1500字范文 > Office 打开文档提示安装Web Developer和MUI解决

Office 打开文档提示安装Web Developer和MUI解决

时间:2022-12-19 00:34:56


Office 打开文档提示安装Web Developer和MUI解决

主要解决办法是卸载 Web Developer 和MUI









' Name: OffScrub07.vbs

' Author: Microsoft Customer Support Services

' Copyright (c) ,, Microsoft Corporation

' Script to remove (scrub) Office products


Option Explicit

Const SCRIPTVERSION = "1.36"

Const SCRIPTFILE = "OffScrub07.vbs"

Const SCRIPTNAME = "OffScrub07"

Const OVERSION = "12.0"


Const OREF = "Office12"

Const OREGREF = ""

Const ONAME = "Office "

Const OPACKAGE = "PackageIds"

Const OFFICEID = "0000000FF1CE}"

Const HKCR = &H80000000

Const HKCU = &H80000001

Const HKLM = &H80000002

Const HKU = &H80000003


Const PRODLEN = 13

Const COMPPERMANENT = "00000000000000000000000000000000"


Const SQUISHED = 20


Const REG_ARP = "SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall/"

Const VB_YES = 6



Dim oFso, oMsi, oReg, oWShell, oWmiLocal

Dim ComputerItem, Item, LogStream, TmpKey

Dim arrTmpSKUs, arrDeleteFiles, arrDeleteFolders, arrMseFolders

Dim dicKeepProd, dicKeepLis, dicApps, dicKeepFolder, dicDelRegKey, dicKeepReg

Dim dicInstalledSku, dicRemoveSku, dicKeepSku, dicSrv, dicCSuite, dicCSingle

Dim f64, fLegacyProductFound

Dim sErr, sTmp, sSkuRemoveList, sDefault, sWinDir, sWICacheDir, sMode

Dim sAppData, sTemp, sScrubDir, sProgramFiles, sProgramFilesX86, sCommonProgramFiles, sCommonProgramFilesX86

Dim sAllusersProfile

Dim sProgramData, sLocalAppData, sOInstallRoot




'Configure defaults

Dim sLogDir : sLogDir = ""

Dim sMoveMessage: sMoveMessage = ""

Dim fRemoveOse : fRemoveOse = False

Dim fRemoveOspp : fRemoveOspp = False

Dim fRemoveAll : fRemoveAll = False

Dim fRemoveC2R : fRemoveC2R = False

Dim fRemoveAppV : fRemoveAppV = False

Dim fRemoveCSuites : fRemoveCSuites = False

Dim fRemoveCSingle : fRemoveCSingle = False

Dim fRemoveSrv : fRemoveSrv = False

Dim fKeepUser : fKeepUser = True 'Default to keep per user settings

Dim fSkipSD : fSkipSD = False 'Default to not Skip the Shortcut Detection

Dim fDetectOnly : fDetectOnly = False

Dim fQuiet : fQuiet = False

Dim fNoCancel : fNoCancel = False

Dim fElevated : fElevated = False

Dim fTryReconcile : fTryReconcile = False

'CAUTION! -> "fForce" will kill running applications which can result in data loss! <- CAUTION

Dim fForce : fForce = False

'CAUTION! -> "fForce" will kill running applications which can result in data loss! <- CAUTION

Dim fLogInitialized : fLogInitialized = False

Dim fBypass_Stage1 : fBypass_Stage1 = False 'Component Detection

Dim fBypass_Stage2 : fBypass_Stage2 = False 'Setup

Dim fBypass_Stage3 : fBypass_Stage3 = False 'Msiexec

Dim fBypass_Stage4 : fBypass_Stage4 = False 'CleanUp

Dim fRebootRequired : fRebootRequired = False

'Create required objects

Set oWmiLocal = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2")

Set oWShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set oMsi = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")

Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/default:StdRegProv")

'Get environment path info

sAppData = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%appdata%")

sLocalAppData = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%localappdata%")

sTemp = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")

sAllUsersProfile = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%allusersprofile%")

sProgramFiles = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles%")

'Deferred until after architecture check

'sProgramFilesX86 = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles(x86)%")

sCommonProgramFiles = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%commonprogramfiles%")

'Deferred until after architecture check

'sCommonProgramFilesX86 = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%")

sProgramData = oWSHell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programdata%")

sWinDir = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%")

sWICacheDir = sWinDir & "/" & "Installer"

sScrubDir = sTemp & "/" & SCRIPTNAME

'Detect if we're running on a 64 bit OS

Set ComputerItem = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")

