1500字范文 > 计算机专业面试英语对话 计算机网络专业面试对话技巧

计算机专业面试英语对话 计算机网络专业面试对话技巧

时间:2024-01-08 19:32:02


计算机专业面试英语对话 计算机网络专业面试对话技巧



C D E-------------------candidate

D: Good morning. Nice to meet you 早上好 ,见到你很高兴

B: Good morning. Nice to meet you too 早上好,见到你也很高兴。

E: would you please tell me your education background?请你告诉我你的教育背景?

D: OK My name is xu zhen. I graduated from the Wuhan Engineering Institute. I majored in computer networks. 我叫XX,我毕业于武汉工程职业技术学院。我的专业是计算机网络。

A: What have you learned in college? What’s the meaning do you think of in university ? 在大学你学到了什么?

D: In school, I not only learned expertise by participating in the activities of a number of associations and students also taught me a lot. I learned courage to try, learn to stick to their dreams.在学校,我不仅学到了专业知识,通过参加一些社团和学生会的活动也让我学会了很多。我学会了勇敢去尝试,学会了坚持自己的梦想。

B: yes.College students need to have a dream.

B: Do you take part in volunteer activities? 你参加过义务活动吗?

D: Young Volunteers Association went with nursing homes, care for the elderly跟青年志愿者协会一起去养老院,照顾老人

B: What is your greatest strength?What is your greatest strength? 你最大的优点是什么?

D: I am a person to do things all out. Once you have identified a goal, I would spend all their strength, and very serious endeavor! Even failed not regret it. I am not afraid to fail. Because I believe that as long as I...我是一个做事全力以赴的人。一旦确定了一个目标, 我会用上自己全部的力量, 并且很认真的尽力! 就算失败了也不后悔了.我不怕失败.因为我相信只要我坚持就一定会成功.

E: Do you have relevant work experience do? 你有相关的工作经验吗?

D: worked part-time university course, played summer vacation summer work. I do Officer in the Student Union我在上大学过程中做过兼职,暑假时打过暑假工。

B: Go back and wait for us notice. We will inform your interview result next weekend. 回去等我们通知。

D: thanks see you 谢谢 再见

ABE: see you 再见

