1500字范文 > 【图像处理】(1)canny图像边缘检测


时间:2020-01-29 11:45:52



参考自:2.canny edge detection(canny边缘检测)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


1. 图像边缘检测问题和目标













2. 根据公式转化成实际运算方法

求梯度的方式有很多种,有人使用[-1,0, 1]和[-1, 0, 1]T当做Gx和Gy,进行卷积计算得到相应方向梯度,也就是当前像素的后一个像素减去前一个像素。但常规使用的是一个方阵作为卷积运算模板。例如作为Gy和Gx。


def convolve(filter,mat,padding,strides):''':param filter:卷积核,必须为二维(2 x 1也算二维) 否则返回None:param mat:图片:param padding:对齐:param strides:移动步长:return:返回卷积后的图片。(灰度图,彩图都适用)@author:bilibili-会飞的吴克'''result = Nonefilter_size = filter.shapemat_size = mat.shapeif len(filter_size) == 2:if len(mat_size) == 3:channel = []for i in range(mat_size[-1]):pad_mat = np.pad(mat[:,:,i], ((padding[0], padding[1]), (padding[2], padding[3])), 'constant')temp = []for j in range(0,mat_size[0],strides[1]):temp.append([])for k in range(0,mat_size[1],strides[0]):val = (filter*pad_mat[j:j+filter_size[0],k:k+filter_size[1]]).sum()temp[-1].append(val)channel.append(np.array(temp))channel = tuple(channel)result = np.dstack(channel)elif len(mat_size) == 2:channel = []pad_mat = np.pad(mat, ((padding[0], padding[1]), (padding[2], padding[3])), 'constant')for j in range(0, mat_size[0], strides[1]):channel.append([])for k in range(0, mat_size[1], strides[0]):val = (filter * pad_mat[j:j + filter_size[0],k:k + filter_size[1]]).sum()channel[-1].append(val)result = np.array(channel)return result


img = plt.imread(filename)if i[-4:] == '.png':img = img*255img = img.mean(axis=-1) #this is a way to get a gray image. sobel_kernel_y = np.array([[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]])sobel_kernel_x = np.array([[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]])img3 = convolve(sobel_kernel_x,img2,[1,1,1,1],[1,1])img4 = convolve(sobel_kernel_y,img2,[1,1,1,1],[1,1])


3. 边缘的进一步确定







(1)在梯度上找到极大值,具体如下图所示,C点为当前点梯度幅值,theta为梯度角度,选取8领域内的梯度幅值,其中g1,g2是左上角的2个梯度幅值,下图使用线性插值的方式计算出dTmp1=(g2-g1)*(1/tantheta) + g2,dTmp2 = (g4-g3)*(1/tantheta)+g3,公式不是一定这样,而是根据斜率的正负号以及涉及到的8领域中的点有关。



def judgeConnect(m2,threshold):e = 0.01s = []cood = []for i in range(m2.shape[0]):cood.append([])for j in range(m2.shape[1]):cood[-1].append([i,j])if abs(m2[i,j] - 255) < e:s.append([i,j])cood = np.array(cood)while not len(s) == 0:index = s.pop()jud = m2[max(0, index[0] - 1):min(index[0] + 2, m2.shape[1]), max(0, index[1] - 1):min(index[1] + 2, m2.shape[0])]jud_i = cood[max(0, index[0] - 1):min(index[0] + 2, cood.shape[1]), max(0, index[1] - 1):min(index[1] + 2, cood.shape[0])]jud = (jud > threshold[0])&(jud < threshold[1])jud_i = jud_i[jud]for i in range(jud_i.shape[0]):s.append(list(jud_i[i]))m2[jud_i[i][0],jud_i[i][1]] = 255return m2def DecideAndConnectEdge(g_l,g_t,threshold = None):if threshold == None:lower_boundary = g_l.mean()*0.5threshold = [lower_boundary,lower_boundary*3]result = np.zeros(g_l.shape)for i in range(g_l.shape[0]):for j in range(g_l.shape[1]):isLocalExtreme = Trueeight_neiborhood = g_l[max(0,i-1):min(i+2,g_l.shape[0]),max(0,j-1):min(j+2,g_l.shape[1])]if eight_neiborhood.shape == (3,3):if g_t[i,j] <= -1:x = 1/g_t[i,j]first = eight_neiborhood[0,1] + (eight_neiborhood[0,1] - eight_neiborhood[0,0])*xx = -xsecond = eight_neiborhood[2,1] + (eight_neiborhood[2,2] - eight_neiborhood[2,1])*xif not (g_l[i,j] > first and g_l[i,j] > second):isLocalExtreme = Falseelif g_t[i,j] >= 1:x = 1 / g_t[i, j]first = eight_neiborhood[0, 1] + (eight_neiborhood[0, 2] - eight_neiborhood[0, 1]) * xx = -xsecond = eight_neiborhood[2, 1] + (eight_neiborhood[2, 1] - eight_neiborhood[2, 0]) * xif not (g_l[i, j] > first and g_l[i, j] > second):isLocalExtreme = Falseelif g_t[i,j] >= 0 and g_t[i,j] < 1:y = g_t[i, j]first = eight_neiborhood[1, 2] + (eight_neiborhood[0, 2] - eight_neiborhood[1, 2]) * yy = -ysecond = eight_neiborhood[1, 0] + (eight_neiborhood[1, 0] - eight_neiborhood[2, 0]) * yif not (g_l[i, j] > first and g_l[i, j] > second):isLocalExtreme = Falseelif g_t[i,j] < 0 and g_t[i,j] > -1:y = g_t[i, j]first = eight_neiborhood[1, 2] + (eight_neiborhood[1, 2] - eight_neiborhood[2, 2]) * yy = -ysecond = eight_neiborhood[1, 0] + (eight_neiborhood[0, 0] - eight_neiborhood[1, 0]) * yif not (g_l[i, j] > first and g_l[i, j] > second):isLocalExtreme = Falseif isLocalExtreme:result[i,j] = g_l[i,j] #非极大值抑制result[result>=threshold[1]] = 255result[result<=threshold[0]] = 0# print(np.unique(result))# plt.imshow(result.astype(np.uint8), cmap='gray')# plt.axis('off')# plt.show()result = judgeConnect(result,threshold)result[result!=255] = 0return result


