON file.

.json—如果Node.js在指定路径下找到“ filename.json”文件,它将加载一个名称与JSON文件中“ main”键值相对应的文件。

.node— Node.js loads binary addons with name fileName.node at the specified path.

.node— Node.js在指定路径加载名称为fileName.node的二进制插件。

创建一个服务器实例(Create aServer instance)

Now that we have included thehttpmodule, we need to create an HTTP web server object. This can be done by using thecreateServermethod on thehttpmodule.

现在我们已经包含了http模块,我们需要创建一个HTTP Web服务器对象。 这可以通过使用http模块上的createServer方法来完成。

TocreateServermethod, we pass a callback function which is called every time a request is received on the server.


ThiscreateServermethod returns a server object that we store in the variableapp. This server object is an event emitter.

createServer方法返回一个服务器对象,该对象存储在变量app。 该服务器对象是事件发射器。

Okay wait, what is anevent emitter?

好吧,什么是event emitter

Let’s look a bit into the namedeventandemitterobjects.


Much of the Node.js core APIs are built around an event-driven architecture. Certain kinds of objects (called “emitters”) can cause some Function (“listeners”) to be called by emitting any “named” events.

许多Node.js核心API都是基于事件驱动的体系结构构建的。 某些类型的对象(称为“发射器”)可以通过发出任何“命名”事件来导致某些功能(“侦听器”)被调用。

Let us see an example to get the hang of it.


Output :Called namedEvent in myEventObject’s attached listner

输出:Called namedEvent in myEventObject's attached listner



In the above example, we saw thenamedEventhas a listener (a function) attached to it. By attached, we mean the listener is called after it hears the named event. So the listener prints the output on the console screen when the emitters object emitsnamedEvent.

在上面的示例中,我们看到namedEvent了一个侦听器(一个函数)。 所谓附加,是指侦听器在听到命名事件之后被调用。 因此,当发射器对象发出namedEvent时,侦听器在控制台屏幕上打印输出。

Apart from attaching the listeners, theeventEmitterobject provides many other properties and functions such as


you can get the count of the total number of listeners attached to a named event, or您可以获得连接到命名事件的侦听器总数的计数,或者 you can also remove a Listener attached to the events.您还可以删除附加到事件的侦听器。

You can refer to theNode.js official docsfor more detailed information about events in Node.js.


Moving back to our example…


Our web server object is also like all other emitter objects implementing event emitter interfaces. It also emits different kinds of named events.

我们的Web服务器对象也与实现事件发射器接口的所有其他发射器对象一样。 它还发出不同种类的命名事件。

Some of them are the following:


connect— raised for all the ‘connect’ request by the HTTP client.


connection— Emitted when a new TCP stream is established. Provide access to the socket established.

connection-建立新的TCP流时发出。 提供对建立的套接字的访问。

request— Emitted for Each request from the client (We would listen here).


upgrade— emitted each time a client requests an upgrade of the protocol (can be HTTP version).


You can get the complete list of events emitted by our web server from the official Node.js docs.


监听请求事件 (Listening to the request event)

Now since our server needs to listen to the incoming request, we will listen to therequestevent of our HTTP server.


Code Sample:


In the 3rd line, a listener function is attached to listen to all therequestevents on our server object.


Therequestevent provides the listener function with 2 parameters which are:


request— an instance of http.incomingMessage object and

request— http.incomingMessage对象的实例,以及

response— an instance of http.ServerResponse object.

response— http.ServerResponse对象的实例。

Theserequestandresponseobjects have properties and methods that they inherit from thehttp.incomingMessageandhttp.ServerResponseclasses, respectively.


解析请求正文标头(Parse request bodyandheaders)

Now that we have access torequestandresponseobject…


The first few things that you might want to know about incoming requests are theURL, method, and Headers. Node.js makes it very easy byattaching them as propertiesto therequestobject (passed as the first parameter for the listener ofrequestevent).