For Each Item In ComputerItem

f64 = Instr(Left(Item.SystemType,3),"64") > 0

If f64 Then Exit For


If f64 Then sProgramFilesX86 = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles(x86)%")

If f64 Then sCommonProgramFilesX86 = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%")

If NOT CheckRegPermissions Then

'Try to relaunch elevated


'Can't relaunch. Exit out

If UCase(Mid(Wscript.FullName, Len(Wscript.Path) + 2, 1)) = "C" Then

If Not fLogInitialized Then CreateLog

Log "Insufficient registry access permissions - exiting"

End If

'Undo temporary entries created in ARP



End If

'Ensure CScript as engine

If Not UCase(Mid(Wscript.FullName, Len(Wscript.Path) + 2, 1)) = "C" Then RelaunchAsCScript

'Create Dictionaries

Set dicKeepProd = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicInstalledSku = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicRemoveSku = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicKeepSku = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicKeepLis = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicKeepFolder = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicApps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicDelRegKey = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicKeepReg = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicSrv = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicCSuite = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicCSingle = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

'Create the temp folder

If Not oFso.FolderExists(sScrubDir) Then oFso.CreateFolder sScrubDir

'Set the default logging directory

sLogDir = sScrubDir

'Call the command line parser


'Get Office Install Folder

If NOT RegReadValue(HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/"&OVERSION&"/Common/InstallRoot","Path",sOInstallRoot,"REG_SZ") Then

sOInstallRoot = sProgramFiles & "/Microsoft Office/"&OREF

End If

'Ensure integrity of WI metadata which could fail used APIs otherwise

EnsureValidWIMetadata HKCU,"Software/Classes/Installer/Products",COMPRESSED

EnsureValidWIMetadata HKCR,"Installer/Products",COMPRESSED

EnsureValidWIMetadata HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Installer/UserData/S-1-5-18/Products",COMPRESSED

EnsureValidWIMetadata HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Installer/UserData/S-1-5-18/Components",COMPRESSED

EnsureValidWIMetadata HKCR,"Installer/Components",COMPRESSED

'Add initial known .exe files that might need to be closed

dicApps.Add "communicator.exe","communicator.exe"


Case "12"

Case "14"

dicApps.Add "bcssync.exe","bcssync.exe"

dicApps.Add "officesas.exe","officesas.exe"

dicApps.Add "officesasscheduler.exe","officesasscheduler.exe"

dicApps.Add "msosync.exe","msosync.exe"

dicApps.Add "onenotem.exe","onenotem.exe"

Case Else

End Select


'Stage # 0 - Basics |


'Build a list with installed/registered Office products

sTmp = "Stage # 0 " & chr(34) & "Basics" & chr(34) & " (" & Time & ")"

Log vbCrLf & sTmp & vbCrLf & String(Len(sTmp),"=") & vbCrLf


If dicInstalledSku.Count > 0 Then Log "Found registered product(s): " & Join(RemoveDuplicates(dicInstalledSku.Items),",") &vbCrLf

'Validate the list of products we got from the command line if applicable


'Log detection results

If dicRemoveSku.Count > 0 Then Log "Product(s) to be removed: " & Join(RemoveDuplicates(dicRemoveSku.Items),",")

sMode = "Selected " & ONAME & " products"

If Not dicRemoveSku.Count > 0 Then sMode = "Orphaned " & ONAME & " products"

If fRemoveAll Then sMode = "All " & ONAME & " products"

Log "Final removal mode: " & sMode

Log "Remove OSE service: " & fRemoveOse &vbCrLf

'Log preview mode if applicable

If fDetectOnly Then Log "*************************************************************************"

If fDetectOnly Then Log "* PREVIEW MODE *"

If fDetectOnly Then Log "* All uninstall and delete operations will only be logged not executed! *"

If fDetectOnly Then Log "*************************************************************************" & vbCrLf

'Check if there are legacy products installed


If fLegacyProductFound Then Log "Found legacy Office products that will not be removed." Else Log "No legacy Office products found."

'Cache .msi files

If dicRemoveSku.Count > 0 Then CacheMsiFiles

'Log Sku/Prod detection results



'Stage # 1 - Component Detection |


sTmp = "Stage # 1 " & chr(34) & "Component Detection" & chr(34) & " (" & Time & ")"

Log vbCrLf & sTmp & vbCrLf & String(Len(sTmp),"=") & vbCrLf

If Not fBypass_Stage1 Then

'Build a list with files which are installed/registered to a product that's going to be removed

Log "Prepare for CleanUp stages."

Log "Identifying removable elements. This can take several minutes."



