1500字范文 > R语言ggplot2 | 如何绘制美观的散点图

R语言ggplot2 | 如何绘制美观的散点图

时间:2023-10-21 00:23:06


R语言ggplot2 | 如何绘制美观的散点图





if (!require("pacman")) install.packages ("pacman") # 下载 pacman 程序包 library ("pacman") # library 加载 pacman 程序包p_load (ggplot2, ggthemes, dplyr, readr, showtext, export) # p_load 需要 pacman 包才能运行


# 选择R语言自带的数据集,<- 为赋值符号a <- mpg# 查看数据集前 6 行,tail () 查看尾 6 行 head (a)# 如果想看前 10 行的数据,可以改写成 head (a, 10)# 如果想深入了解该函数用法,可以用 help () 进行访问# 了解数据结构 str (a)


p1 <- ggplot (data = a, # ggplot 函数基础下能够画多种多样的图形aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+ # aes 描绘函数,对载入数据中所要表达的x, y, colour, shape等等geom_point ( ) # 画散点图的函数 geom_point ( ) p1 # 或者 print (p1)




p2 <- ggplot (data = a, aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 3.5) # size 函数作用是改变大小p2


p3 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class, shape = class))+geom_point (size = 3.5)+scale_shape_manual (values = c (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22)) # scale_shape_manual 函数用来自定义对应分组散点的形状,数字表示形状类型p3


p4 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 5, shape = 18) # 在 geom_point 函数下的 shape 表示所有点都为该形状p4



这里需要用到 geom_point 里的 alpha 参数

p5 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 5, shape =18, alpha = 0.5) # alpha 函数作用是调节图形中元素的透明度p5



图基本调节好了,但发现x,y轴有点参差不齐。x和y轴的刻度不是我们所希望表现的,需要重新设定。这里,需要用到 scale_x/y_continuous 函数。

p6 <- p5+ scale_x_continuous (limits = c (10, 45), breaks = seq (10, 45, 5))+ # breaks 函数表示 min,max,刻度间隔scale_y_continuous (limits = c (1, 7), breaks = seq (1, 7, 1)) # limits 函数表示 min, maxp6



p7 <- p6+ labs (title = "Changes of soil organic carbon with soil depth", # labs 函数用来写标签,记得必须添加引号subtitle = "Soil organic carbon")+labs (x = "soil depth", y = "Soil organic carbon content (g/kg)")p7


图例比较小,单独放在外面不够美观。仔细观察,图例右上角还有一处空白地,咱们就把它移动进去,这样整张图就显得更加饱满了。不过图例具体如何管理还需要根据画出来的图片情况来调整,有时可以将图例放图顶或者图底,因人而异。这里,需要强调,当图例放进图中时,x, y为(0,0)是左下角,(1,1)是右上角。根据自己情况进行调整。

p8 <- p7+theme ( legend.position = c (0.8, 0.6)) # theme 函数主要是图片内的主题等 p8


p9 <- p8+theme (legend.background = element_blank ())p9



windowsFonts (# 中文字体lishu = windowsFont (family = "LiSu"), # 隶书yahei = windowsFont (family = "Microsoft YaHei"), # 微软雅黑xinwei = windowsFont (family = "STXingwei"), # 华文新魏kaiti = windowsFont (family = "KaiTi"), # 楷体heiti = windowsFont (family = "SimHei"), # 黑体# 英文字体arial = windowsFont (family = "Arial"), # Arial字体newman = windowsFont (family = "Times New Roman"), #Times New Roman字体hand = windowsFont (family = "Lucida Calligraphy"), # Lucida手写体Helvetica = windowsFont (family = "Helvetica"), # 印刷体 )


仔细观察,现在得到的图x, y轴的标签以及字体大小都偏小,因此需要进行修改。

p9_1 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 5, alpha = 0.5, shape = 18)+scale_x_continuous (limits = c (10, 45), breaks = seq (10, 45, 5))+scale_y_continuous (limits = c (1, 7), breaks = seq (1, 7, 1))+theme (axis.text = element_text (size = 12, colour = "black"), # axis.text/title 表示坐标轴标签的信息axis.title = element_text (size =12, colour = "black"), # 坐标轴的颜色默认是灰黑色并不是黑色,这里需要自己改成黑色。legend.position = c (0.8, 0.6),legend.background = element_blank (),legend.text = element_text (size = 12), # 图例信息的大小text = element_text (family ="arial"),plot.title = element_text (family ="arial", size = 16))+ # family 函数表示字体类型,size 表示大小 labs (title = "Changes of soil organic carbon with soil depth",subtitle = "Soil organic carbon")+labs ( x ="soil depth", y = "Soil organic carbon content (g/kg)")p9_1