您可能想了解传入请求的前几件事是URL,方法和Headers。 通过将它们作为属性附加request对象(作为request事件的侦听器的第一个参数传递),Node.js使其变得非常容易。

You can de-structure the request object to get them out like this:


const {headers, url, method } = request;

const {headers, url, method } = request;

headerspassed in request are present as an independent object inside therequestobject (secret : they are all in lower-case).


After looking at thehttpmethod, in case of a PUT or POST request, we are interested in looking at thedatasent in the request body.


But to take the data out of the request body we need to know a few key points about the request object.


Request Object — a readable stream


Therequestobject that’s passed into the handler also implements the readable stream interface. This means that ourrequestobject is a stream that can belistened toorpipedelsewhere to grab the data that is flowing into it. We will also grab the data right out of therequeststream by listening to the stream’sdataandendevents.

传递到处理程序中的request对象还实现了可读流接口。 这意味着我们的request对象是一个流,可以在其他地方监听或通过管道传输以获取流入其中的数据。 我们还将通过侦听request流的dataend事件,从request流中直接获取数据。

Different kinds of data may be passed to our server, but to keep it simple we will be passing only the string in the body.


To use that data we need toparseit, so we will be using thedataandendevent of the readable stream which is implemented by ourrequestobject as mentioned earlier.


On eachdataevent, thereadable stream passes data as a buffer chunk.We will be appending all the chunks in an empty array. And at theendevent we willconcat and stringify the arrayto get the cumulative body.

在每个data事件中,可读流将数据作为缓冲区块传递。我们将所有块附加到一个空数组中。 并在end时,我们将Concat的和字符串化阵列以获得累积体。

So here is the code up until now:


将响应发送给客户端。(Sending the Response to the client.)

After collecting data from the HTTP request we need to give an appropriate response to the client. But since therequestobject implements a readable stream only,we need a writable stream where we can write out our response.

从HTTP请求中收集数据后,我们需要对客户端进行适当的响应。 但是由于request对象仅实现可读流,因此我们需要可写流,在其中可以写出响应。

Response Object — a writable stream


For doing so, Node.js provide us with a 2nd parameter that is theresponseobject to therequestevent listener.


By using theresponseobject, we can set HTTP status code, set headers, and write content in the write stream of the response object.


Although if you do not set the response code explicitly, then Node.js itself sets it to 200. But as complexity increases you will want to set the desiredstatusCodeof the HTTP response.


Implicit headers setting


You canset, getandremoveheaders to the response usingsetHeader(name, value),getHeader(name), andremoveHeader(name)API.

您可以使用setHeader(name, value)getHeader(name)removeHeader(name)API设置,获取删除响应的标头。

Code Sample:


When using the abovesetHeader()method for setting headers, we are depending on Node.js toimplicitlyset the response headers before sending the response body.


Toset headersand status codeexplicitly,we have aresponse.writeHead()method.


Code Sample:


While explicitly setting headers we should keep in mind thatheaders come before the body in the HTTP response. That is, we should prefer using thewriteHead()method before writing anything to the response body.

在显式设置标头时,我们应记住,标头位于HTTP响应的主体之前。 也就是说,在将任何内容写入响应主体之前,我们应该首选使用writeHead()方法。

Now let us see how we can write data to a response.


Since the response object is a writable stream object, we just need to usewrite streammethods to write data chunks into the HTTP response object.


Code Sample:


After writing to the response stream, we need toclose the streamso that Node.js gets to know that it’s time to send the response back to the client.


.end()method allows us toclosetheHTTPconnectionthat was set up at the time of the request hitting our server. Theend()method also accepts a last string to be written before closing the connection.


If we do not use the end method, Node.js will write data to the write stream and wait…


…until the defaulttimeout in the serverobjectexpires.That is, for any request,Node.js only waits for a fixed time(which is specified in the server object)before closing the connection. And once the connection is closed (either manually usingend()or the timeout expires),Node frees up all the allocated resources immediately.