Log "Skipping Component Detection because bypass was requested."

End If

'End all running Office applications

If fForce OR fQuiet Then CloseOfficeApps


'Stage # 2 - Setup.exe |


sTmp = "Stage # 2 " & chr(34) & "Setup.exe" & chr(34) & " (" & Time & ")"

Log vbCrLf & sTmp & vbCrLf & String(Len(sTmp),"=") & vbCrLf

If Not fBypass_Stage2 Then



Log "Skipping Setup.exe because bypass was requested."

End If


'Stage # 3 - Msiexec.exe |


sTmp = "Stage # 3 " & chr(34) & "Msiexec.exe" & chr(34) & " (" & Time & ")"

Log vbCrLf & sTmp & vbCrLf & String(Len(sTmp),"=") & vbCrLf

If Not fBypass_Stage3 Then



Log "Skipping Msiexec.exe because bypass was requested."

End If


'Stage # 4 - CleanUp |


'Removal of files and registry settings

sTmp = "Stage # 4 " & chr(34) & "CleanUp" & chr(34) & " (" & Time & ")"

Log vbCrLf & sTmp & vbCrLf & String(Len(sTmp),"=") & vbCrLf

If Not fBypass_Stage4 Then

'Office Source Engine

If fRemoveOse Then RemoveOSE

'Softgrid Service

If fRemoveAppV Then RemoveSG

'Local Installation Source (MSOCache)


'Obsolete files

If fRemoveAll Then




End If

'Empty Folders


'Restore Explorer if needed

If fForce Then RestoreExplorer

'Registry data


'Wipe orphaned files from Windows Installer cache


'Temporary .msi files in scrubcache


'Temporary files



Log "Skipping CleanUp because bypass was requested."

End If

If Not sMoveMessage = "" Then Log vbCrLf & "Please remove this folder after next reboot: " & sMoveMessage


Log vbCrLf & "End removal: " & Now & vbCrLf

Log vbCrLf & "For detailed logging please refer to the log in folder " &chr(34)&sScrubDir&chr(34)&vbCrLf

If fRebootRequired Then

Log vbCrLf & "A restart is required to complete the operation!"

If NOT fQuiet Then

If MsgBox("Do you want to reboot now?",vbYesNo,"Reboot Required") = VB_YES Then

Dim colOS, oOS

Dim oWmiReboot

Set oWmiReboot = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Shutdown)}!//./root/cimv2")

Set colOS = oWmiReboot.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")

For Each oOS in colOS



End If

End If

End If

If NOT fQuiet Then

For Each Item in Wscript.Arguments

If Item = "UAC" Then

wscript.stdout.write "Press <Enter> to close this window"

sTemp = wscript.stdin.read(1)

End If

Next 'Argument

End If



'Stage 0 - 4 Subroutines


'Office configuration products are listed with their configuration product name in the "Uninstall" key

'To identify an Office configuration product all of these condiditions have to be met:

' - "SystemComponent" does not have a value of "1" (DWORD)

' - "OPACKAGE" (see constant declaration) entry exists and is not empty

' - "DisplayVersion" exists and the 2 leftmost digits are "OVERSIONMAJOR"

Sub FindInstalledOProducts

Dim ArpItem, File

Dim sCurKey, sValue, sConfigName, sProdC, sCVHValue

Dim sProductCodeList, sProductCode

Dim arrKeys, arrMultiSzValues

Dim fSystemComponent0, fPackages, fDisplayVersion, fReturn, fCategorized

If dicInstalledSku.Count > 0 Then Exit Sub 'Already done from InputBox prompt

'Handle orphaned products to get them added to the detection scope

If fTryReconcile Then

For Each File in oFso.GetFolder(sWICacheDir).Files

If Len(File.Name)>3 Then

Select Case LCase(Right(File.Name,4))

Case ".msi"

sProductCode = ""

sProductCode = GetMsiProductCode(File.Path)

If InScope(sProductCode) Then

If NOT RegKeyExists(HKLM,REG_ARP & sProductCode) Then

'Ensure the orphaned item is getting removed

If Len(sSkuRemoveList) > 0 Then

sSkuRemoveList = sSkuRemoveList & "," & GetProductID(Mid(sProductCode,11,4))


sSkuRemoveList = GetProductID(Mid(sProductCode,11,4))

End If

'Add to ScrubDir

oFso.CopyFile File.Path,sScrubDir & "/" & prod & ".msi",True

'Register the product with MSI


End If 'NOT sProductCode

End If 'InScope

Case Else

End Select

End If '>3

Next 'File

End If 'fTryReconcile

'Locate standalone Office products that have no configuration product entry and create a