4. 边缘的噪声点过多





#coding:utf-8import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport osimport mathimport cv2def convolve(filter,mat,padding,strides):''':param filter:卷积核,必须为二维(2 x 1也算二维) 否则返回None:param mat:图片:param padding:对齐:param strides:移动步长:return:返回卷积后的图片。(灰度图,彩图都适用)@author:bilibili-会飞的吴克'''result = Nonefilter_size = filter.shapemat_size = mat.shapeif len(filter_size) == 2:if len(mat_size) == 3:channel = []for i in range(mat_size[-1]):pad_mat = np.pad(mat[:,:,i], ((padding[0], padding[1]), (padding[2], padding[3])), 'constant')temp = []for j in range(0,mat_size[0],strides[1]):temp.append([])for k in range(0,mat_size[1],strides[0]):val = (filter*pad_mat[j:j+filter_size[0],k:k+filter_size[1]]).sum()temp[-1].append(val)channel.append(np.array(temp))channel = tuple(channel)result = np.dstack(channel)elif len(mat_size) == 2:channel = []pad_mat = np.pad(mat, ((padding[0], padding[1]), (padding[2], padding[3])), 'constant')for j in range(0, mat_size[0], strides[1]):channel.append([])for k in range(0, mat_size[1], strides[0]):val = (filter * pad_mat[j:j + filter_size[0],k:k + filter_size[1]]).sum()channel[-1].append(val)result = np.array(channel)return resultdef linear_convolve(filter,mat,padding=None,strides=[1,1]):''':param filter:线性卷积核:param mat:图片:param padding:对齐:param strides:移动步长:return:返回卷积后的图片。(灰度图,彩图都适用) 若不是线性卷积核,返回None@author:bilibili-会飞的吴克'''result = Nonefilter_size = filter.shapeif len(filter_size) == 2 and 1 in filter_size:if padding == None or len(padding) < 2:if filter_size[1] == 1:padding = [filter_size[0]//2,filter_size[0]//2]elif filter_size[0] == 1:padding = [filter_size[1]//2,filter_size[1]//2]if filter_size[0] == 1:result = convolve(filter,mat,[0,0,padding[0],padding[1]],strides)elif filter_size[1] == 1:result = convolve(filter, mat, [padding[0],padding[1],0,0], strides)return resultdef _2_dim_divided_convolve(filter,mat):''':param filter: 线性卷积核,必须为二维(2 x 1也算二维) 否则返回None:param mat: 图片:return: 卷积后的图片,(灰度图,彩图都适用) 若不是线性卷积核,返回None'''result = Noneif 1 in filter.shape:result = linear_convolve(filter,mat)result = linear_convolve(filter.T,result)return resultdef judgeConnect(m2,threshold):e = 0.01s = []cood = []for i in range(m2.shape[0]):cood.append([])for j in range(m2.shape[1]):cood[-1].append([i,j])if abs(m2[i,j] - 255) < e:s.append([i,j])cood = np.array(cood)while not len(s) == 0:index = s.pop()jud = m2[max(0, index[0] - 1):min(index[0] + 2, m2.shape[1]), max(0, index[1] - 1):min(index[1] + 2, m2.shape[0])]jud_i = cood[max(0, index[0] - 1):min(index[0] + 2, cood.shape[1]), max(0, index[1] - 1):min(index[1] + 2, cood.shape[0])]jud = (jud > threshold[0])&(jud < threshold[1])jud_i = jud_i[jud]for i in range(jud_i.shape[0]):s.append(list(jud_i[i]))m2[jud_i[i][0],jud_i[i][1]] = 255return m2def DecideAndConnectEdge(g_l,g_t,threshold = None):if threshold == None:lower_boundary = g_l.mean()*0.5threshold = [lower_boundary,lower_boundary*3]result = np.zeros(g_l.shape)for i in range(g_l.shape[0]):for j in range(g_l.shape[1]):isLocalExtreme = Trueeight_neiborhood = g_l[max(0,i-1):min(i+2,g_l.shape[0]),max(0,j-1):min(j+2,g_l.shape[1])]if eight_neiborhood.shape == (3,3):if g_t[i,j] <= -1:x = 1/g_t[i,j]first = eight_neiborhood[0,1] + (eight_neiborhood[0,1] - eight_neiborhood[0,0])*xx = -xsecond = eight_neiborhood[2,1] + (eight_neiborhood[2,2] - eight_neiborhood[2,1])*xif not (g_l[i,j] > first and g_l[i,j] > second):isLocalExtreme = Falseelif g_t[i,j] >= 1:x = 1 / g_t[i, j]first = eight_neiborhood[0, 1] + (eight_neiborhood[0, 2] - eight_neiborhood[0, 1]) * xx = -xsecond = eight_neiborhood[2, 1] + (eight_neiborhood[2, 1] - eight_neiborhood[2, 0]) * xif not (g_l[i, j] > first and g_l[i, j] > second):isLocalExtreme = Falseelif g_t[i,j] >= 0 and g_t[i,j] < 1:y = g_t[i, j]first = eight_neiborhood[1, 2] + (eight_neiborhood[0, 2] - eight_neiborhood[1, 2]) * yy = -ysecond = eight_neiborhood[1, 0] + (eight_neiborhood[1, 0] - eight_neiborhood[2, 0]) * yif not (g_l[i, j] > first and g_l[i, j] > second):isLocalExtreme = Falseelif g_t[i,j] < 0 and g_t[i,j] > -1:y = g_t[i, j]first = eight_neiborhood[1, 2] + (eight_neiborhood[1, 2] - eight_neiborhood[2, 2]) * yy = -ysecond = eight_neiborhood[1, 0] + (eight_neiborhood[0, 0] - eight_neiborhood[1, 0]) * yif not (g_l[i, j] > first and g_l[i, j] > second):isLocalExtreme = Falseif isLocalExtreme:result[i,j] = g_l[i,j] #非极大值抑制result[result>=threshold[1]] = 255result[result<=threshold[0]] = 0# print(np.unique(result))# plt.imshow(result.astype(np.uint8), cmap='gray')# plt.axis('off')# plt.show()result = judgeConnect(result,threshold)result[result!=255] = 0return resultdef OneDimensionStandardNormalDistribution(x,sigma):E = -0.5/(sigma*sigma)return 1/(math.sqrt(2*math.pi)*sigma)*math.exp(x*x*E)if __name__ == '__main__':# Gaussian_filter_3 = 1.0/16*np.array([(1,2,1),(2,4,2),(1,2,1)]) #Gaussian smoothing kernel when sigma = 0.8, size: 3x3# Gaussian_filter_5 = 1.0/159*np.array([#[2,4,5,4,2],#[4,9,12,9,4],#[5,12,15,12,5],#[4,9,12,9,4],#[2,4,5,4,2]# ]) #Gaussian smoothing kernel when sigma = 1.4, size: 5x5sobel_kernel_y = np.array([[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]])sobel_kernel_x = np.array([[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]])pic_path = './img/'# pics = os.listdir(pic_path)pics = ["lena.png"]for i in pics:if i[-4:] == '.png'or i[-4:] == '.jpg' or i[-5:] == '.jpeg':filename = pic_path + iimg = plt.imread(filename)if i[-4:] == '.png':img = img*255img = img.mean(axis=-1) #this is a way to get a gray image.sigma = 1.52dim = int(np.round(6*sigma+1))if dim % 2 == 0:dim += 1linear_Gaussian_filter = [np.abs(t - (dim//2)) for t in range(dim)]linear_Gaussian_filter = np.array([[OneDimensionStandardNormalDistribution(t,sigma) for t in linear_Gaussian_filter]])linear_Gaussian_filter = linear_Gaussian_filter/linear_Gaussian_filter.sum()img2 = _2_dim_divided_convolve(linear_Gaussian_filter,img)# img2 = convolve(Gaussian_filter_5, img, [2, 2, 2, 2], [1, 1])plt.imshow(img2.astype(np.uint8), cmap='gray')plt.axis('off')plt.show()img3 = convolve(sobel_kernel_x,img2,[1,1,1,1],[1,1])img4 = convolve(sobel_kernel_y,img2,[1,1,1,1],[1,1])gradiant_length = (img3**2+img4**2)**(1.0/2)img3 = img3.astype(np.float64)img4 = img4.astype(np.float64)img3[img3==0]=0.00000001gradiant_tangent = img4/img3plt.imshow(gradiant_length.astype(np.uint8), cmap='gray')plt.axis('off')plt.show()#lower_boundary = 50final_img = DecideAndConnectEdge(gradiant_length,gradiant_tangent)cv2.imshow('edge',final_img.astype(np.uint8))cv2.waitKey(0)


5. canny的完整流程