…直到服务器对象中的默认超时到期。也就是说,对于任何请求,Node.js仅在关闭连接之前等待固定时间(在服务器对象中指定)。 一旦关闭连接(手动使用end()或超时到期),Node就会立即释放所有分配的资源

You can set or change the timeout usingserver.setTimeout([msecs][, callback]).

您可以使用server.setTimeout([msecs][, callback])设置或更改超时。

To disable the timeout, you can set the timeout value to 0. But as the timeout is assigned at the time of forming a new connection, thetimeout will only be updated for upcoming new connections.


Now that we have written our response, our server should work fine.


但是,当我们的服务器遇到异常时会发生什么? (But, what will happen when our server encounters an exception?)

We need to hear theerrorevents ofrequestandresponsestreams. Anerrorevent is raised every time an exception occurs. You can try to avoid it but they do come and we have to catch and handle them properly.

我们需要听到requestresponse流的error事件。 每次发生异常时都会引发一个error事件。 您可以尝试避免它,但是它们确实来了,我们必须抓住并正确处理它们。

But how?


We will handle themby attaching error handlersto theerrorevents ofrequestandresponsestreams.




Here we are catching all theerrorevents ofrequestandresponsestreams and just logging them into the console. You can also useutilinstead of theconsolein the production environment (although in production it’s advised to inspect errors properly).

在这里,我们捕获了requestresponse流的所有error事件,并将它们记录到控制台中。 您还可以在生产环境中使用util而不是console(尽管建议在生产环境中正确检查错误)。

Now let us have a look at the code sample we have up til now.


Okay so our server is capable of the following things at this point:




create aServer instance


Attach listenersto therequestevent of server object


Parse request bodyandheaders


Write the responseto response Stream


Handle error eventsat request and response streams.


By now we have made our server object capable of taking head on to new connections but we have not told it where to listen for new connections. That is, this server object also needs to be bound to a particular port so that our server can have access to all the incoming requests at that port.

到现在为止,我们已经使服务器对象能够进行新连接,但是我们还没有告诉它在哪里监听新连接。 也就是说,该服务器对象还需要绑定到特定端口,以便我们的服务器可以访问该端口上的所有传入请求。

To do so we will use the.listenmethod of our HTTP server object,.listen(PORT , CB).

为此,我们将使用HTTP服务器对象.listen(PORT , CB)..listen方法.listen(PORT , CB).

@params PORT is the port number where we want our server to listen.

@params PORT是我们希望服务器监听的端口号。

@params Callback is called once the server starts listening.


Code Sample:


By now our server is ready to receive requests.


Let us run our Node.js app:


node app.js

And hit our server with the following curl on a terminal:


curl -d “Hello World” -H “Content-Type: text” -X POST http://localhost:8008

WooHoo!! Congratulations, You have created a Node.js app without any external packages.

呜呜! 恭喜,您已经创建了一个没有任何外部程序包的Node.js应用程序。

It is wonderfully applaudable that you stayed this long.


If you are willing to learn more about the Node.js core like this, then let me know by bursting the claps counts to 50.


In the next articles, we will continue building over this basic app and add other critical features ofrouting, middleware, error handlingetc. Get notified by following me here on Medium.


I have tried to make this article as complete as possible. If you have any ideas that could make it better, please mention in your valuable comments.

我试图使本文尽可能完整。 如果您有任何可以改善的想法,请在有价值的评论中提及。

You can connect me via gmail or tweet me here.


Thank you so much for your love! Pardon my mistakes, you have been a wonderful audience.

非常感谢您的爱! 请原谅我的错误,您真是一个很棒的听众。

翻译自: /news/a-no-frills-guide-to-node-js-how-to-create-a-node-js-web-app-without-external-packages-a7b480b966d2/

node.js 程序