'temporary configuration entry

ReDim arrTmpSKUs(-1)

If RegEnumKey(HKLM,REG_ARP,arrKeys) Then

For Each ArpItem in arrKeys

If InScope(ArpItem) Then

sCurKey = REG_ARP & ArpItem & "/"

fSystemComponent0 = Not (RegReadValue(HKLM,sCurKey,"SystemComponent",sValue,"REG_DWORD") AND (sValue = "1"))

If (fSystemComponent0 AND (NOT RegReadValue(HKLM,sCurKey,"CVH",sCVHValue,"REG_DWORD"))) Then

RegReadValue HKLM,sCurKey,"DisplayVersion",sValue,"REG_SZ"

Redim arrMultiSzValues(0)

'Logic changed to drop the LCID identifier

'sConfigName = GetProductID(Mid(ArpItem,11,4)) & "_" & CInt("&h" & Mid(ArpItem,16,4))

sConfigName = OREGREF & GetProductID(Mid(ArpItem,11,4))

If NOT RegKeyExists(HKLM,REG_ARP&sConfigName) Then

'Create a new ARP item

ReDim Preserve arrTmpSKUs(UBound(arrTmpSKUs)+1)

arrTmpSKUs(UBound(arrTmpSKUs)) = sConfigName

oReg.CreateKey HKLM,REG_ARP & sConfigName

arrMultiSzValues(0) = sConfigName

oReg.SetMultiStringValue HKLM,REG_ARP & sConfigName,OPACKAGE,arrMultiSzValues

arrMultiSzValues(0) = ArpItem

oReg.SetMultiStringValue HKLM,REG_ARP & sConfigName,"ProductCodes",arrMultiSzValues

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,REG_ARP & sConfigName,"DisplayVersion",sValue

oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM,REG_ARP & sConfigName,"SystemComponent",0


'Update the existing temporary ARP item

fReturn = RegReadValue(HKLM,REG_ARP&sConfigName,"ProductCodes",sProdC,"REG_MULTI_SZ")

If NOT InStr(sProdC,ArpItem)>0 Then sProdC = sProdC & chr(34) & ArpItem

oReg.SetMultiStringValue HKLM,REG_ARP & sConfigName,"ProductCodes",Split(sProdC,chr(34))

End If 'RegKeyExists

End If 'fSystemComponent0

End If 'InScope

Next 'ArpItem

End If 'RegEnumKey

'Find the configuration products

If RegEnumKey(HKLM,REG_ARP,arrKeys) Then

For Each ArpItem in arrKeys

sCurKey = REG_ARP & ArpItem & "/"

sValue = ""

fSystemComponent0 = NOT (RegReadValue(HKLM,sCurKey,"SystemComponent",sValue,"REG_DWORD") AND (sValue = "1"))

fPackages = RegReadValue(HKLM,sCurKey,OPACKAGE,sValue,"REG_MULTI_SZ")

fDisplayVersion = RegReadValue(HKLM,sCurKey,"DisplayVersion",sValue,"REG_SZ")

If fDisplayVersion Then

If Len(sValue) > 1 Then

fDisplayVersion = (Left(sValue,2) = OVERSIONMAJOR)


fDisplayVersion = False

End If

End If

If (fSystemComponent0 AND fPackages AND fDisplayVersion) OR (fSystemComponent0 AND fDisplayVersion AND InStr(UCase(ArpItem),"CLICK2RUN")>0) Then

If InStr(ArpItem,".")>0 Then sConfigName = UCase(Mid(ArpItem,InStr(ArpItem,".")+1)) Else sConfigName = UCase(ArpItem)

If NOT dicInstalledSku.Exists(sConfigName) Then dicInstalledSku.Add sConfigName,sConfigName

'Categorize the SKU

'Three categories are available: ClientSuite, ClientSingleProduct, Server

If RegReadValue(HKLM,REG_ARP&OREGREF&sConfigName,"ProductCodes",sProductCodeList,"REG_MULTI_SZ") OR (sConfigName = "CLICK2RUN") Then

fCategorized = False

If sConfigName = "CLICK2RUN" Then sProductCodeList = "{90" & OVERSIONMAJOR & "0011-0062-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}"

For Each sProductCode in Split(sProductCodeList,chr(34))

If Len(sProductCode) = 38 Then

If NOT Mid(sProductCode,11,1) = "0" Then

'Server product

If NOT dicSrv.Exists(UCase(sConfigName)) Then dicSrv.Add UCase(sConfigName),sConfigName

fCategorized = True

Exit For


Select Case Mid(sProductCode,11,4)

