1500字范文 > python生成epub文件_将'epub'文件转换为文本


时间:2021-02-19 04:21:36




No further development will occur in this package as it has been supeseded by the actively maintained and quite spiffy! epubr package.


Convert ‘epub’ Files to Text


Convert ‘epub’ Files to Text

The ‘epub’ file format is really just a structured ‘ZIP’ archive with metadata, graphics and (usually) ‘HTML’ text. Tools are provided to turn an ‘epub’ file into a tidy data frame.

What’s Inside The Tin

The following functions are implemented:

epub_to_text: Convert an epub file into a data frame of plaintext chapters


There are edge cases I’ve totally not covered yet. Feel free to jump in and make this a real, useful package!


Refactor so there aren’t so many heavy dependencies

[ ] Try to get

hgr on CRAN so it’s not a GH dep Moved the cleaner code into here

Better docs

Embed some epubs for examples and tests

Setup Travis, Appveyor, code coverage






# current verison


## [1] '0.1.0'

An O’Reilly epub

epub_to_text("~/Data/R Packages.epub")

## # A tibble: 26 x 4

## path size date content


## 1 OEBPS/cover.html 315 -03-24 21:49:16 Cover

## 2 OEBPS/titlepage01.html 466 -03-24 21:49:16 "R Packages\n\nHadley Wickham"

## 3 OEBPS/copyright-page01.html 3286 -03-24 21:49:16 "R Packages\n\nby Hadley Wickham\n\n\n\nPrinted in the Unite…

## 4 OEBPS/toc01.html 17557 -03-24 21:49:16 "navPrefaceIn This Book\n\nConventions Used in This Book\n\nU…

## 5 OEBPS/preface01.html 17784 -03-24 21:49:16 "Preface\n\n\nIn This Book\n\nThis book will guide you from b…

## 6 OEBPS/part01.html 444 -03-24 21:49:16 Getting Started

## 7 OEBPS/ch01.html 1 -03-24 21:49:16 "Introduction\n\nIn R, the fundamental unit of shareable code…

## 8 OEBPS/ch02.html 28633 -03-24 21:49:18 "Package Structure\n\nThis chapter will start you on the road…

## 9 OEBPS/part02.html 454 -03-24 21:49:18 Package Components

## 10 OEBPS/ch03.html 28629 -03-24 21:49:18 "R Code\n\nThe first principle of using a package is that all…

## # ... with 16 more rows

A Project Gutenberg epub that comes with the package

epub_to_text(system.file("extdat", "augustine.epub", package="pubcrawl")) %>%

mutate(path = abbreviate(path))

## # A tibble: 10 x 4

## path size date content


## 1 OEBPS/@@@@@@@3296@3296-@3296--0 63804 -10-02 07:00:00 "THE CONFESSIONS\nOF\nSAINT AUGUSTINE\n\nBy Saint Augusti…

## 2 OEBPS/@@@@@@@3296@3296-@3296--1 68504 -10-02 07:00:00 "BOOK III\nTo Carthage I came, where there sang all aroun…

## 3 OEBPS/@@@@@@@3296@3296-@3296--2 80192 -10-02 07:00:00 "BOOK V\nAccept the sacrifice of my confessions from the …

## 4 OEBPS/@@@@@@@3296@3296-@3296--3 51898 -10-02 07:00:00 "O crooked paths! Woe to the audacious soul, which hoped,…

## 5 OEBPS/@@@@@@@3296@3296-@3296--4 80194 -10-02 07:00:00 "Anubis, barking Deity, and all The monster Gods …

## 6 OEBPS/@@@@@@@3296@3296-@3296--5 80718 -10-02 07:00:00 "The boy then being stilled from weeping, Euodius took up…

## 7 OEBPS/@@@@@@@3296@3296-@3296--6 65956 -10-02 07:00:00 "And Thou knowest how far Thou hast already changed me, w…

## 8 OEBPS/@@@@@@@3296@3296-@3296--7 57022 -10-02 07:00:00 "BOOK XII\nMy heart, O Lord, touched with the words of Th…

## 9 OEBPS/@@@@@@@3296@3296-@3296--8 69513 -10-02 07:00:00 "BOOK XIII\nI call upon Thee, O my God, my mercy, Who cre…

## 10 OEBPS/@@@@@@@3296@3296-@3296--9 21223 -10-02 07:00:00 "The Confessions of Saint Augustine, by Saint Augustine\n…

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