1500字范文 > 物联网技术发展前景_3种推动物联网发展的技术


时间:2022-06-21 07:41:04




The Internet of Things (IoT) is beginning to take the world by storm, but it is three other technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and fog computing, which are helping to drive its development and make it even more useful. When these technologies are combined, they are able to radically transform what IoT is capable of. Here, we’ll look at each of these technologies to show their importance for IoT development.

物联网(IoT)开始席卷全球,但其他三项技术(人工智能(AI),区块链和雾计算)正在帮助推动其发展并使其更加有用。 当这些技术结合在一起时,它们就能从根本上改变物联网的功能。 在这里,我们将研究每种技术,以显示它们对物联网开发的重要性。

人工智能和物联网(AI and the IoT)

IoT devices are often referred to as smart devices. But actually, on their own, they are not that smart. They can take sensory readings, share that information through their internet connection and follow preprogrammed instructions or carry out tasks that are sent to them.

物联网设备通常被称为智能设备。 但是实际上,靠他们自己,他们并不那么聪明。 他们可以进行感官阅读,通过互联网连接共享该信息,并遵循预编程的说明或执行发送给他们的任务。

To make them truly smart, AI is needed to analyse all the data that IoT devices collect. And they can be made even smarter when machine learning is used as it gives them the ‘intelligence’ to make informed decisions based on previous learning. In this sense, IoT devices are like primitive animals which can sense and act, however, when AI technology is added, it is like giving them a brain.

为了使它们真正智能,需要AI分析物联网设备收集的所有数据。 使用机器学习时,他们甚至可以变得更加聪明,因为它使他们具有“智能”,可以根据先前的学习做出明智的决策。 从这个意义上讲,物联网设备就像可以感知并行动的原始动物,但是,当添加人工智能技术时,就像给它们提供了大脑。

Combining IoT and AI offers enormous potential. In the NHS, for example, it will enable patients at home to use IoT devices to monitor a range of important health factors, such as blood pleasure, heart rate and blood sugar levels which can enable IoT-AI systems to remotely diagnose issues and advise the patient about any changes they need to make with regard to lifestyle or medication. They can also be used to trigger emergency call outs or community nurse visits if needed.

物联网和人工智能的结合提供了巨大的潜力。 例如,在NHS中,它将使患者在家中使用IoT设备来监视一系列重要的健康因素,例如血液愉悦,心率和血糖水平,这些因素可使IoT-AI系统远程诊断问题并提供建议关于患者在生活方式或药物方面需要进行的任何更改。 如果需要,它们还可以用于触发紧急呼叫或社区护士就诊。

In industry, the use of IoT devices to monitor the health of critical equipment enables AI to predict when maintenance issues will arise. This means enterprises can undertake preventative measures to stop breakdowns happening before they occur and this ensures that operations can carry on without interruption. This can be applied in places such as datacentres, manufacturing plants and nuclear power plants. It’s already being used by both Boeing and Rolls Royce to monitor aircraft engines during flight.

在行业中,使用IoT设备监视关键设备的运行状况使AI能够预测何时会出现维护问题。 这意味着企业可以采取预防措施,以在故障发生之前将其停止,从而确保操作能够持续进行而不会中断。 这可以应用于数据中心,制造工厂和核电站等地方。 波音和劳斯莱斯已经在使用它来监视飞行过程中的飞机发动机。

区块链和物联网(Blockchain and IoT)

By combining blockchain technology with IoT, enterprises and their customers are able to guarantee that data is authentic and that products and their components are genuine. For example, when using IoT devices to track goods through the manufacturing process, each component can be given a unique digital ID enabling its history and movements to be stored in indelible, tamper-proof blockchain repositories. As a result, businesses and consumers can be assured the product is as described. For example, someone buying a computer could be confident that the components inside were not counterfeits or someone buying oranges could ensure that they were organically grown.