'Client Suites

Case "000F","0011","0012","0013","0014","0015","0016","0017","0018","0019","001A","001B","0029","002B","002E","002F","0030","0031","0033","0035","0037","003D","0044","0049","0061","0062","0066","006C","006D","006F","0074","00A1","00A3","00A9","00BA","00CA","00E0","0100","0103","011A"

If NOT dicCSuite.Exists(UCase(sConfigName)) Then dicCSuite.Add UCase(sConfigName),sConfigName

fCategorized = True

Exit For

Case Else

End Select

End If

End If 'Len 38

Next 'sProductCode

If NOT fCategorized Then

If NOT dicCSingle.Exists(UCase(sConfigName)) Then dicCSingle.Add UCase(sConfigName),sConfigName

End If 'fCategorized

End If 'RegReadValue "ProductCodes"

End If

Next 'ArpItem

End If 'RegEnumKey

End Sub 'FindInstalledOProducts


'Check if there are Office products from previous versions on the computer

Sub CheckForLegacyProducts

Const OLEGACY = "78E1-11D2-B60F-006097C998E7}.6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9}.6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}.BDCA-11D1-B7AE-00C04FB92F3D}.6D54-11D4-BEE3-00C04F990354}"

Dim Product

'Set safe default

fLegacyProductFound = True

For Each Product in oMsi.Products

If Len(Product) = 38 Then

'Handle O09 - O11 Products

If InStr(OLEGACY, UCase(Right(Product, 28)))>0 Then

'Found legacy Office product. Keep flag in default and exit

Exit Sub

End If

If UCase(Right(Product,PRODLEN))=OFFICEID Then

Select Case Mid(Product,4,2)

Case "12"


'Found legacy Office product. Keep flag in default and exit

Exit Sub

End If

Case Else

End Select

End If

End If '38

Next 'Product

fLegacyProductFound = False

End Sub 'CheckForLegacyProducts


'Create clean list of Products to remove.

'Strip off bad & empty contents

Sub ValidateRemoveSkuList

Dim Sku, Key, sProductCode, sProductCodeList

Dim arrRemoveSKUs

If fRemoveAll Then

'Remove all mode

For Each Key in dicInstalledSku.Keys

dicRemoveSku.Add Key,dicInstalledSku.Item(Key)

Next 'Key


'Remove individual products or preconfigured configurations mode

'Ensure to have a string with no unexpected contents

sSkuRemoveList = Replace(sSkuRemoveList,";",",")

sSkuRemoveList = Replace(sSkuRemoveList," ","")

sSkuRemoveList = Replace(sSkuRemoveList,Chr(34),"")

While InStr(sSkuRemoveList,",,")>0

sSkuRemoveList = Replace(sSkuRemoveList,",,",",")


'Prepare 'remove' and 'keep' dictionaries to determine what has to be removed

'Initial pre-fill of 'keep' dic

For Each Key in dicInstalledSku.Keys

dicKeepSku.Add Key,dicInstalledSku.Item(Key)

Next 'Key

'Determine contents of keep and remove dic

'Individual products

arrRemoveSKUs = Split(UCase(sSkuRemoveList),",")

For Each Sku in arrRemoveSKUs

If Sku = "OSE" Then fRemoveOse = True

If Sku = "CLICK2RUN" Then fRemoveC2R = True

If dicKeepSku.Exists(Sku) Then

'A Sku to remove has been passed in

'remove the item from the keep dic


'Now add it to the remove dic

If NOT dicRemoveSku.Exists(Sku) Then dicRemoveSku.Add Sku,Sku

End If

Next 'Sku

'Client Suite Category

If fRemoveCSuites Then

fRemoveC2R = True

For Each Key in dicInstalledSku.Keys

If dicCSuite.Exists(Key) Then

If dicKeepSku.Exists(Key) Then dicKeepSku.Remove(Key)

If NOT dicRemoveSku.Exists(Key) Then dicRemoveSku.Add Key,Key

End If

Next 'Key

End If 'fRemoveCSuites

'Client Single/Standalone Category

If fRemoveCSingle Then

For Each Key in dicInstalledSku.Keys

If dicCSingle.Exists(Key) Then

If dicKeepSku.Exists(Key) Then dicKeepSku.Remove(Key)

If NOT dicRemoveSku.Exists(Key) Then dicRemoveSku.Add Key,Key

End If

Next 'Key

End If 'fRemoveCSingle

'Server Category

If fRemoveSrv Then

For Each Key in dicInstalledSku.Keys

If dicSrv.Exists(Key) Then

If dicKeepSku.Exists(Key) Then dicKeepSku.Remove(Key)