我不太喜欢R语言自带的背景色,通常都选用网格白色底。需要用到theme_bw () 函数。

p9_1 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 5, alpha = 0.5, shape = 18)+scale_x_continuous (limits = c (10, 45), breaks = seq (10, 45, 5))+scale_y_continuous (limits = c (1, 7), breaks = seq (1, 7, 1))+ theme_bw ( )+ theme (axis.text = element_text (size = 12, colour = "black"), # axis.text/title 表示坐标轴标签的信息axis.title = element_text (size =12, colour = "black"), # 坐标轴的颜色默认是灰黑色并不是黑色,这里需要自己改成黑色。legend.position = c (0.8, 0.6), legend.background = element_blank (),legend.text = element_text (size = 12), # 图例信息的大小text = element_text (family ="arial"),plot.title = element_text (family ="arial", size = 16))+ # family 函数表示字体类型,size 表示大小 labs (title = "Changes of soil organic carbon with soil depth",subtitle = "Soil organic carbon")+labs ( x ="soil depth", y = "Soil organic carbon content (g/kg)") p9_1



我们可以选择 ggplot2 包的 ggsave 函数或者 export 包的 graph2ppt 函数导出ppt格式的文件。

# export 包下的输出方式p9_2 <- p9_1+graph2ppt (file ="outcome.ppt", append = FALSE)# ggplot2 包下的输出方式p9_3 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 5, alpha = 0.5, shape = 18)+scale_x_continuous (limits = c (10, 45), breaks = seq (10, 45, 5))+scale_y_continuous (limits = c (1, 7), breaks = seq (1, 7, 1))+ theme_bw ( )+theme (axis.text = element_text (size = 12, colour = "black"), # axis.text/title 表示坐标轴标签的信息axis.title = element_text (size = 12, colour = "black"), # 坐标轴的颜色默认是灰黑色并不是黑色,这里需要自己改成黑色。legend.position = c (0.8, 0.6),legend.background = element_blank (),legend.text = element_text (size = 12), # 图例信息的大小plot.title = element_text (size = 16))+ # size 表示大小labs (title = "Changes of soil organic carbon with soil depth",subtitle = "Soil organic carbon")+labs ( x = "soil depth", y ="Soil organic carbon content (g/kg)")ggsave ("p9_3.pdf") # 由于在输出是出现了无效字体的报错,只能把有关字体的代码删除了再进行输出。


