1500字范文 > 如何在Photoshop中合并图层


时间:2022-01-19 14:38:12



Layers are an essential part of the Photoshop image editing experience, allowing you to keep different parts of your canvas (like text or shapes) separate. You may need to occasionally merge layers during your editing, however. Here’s how.

图层是Photoshop图像编辑体验的重要组成部分,可让您将画布的不同部分(例如文本或形状)分开。 但是,您可能需要在编辑过程中偶尔合并图层。 这是如何做。

If you can’t find the Layers panel in the menu on the right of the Photoshop window, you’ll need to restore it. You can make sure the“Layers” menu panel is visible by clicking Window > Layers or pressing F7 on your keyboard.

如果在Photoshop窗口右侧的菜单中找不到“图层”面板 ,则需要对其进行还原。 您可以通过单击窗口>图层或按键盘上的F7来确保“图层”菜单面板可见。

在Photoshop中合并图层 (Merging Layers in Photoshop)

There are a few ways to merge layers in Photoshop, but the simplest is to merge several layers together. This process takes your currently selected layers and combines them—any changes you make to that layer will now affect all of the merged components.

在Photoshop中有几种合并图层的方法,但是最简单的方法是将多个图层合并在一起。 该过程将您当前选择的图层合并在一起,您对该图层所做的任何更改现在都将影响所有合并的组件。

If you can’t see the Layers menu panel, press F7 on your keyboard or click Windows > Layers.


To merge selected layers in Photoshop together, you’ll need to select the layers you wish to merge in the Layers panel on the right, holding the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select more than one layer at a time.


Once your layers are selected, right-click one of the selected layers and press “Merge Layers” or “Merge Shapes”, depending on the type of layers.


Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+E on your keyboard.

或者,您可以按键盘上的Ctrl + E。

This option won’t be visible for certain layers (like text boxes) when you right-click. Instead, you’ll need to press the Layers panel options menu in the top-right corner.

右键单击时,此选项对于某些图层(如文本框)不可见。 相反,您需要按右上角的“图层”面板选项菜单。

From here, press “Merge Layers” or “Merge Shapes” to merge your selected layers together.


合并所有可见层 (Merging All Visible Layers)

Photoshop allows you to hide certain layers from view. You can do this by pressing the Eye symbol icon next to a layer in the Layers panel on the right.

Photoshop允许您从视图中隐藏某些图层。 您可以通过在右侧的“图层”面板中按图层旁边的“眼睛”符号图标来执行此操作。

If the Layers panel isn’t visible, click Windows > Layers or press F7 on your keyboard.


Hidden layers will appear with a black box icon, while visible layers will appear with the Eye symbol. With certain layers hidden, you can then merge all visible layers together.

隐藏的图层将带有黑框图标,而可见的图层将带有“眼睛”符号出现。 隐藏某些图层后,您可以将所有可见图层合并在一起。

To do this, hide the layers you wish to leave untouched, right-click one of the visible layers (or press the Layers panel options menu button in the top-right), and then press the “Merge Visible” option.


You can also press the Shift + Ctrl + E keys on your keyboard to quickly perform this type of layer merge.

您也可以按键盘上的Shift + Ctrl + E键快速执行此类型的图层合并。

展平Photoshop中的所有图层 (Flattening All Layers in Photoshop)

Only certain types of image files allow you to use layers. Photoshop files in the PSD format support layers, but other image types like JPG or PNG do not.

仅某些类型的图像文件允许您使用图层。 PSD格式的Photoshop文件支持图层,但其他图像类型(如JPG或PNG)不支持。

Using layers makes it easier to edit your image, but if you prefer, you can merge all of your layers together. Photoshop will do this automatically if you save your image as a PNG or JPG file, but if you want to do it manually, you can.

使用图层可以更轻松地编辑图像,但是,如果愿意,可以将所有图层合并在一起。 如果将图像另存为PNG或JPG文件,Photoshop会自动执行此操作,但是如果您要手动进行操作,则可以。

To do so, make sure the Layers panel is visible by pressing F7 or clicking Windows > Layers. You’ll also need to make sure that all hidden layers are visible—these will otherwise be ignored and removed.

为此,请按F7或单击Windows>“图层”,确保“图层”面板可见。 您还需要确保所有隐藏的图层都是可见的,否则将忽略这些图层并将其删除。

To make any hidden layer visible, press the sunken square icon next to the layer in the Layers panel.


If your layers are visible (or you’re happy to discard hidden layers), right-click any layer in the Layers panel or press the Layers panel options menu button in the top-right.


From here, click the “Flatten Image” option.


If you have any hidden layers, you’ll need to confirm whether or not you wish to discard them. Press “OK” to do so or “Cancel” to stop the process.

如果您有任何隐藏层,则需要确认是否要丢弃它们。 按“确定”执行此操作,或按“取消”停止该过程。

If you choose “OK” or if all of your layers are visible before you begin, your layerswill merge together and you’ll no longer be able to move or edit individual items.


If you want to undo this, simply press Ctrl + Z on your keyboard immediately after you merge the layers together or press Edit > Undo instead.

如果要撤消此操作,只需在将图层合并在一起后立即按键盘上的Ctrl + Z或按Edit> Undo。

翻译自: /662324/how-to-merge-layers-in-photoshop/