If NOT dicRemoveSku.Exists(Key) Then dicRemoveSku.Add Key,Key

End If

Next 'Key

End If 'fRemoveSrv

If NOT dicKeepSku.Count > 0 Then fRemoveAll = True

End If 'fRemoveAll

'Fill the KeepProd dic

For Each Sku in dicKeepSku.Keys

If RegReadValue(HKLM,REG_ARP & OREGREF & Sku,"ProductCodes",sProductCodeList,"REG_MULTI_SZ") Then

For Each sProductCode in Split(sProductCodeList,chr(34))

If Len(sProductCode) = 38 Then

If NOT dicKeepProd.Exists(sProductCode) Then dicKeepProd.Add sProductCode,Sku

End If '38

Next 'sProductCod

End If

Next 'Sku

If fRemoveAll OR fRemoveOse Then CheckRemoveOSE

If fRemoveAll OR fRemoveOspp Then CheckRemoveOspp

If fRemoveAll OR fRemoveC2R Then CheckRemoveSG

End Sub 'ValidateRemoveSkuList


'Check if SoftGrid Client can be scrubbed

Sub CheckRemoveSG

Dim Key

Dim sPKey

Dim arrKeys


fRemoveC2R = False

Exit Sub

End If

If fForce Then

fRemoveAppV = True

Exit Sub

End If

fRemoveAppV = False

If RegEnumKey (HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5/Client/Applications",arrKeys) Then

For Each Key in arrKeys

If Len(Key)>15 Then

'Get Partial product Key

sPKey = Right(Key,16)

If Left(sPKey,4) = "90"&OVERSIONMAJOR Then

If NOT GetProductID(Mid(sPKey,5,4)) = "CLICK2RUN" Then Exit Sub


Exit Sub

End If


Exit Sub

End If

Next 'Key

End If

'If we got here it's only Click2Run apps

fRemoveAppV = True

End Sub 'CheckRemoveSG


'Check if OSE service can be scrubbed

Sub CheckRemoveOSE

Const O11 = "6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}"

Dim Product

If fRemoveOse Then Exit Sub

For Each Product in oMsi.Products

If Len(Product) = 38 Then

If UCase(Right(Product,28)) = O11 Then

'Found Office Product. Set flag to not remove the OSE service

Exit Sub

End If

If UCase(Right(Product,PRODLEN))=OFFICEID Then

Select Case Mid(Product,4,2)

Case "12","14","15","16","17"

'Found another Office product. Set flag to keep the OSE service

If NOT Mid(Product,4,2) = OVERSIONMAJOR Then

fRemoveOse = False

Exit Sub

End If

Case Else

End Select

End If

End If '38

Next 'Product

fRemoveOse = True

End Sub 'CheckRemoveOSE


'Check if OSPP service can be scrubbed

Sub CheckRemoveOSPP

Dim Product


fRemoveOspp = False

Exit Sub

End If

If fRemoveOspp Then Exit Sub

For Each Product in oMsi.Products

If Len(Product) = 38 Then

If UCase(Right(Product,PRODLEN))=OFFICEID Then

Select Case Mid(Product,4,2)

Case "14","15","16","17"

'Found another Office product. Set flag to keep the OSPP service

If NOT Mid(Product,4,2) = OVERSIONMAJOR Then

fRemoveOspp = False

Exit Sub

End If

Case Else

End Select

End If

End If '38

Next 'Product

fRemoveOspp = True

End Sub 'CheckRemoveOSPP


'Cache .msi files for products that will be removed in case they are needed for later file detection

Sub CacheMsiFiles

Dim Product

Dim sMsiFile

'Non critical routine for failures.

'Errors will be logged but must not fail the execution

On Error Resume Next

Log " Cache .msi files to temporary Scrub folder"

'Cache the files

For Each Product in oMsi.Products

'Ensure valid GUID length

If InScope(Product) Then

If (fRemoveAll OR CheckDelete(Product))Then

CheckError "CacheMsiFiles"

sMsiFile = oMsi.ProductInfo(Product,"LocalPackage") : CheckError "CacheMsiFiles"

LogOnly " - " & Product & ".msi"

If oFso.FileExists(sMsiFile) Then oFso.CopyFile sMsiFile,sScrubDir & "/" & Product & ".msi",True

CheckError "CacheMsiFiles"