###################################### ggplot2 包画散点图的详细讲解与绘制######################################1 加载所需要的R包if (!require("pacman")) install.packages ("pacman") # 下载 pacman 程序包library ("pacman") # library 加载 pacman 程序包p_load (ggplot2, ggthemes, dplyr, readr, showtext, export) # p_load 需要 pacman 包才能运行#2 加载数据集# 选择R语言自带的数据集,<- 为赋值符号a <- mpg# 查看数据集前 6 行,tail () 查看尾 6 行head (a)# 如果想看前 10 行的数据,可以改写成 head (a, 10)# 如果想深入了解该函数用法,可以用 help () 进行访问# 了解数据结构str (a)#3 逐步分析讲解散点图#1) 基础的散点图p1 <- ggplot (data = a, # ggplot 函数基础下能够画多种多样的图形aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+ # aes 描绘函数,对载入数据中所要表达的x, y, colour, shape等等geom_point ( ) # 画散点图的函数 geom_point ( )p1 # 或者 print (p1)#2) 调整点的大小p2 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 3.5) # size 函数作用是改变大小p2#3) 根据不同的分组改变散点图的形状p3 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class, shape = class))+geom_point (size = 3.5)+scale_shape_manual (values = c (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22)) # scale_shape_manual 函数用来自定义对应分组散点的形状,数字表示形状类型p3#4) 只保留其颜色区分,并选用18号充实菱形形状来描绘p4 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 5, shape = 18) # 在 geom_point 函数下的 shape 表示所有点都为该形状p4#5) 调节散点图的透明度p5 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 5, shape =18, alpha = 0.5) # alpha 函数作用是调节图形中元素的透明度p5#6) 修改x,y轴的刻度范围p6 <- p5+scale_x_continuous (limits = c (10, 45), breaks = seq (10, 45, 5))+ # breaks 函数表示 min,max,刻度间隔scale_y_continuous (limits = c (1, 7), breaks = seq (1, 7, 1)) # limits 函数表示 min, maxp6#7) 设定x,y轴的标签及标题和副标等p7 <- p6+labs (title = "Changes of soil organic carbon with soil depth", # labs 函数用来写标签,记得必须添加引号subtitle = "Soil organic carbon")+labs (x = "soil depth", y = "Soil organic carbon content (g/kg)")p7#8) 图例的管理(这期主要讲位置)p8 <- p7+theme ( legend.position = c (0.8, 0.6)) # theme 函数主要是图片内的主题等p8p9 <- p8+theme (legend.background = element_blank ())p9#9) 字体设置windowsFonts (# 中文字体lishu = windowsFont (family = "LiSu"), # 隶书yahei = windowsFont (family = "Microsoft YaHei"), # 微软雅黑xinwei = windowsFont (family = "STXingwei"), # 华文新魏kaiti = windowsFont (family = "KaiTi"), # 楷体heiti = windowsFont (family = "SimHei"), # 黑体# 英文字体arial = windowsFont (family = "Arial"), # Arial字体newman = windowsFont (family = "Times New Roman"), #Times New Roman字体hand = windowsFont (family = "Lucida Calligraphy"), # Lucida手写体Helvetica = windowsFont (family = "Helvetica"), # 印刷体)#10) 字体大小和类型p9_1 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 5, alpha = 0.5, shape = 18)+scale_x_continuous (limits = c (10, 45), breaks = seq (10, 45, 5))+scale_y_continuous (limits = c (1, 7), breaks = seq (1, 7, 1))+theme (axis.text = element_text (size = 12, colour = "black"), # axis.text/title 表示坐标轴标签的信息axis.title = element_text (size =12, colour = "black"), # 坐标轴的颜色默认是灰黑色并不是黑色,这里需要自己改成黑色。legend.position = c (0.8, 0.6),legend.background = element_blank (),legend.text = element_text (size = 12), # 图例信息的大小text = element_text (family ="arial"),plot.title = element_text (family ="arial", size = 16))+ # family 函数表示字体类型,size 表示大小labs (title = "Changes of soil organic carbon with soil depth",subtitle = "Soil organic carbon")+labs ( x ="soil depth", y = "Soil organic carbon content (g/kg)")p9_1# 更换白色底背景p9_1 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 5, alpha = 0.5, shape = 18)+scale_x_continuous (limits = c (10, 45), breaks = seq (10, 45, 5))+scale_y_continuous (limits = c (1, 7), breaks = seq (1, 7, 1))+theme_bw ( )+theme (axis.text = element_text (size = 12, colour = "black"), # axis.text/title 表示坐标轴标签的信息axis.title = element_text (size =12, colour = "black"), # 坐标轴的颜色默认是灰黑色并不是黑色,这里需要自己改成黑色。legend.position = c (0.8, 0.6),legend.background = element_blank (),legend.text = element_text (size = 12), # 图例信息的大小text = element_text (family ="arial"),plot.title = element_text (family ="arial", size = 16))+ # family 函数表示字体类型,size 表示大小labs (title = "Changes of soil organic carbon with soil depth",subtitle = "Soil organic carbon")+labs ( x ="soil depth", y = "Soil organic carbon content (g/kg)")p9_1# 输出图片# export 包p9_2 <- p9_1+graph2ppt(file="outcome.ppt",append=FALSE)# ggplot2 包p9_3 <- ggplot (data = a,aes (x = hwy, y = displ, colour = class))+geom_point (size = 5, alpha = 0.5, shape = 18)+scale_x_continuous (limits = c (10, 45), breaks = seq (10, 45, 5))+scale_y_continuous (limits = c (1, 7), breaks = seq (1, 7, 1))+ theme_bw ( )+theme (axis.text = element_text (size = 12, colour = "black"), # axis.text/title 表示坐标轴标签的信息axis.title = element_text (size =12, colour = "black"), # 坐标轴的颜色默认是灰黑色并不是黑色,这里需要自己改成黑色。legend.position = c (0.8, 0.6),legend.background = element_blank (),legend.text = element_text (size = 12), # 图例信息的大小plot.title = element_text (size = 16))+ # size 表示大小labs (title = "Changes of soil organic carbon with soil depth",subtitle = "Soil organic carbon")+labs ( x ="soil depth", y = "Soil organic carbon content (g/kg)")ggsave("p9_1.pdf")
