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xarray官方文档 学习笔记(序章)

时间:2019-10-11 19:44:19


xarray官方文档 学习笔记(序章)









xarray: N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python


xarray(formerlyxray) is an open source project and Python package that aims to bring the labeled data power of pandas to the physical sciences,by providing N-dimensional variants of the core pandas data structures.


Our goal is to provide a pandas-like and pandas-compatible toolkit for analytics on multi-dimensional arrays, rather than the tabular data for which pandas excels. Our approach adopts the Common Data Model for self-describing scientific data in widespread use in the Earth sciences:xarray.Datasetis an in-memory representation of a netCDF file.

我们的目标是建立一个类似pandas并可兼容pandas的工具,用于分析多维array数组,而不是pandas擅长的表格数据。我们的方法吸收了一个用于实现科学数据自我描述的基础数据模型(common data model),它广泛应用于地球科学的数据处理中:xarray.Dataset在内存中代表一个netCDF格式的文件。

Documentation 文档目录

Getting Started 天才第一步!

Overview: Why xarray? 概述

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Examples 案例

Installation 安装

User Guide 使用指南

Data Structures 数据结构

Indexing and selecting data 数据索引的编制、筛选

Interpolating data 数据的插值

Computation 计算

GroupBy: split-apply-combine 分割/应用(看了下,大概是函数计算)/结合

Reshaping and reorganizing data 重新组合

Combining data 合并数据

Time series data 时间序列

Working with pandas 与pandas联用

Serialization and IO 系列化/输入输出

Parallel computing with dask 使用dask库的平行计算

Plotting 制图

Help & reference 帮助与参考文献

What’s NewAPI referencexarray InternalsContributing to xarray

See also

Stephan Hoyer and Joe Hamman’s Journal of Open Research Software paper describing the xarray project. 描述xarray项目的论文

The UW eScience Institute’s Geohackweek tutorial on xarray for geospatial data scientists. 针对地理空间数据科学家的教程

Stephan Hoyer’s SciPy talk introducing xarray to a general audience. 一般教程

Stephan Hoyer’s Unidata Users Workshop talk and tutorial (with answers) introducing xarray to users familiar with netCDF. 针对netCDF使用者的xarray介绍!

Nicolas Fauchereau’s tutorial on xarray for netCDF users. 针对netCDF使用者的xarray教程!

Get in touch 提问的途径

Ask usage questions (“How do I?”) on StackOverflow.

Report bugs, suggest features or view the source code on GitHub.For less well defined questions or ideas, or to announce other projects of interest to xarray users, use the mailing list.


xarray is available under the open source Apache License. xarray的开源协议是apache协议。


xarray is an evolution of an internal tool developed at The Climate Corporation. It was originally written by Climate Corp researchers StephanHoyer, Alex Kleeman and Eugene Brevdo and was released as open source inMay . The project was renamed from “xray” in January .