End If

End If 'InScope

Next 'Product


End Sub 'CacheMsiFiles


'Build a list of all files that will be deleted

Sub ScanComponents


Dim FileList, RegList, ComponentID, CompClient, Record, qView, MsiDb

Dim Processes, Process, Prop, prod

Dim sQuery, sSubKeyName, sPath, sFile, sMsiFile, sCompClient, sComponent, sCompReg

Dim fRemoveComponent, fAffectedComponent, fIsPermanent

Dim i, iProgress, iCompCnt, iRemCnt

Dim dicFLError, oDic, oFolderDic, dicCompPath

Dim hDefKey


Set FileList = oFso.OpenTextFile(sScrubDir & "/FileList.txt",FOR_WRITING,True,True)

Set RegList = oFso.OpenTextFile(sScrubDir & "/RegList.txt",FOR_WRITING,True,True)

'FileListError dic

Set dicFLError = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set oFolderDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set dicCompPath = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

'Prevent that API errors fail script execution

On Error Resume Next

iCompCnt = ponents.Count

If NOT Err = 0 Then

'API failure

Log "Error during components detection. Cannot complete this task."


Exit Sub

End If

'Ensure to not divide by zero

If iCompCnt = 0 Then iCompCnt = 1

LogOnly " Scanning " & iCompCnt & " components"

'Enum all Components

For Each ComponentID In ponents

'Progress bar

i = i + 1

If iProgress < (i / iCompCnt) * 100 Then

wscript.stdout.write "." : LogStream.Write "."

iProgress = iProgress + 1

If iProgress = 35 OR iProgress = 70 Then Log ""

End If

'Check if all ComponentClients will be removed

sCompClient = ""

iRemCnt = 0

fIsPermanent = False

fRemoveComponent = False 'Flag to track if the component will be completely removed

fAffectedComponent = False 'Flag to track if some clients remain installed who have a none shared location


For Each CompClient In ponentClients(ComponentID)

If Err = 0 Then

'Ensure valid guid length

If Len(CompClient) = 38 Then

sPath = ""

sPath = LCase(ponentPath(CompClient,ComponentID))

sPath = Replace(sPath,"?",":")

'Scan for msidbComponentAttributesPermanent flag

If CompClient = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" Then

fIsPermanent = True

iRemCnt = iRemCnt + 1

End If

fRemoveComponent = InScope(CompClient)

If fRemoveComponent Then fRemoveComponent = CheckDelete(CompClient)

If fRemoveComponent Then

iRemCnt = iRemCnt + 1

fAffectedComponent = True

'Since the scope remains within one Office family the keypath for the component

'is assumed to be identical

If sCompClient = "" Then sCompClient = CompClient


If NOT dicCompPath.Exists(sPath) Then dicCompPath.Add sPath,CompClient

End If


If NOT dicFLError.Exists("Error: Invalid metadata found. ComponentID: "&ComponentID &", ComponentClient: "&CompClient) Then _

dicFLError.Add "Error: Invalid metadata found. ComponentID: "&ComponentID &", ComponentClient: "&CompClient, ComponentID

End If '38



End If 'Err = 0

Next 'CompClient

'Determine if the component resources go away

sPath = ""

fRemoveComponent = fAffectedComponent AND (iRemCnt = ponentClients(ComponentID).Count)

If NOT fRemoveComponent AND fAffectedComponent Then

'Flag as removable if component has a unique keypath

sPath = LCase(ponentPath(sCompClient,ComponentID))

sPath = Replace(sPath,"?",":")

fRemoveComponent = NOT dicCompPath.Exists(sPath)

End If

If fRemoveComponent Then

'Check msidbComponentAttributesPermanent flag

If fIsPermanent AND NOT fForce Then fRemoveComponent = False

End If

If fRemoveComponent Then

'Component resources go away for this product


'Add the component registration key to ensure removal

sCompReg = "Installer/Components/"&GetCompressedGuid(ComponentID)&"/"

If NOT dicDelRegKey.Exists(sCompReg) Then

dicDelRegKey.Add sCompReg,HKCR

RegList.WriteLine HiveString(HKCR)&"/"&sCompReg

End If

sCompReg = "SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Installer/UserData/S-1-5-18/Components/"&GetCompressedGuid(ComponentID)&"/"

If NOT dicDelRegKey.Exists(sCompReg) Then

dicDelRegKey.Add sCompReg,HKLM

RegList.WriteLine HiveString(HKCR)&"/"&sCompReg

End If

'Get the component path

If sPath = "" Then

sPath = LCase(ponentPath(sCompClient,ComponentID))

sPath = Replace(sPath,"?",":")

