1500字范文 > 如何在ubuntu18中设置nvidia显卡风扇转速 fan speed linux

如何在ubuntu18中设置nvidia显卡风扇转速 fan speed linux

时间:2023-06-27 04:57:10


如何在ubuntu18中设置nvidia显卡风扇转速 fan speed linux


How to control Nvidia graphics card Fan Speed Automatically in Linux

1.Controlling fan speed Manually (Mandatory configuration changes)

Nvidia doesn’t enable this feature by default and it’s on the user to enable it using the command line.

Back in the days, it used to be nvclock but the support was dropped in . Here’s a short guide on how to control the fan using Nvidia X Server Settings.

The ‘Nvidia X server Settings’ application is installed along with the proprietary driver.The following command needs to be executed in Terminal to enable fan control in Nvidia X server Settings:


sudo nvidia-xconfig -a --cool-bits=28 --allow-empty-initial-configuration

Note that this might not work on some distributions and you may be required to edit /etc/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf and add the following lines:


Section "Device"# You may change the identifier number to your use case.Identifier"Device0"Driver "nvidia"BoardName"GeForce GTX"VendorName"NVIDIA Corporation"Option "Coolbits" "28"EndSection

Note: You may want to change the Coolbits value to your own needs. The reference sheet is available at /XFree86/Linux-…But it’s recommended to keep it at 28 to enable all the features.

After this, a reboot or a logout is required to apply the changes.


After the reboot/login, open the NVIDIA X Server Settings application

nvidia xserver powermizer

Go to the ‘Thermal Settings’ section and you can control the fan speed by your own hands:

controlling fan speed in nvidia xserver settings