通过将区块链技术与物联网相结合,企业及其客户能够保证数据是真实的,产品及其组件是真实的。 例如,当使用IoT设备在整个制造过程中跟踪货物时,可以为每个组件赋予唯一的数字ID,从而将其历史和活动存储在不可磨灭的防篡改区块链存储库中。 结果,可以确保企业和消费者所描述的产品是正确的。 例如,某人购买计算机可以确信里面的成分不是假冒产品,或者某人购买橙子可以确保它们是有机种植的。

雾计算和物联网(Fog computing and IoT)

A key factor in the success of IoT is cloud technology which enables vast quantities of data to be transmitted, stored and analysed. However, as the IoT grows, the volume of data being collected is expanding exponentially. As a result, the cloud on its own is becoming less able to deal with the real-time requirements of bandwidth-heavy applications. For example, imagine all the sensors needed to fully operate an IoT, self-driving car. These vehicles need to process data exceptionally quickly, yet with so many sensors and so much data being created it would be impossible to get the reaction times needed using a satellite for connectivity.

物联网成功的关键因素是云技术,该技术可以传输,存储和分析大量数据。 但是,随着物联网的发展,收集的数据量呈指数增长。 结果,云本身无法满足带宽密集型应用程序的实时需求。 例如,想象一下完全操作IoT自动驾驶汽车所需的所有传感器。 这些车辆需要异常快速地处理数据,但是由于有这么多的传感器和如此多的数据被创建,使用卫星进行连接无法获得所需的React时间。

The solution comes in the form of fog computing, a technology that uses distributed cloud capabilities. Essentially, fog computing extends the cloud architecture to the device itself, so that data can be processed and analysed in real time at the actual location. In this way, only the processed data needs to be transmitted to the cloud, reducing bandwidth usage and cutting down the amount of centralised storage needed.

该解决方案以雾计算的形式出现,雾计算是一种使用分布式云功能的技术。 本质上,雾计算将云体系结构扩展到设备本身,以便可以在实际位置实时处理和分析数据。 这样,仅需要将处理后的数据传输到云,从而减少带宽使用并减少所需的集中存储量。

人工智能,区块链和雾的结合(The AI, blockchain and fog combination)

While these technologies provide powerful outcomes for the IoT, using them in conjunction multiplies the benefits. If we look at the drones that retailers like Amazon are experimenting with at the moment, AI, blockchain and fog computing would enable them to be far more effective. They could ensure that their components do not fail, that they take the most effective routes, and that they are able to manoeuvre around obstacles in their path, even at night. Fog computing ensures the data is processed on the drone, AI can make decisions regarding obstacle avoidance and blockchain makes sure that that data being used to make these decisions is authentic (i.e. preventing it being hacked and remotely controlled).

尽管这些技术为物联网提供了强大的成果,但结合使用它们可以带来更多收益。 如果我们看一下像亚马逊这样的零售商目前正在试验的无人机,那么人工智能,区块链和雾计算将使它们更加有效。 他们可以确保自己的组件不会出现故障,采取最有效的路线,并且即使在夜间也可以绕过道路上的障碍物进行机动。 雾计算可确保在无人机上处理数据,人工智能可以制定有关避障的决策,区块链可确保用于制定决策的数据是真实的(即防止数据被黑客入​​侵和远程控制)。


Together, AI, blockchain and fog computing are three technologies that are expanding the potential of the IoT. Individually, each one adds new and exciting capabilities, however, when they are working together they provide a synergy which is driving the development of the IoT in ways that make it more useful and powerful than ever before.

人工智能,区块链和雾计算共同构成了三种正在扩展物联网潜力的技术。 每个人都单独添加了令人兴奋的新功能,但是,当他们一起工作时,它们可以提供协同作用,从而以比以往任何时候都更加有用和强大的方式推动物联网的发展。

If you think your business can benefit from the use of cloud computing, check out our cloud hosting solutions.

如果您认为您的企业可以从使用云计算中受益,请查看我们的云托管解决方案 。

翻译自: /blog/webhosting/3-technologies-that-are-driving-iot-development/