End If

If Len(sPath) > 4 Then

If Left(sPath,1) = "0" Then

'Registry keypath

Select Case Left(sPath,2)

Case "00"

sPath = Mid(sPath,5)

hDefKey = HKCR

Case "01"

sPath = Mid(sPath,5)

hDefKey = HKCU

Case "02","22"

sPath = Mid(sPath,5)

hDefKey = HKLM

Case Else


End Select

If NOT dicDelRegKey.Exists(sPath) Then

dicDelRegKey.Add sPath,hDefKey

RegList.WriteLine HiveString(hDefKey)&"/"&sPath

End If



If oFso.FileExists(sPath) Then

sPath = oFso.GetFile(sPath).ParentFolder

If Not oFolderDic.Exists(sPath) Then oFolderDic.Add sPath,sPath

'Get the .msi file

If oFso.FileExists(sScrubDir & "/" & sCompClient & ".msi") Then

sMsiFile = sScrubDir & "/" & sCompClient & ".msi"


sMsiFile = oMsi.ProductInfo(sCompClient,"LocalPackage")

End If

If Not Err = 0 Then

If NOT dicFLError.Exists("Failed to obtain .msi file for product "&sCompClient) Then _

dicFLError.Add "Failed to obtain .msi file for product "&sCompClient, ComponentID


End If

Set MsiDb = oMsi.OpenDatabase(sMsiFile,MSIOPENDATABASEREADONLY)

If Err = 0 Then

'Get the component name from the 'Component' table

sQuery = "SELECT `Component`,`ComponentId` FROM Component WHERE `ComponentId` = '" & ComponentID &"'"

Set qView = MsiDb.OpenView(sQuery) : qView.Execute

Set Record = qView.Fetch()

If Not Record Is Nothing Then sComponent = Record.Stringdata(1)

'Get filenames from the 'File' table

sQuery = "SELECT `Component_`,`FileName` FROM File WHERE `Component_` = '" & sComponent &"'"

Set qView = MsiDb.OpenView(sQuery) : qView.Execute

Set Record = qView.Fetch()

Do Until Record Is Nothing

'Read the filename

sFile = Record.StringData(2)

If InStr(sFile,"|") > 0 Then sFile = Mid(sFile,InStr(sFile,"|")+1,Len(sFile))

'sFile = sPath & "/" & sFile

If Not oDic.Exists(sPath & "/" & sFile) Then

'Exception handler

fAdd = True

Select Case UCase(sFile)


'Catch exception caused by changed .msi keypath authoring logic for smart tags

For Each prod in oMsi.Products

If NOT Checkdelete(prod) Then

If oMsi.FeatureState(prod, "MSTagPluginNamesFiles") = MSIINSTALLSTATE_LOCAL Then

fAdd = False

Exit For

End If

End If

Next 'prod

Case Else

End Select

If fAdd Then

oDic.Add sPath & "/" & sFile,sFile

FileList.WriteLine sFile

If Len(sFile)>4 Then

sFile = LCase(sFile)

If Right(sFile,4) = ".exe" Then

If NOT dicApps.Exists(sFile) Then

Select Case sFile

Case "setup.exe","ose.exe","osppsvc.exe","explorer.exe","cvhsvc.exe","sftvsa.exe","sftlist.exe","sftplay.exe","sftvol.exe","sftfs.exe"

Case Else

dicApps.Add sFile,LCase(sPath) & "/" & sFile

End Select

End If 'dicApps.Exists

End If '.exe

End If 'Len > 4

End If 'fAdd

End If 'oDic.Exists

Set Record = qView.Fetch()


Set Record = Nothing


Set qView = Nothing


If NOT dicFLError.Exists("Error: Could not read from .msi file: "&sMsiFile) Then _

dicFLError.Add "Error: Could not read from .msi file: "&sMsiFile, ComponentID


End If 'Err = 0

End If 'FileExists(sPath)

End If

End If 'Len(sPath) > 4


'Add the path to the 'Keep' dictionary


For Each CompClient In ponentClients(ComponentID)

'Get the component path

sPath = "" : sPath = LCase(ponentPath(CompClient,ComponentID))

sPath = Replace(sPath,"?",":")

If Len(sPath) > 4 Then

If Left(sPath,1) = "0" Then

'Registry keypath

Select Case Left(sPath,2)

Case "00"

sPath = Mid(sPath,5)

hDefKey = HKCR

Case "01"

sPath = Mid(sPath,5)

hDefKey = HKCU

Case "02","22"

sPath = Mid(sPath,5)

hDefKey = HKLM

Case Else


End Select

If NOT dicKeepReg.Exists(LCase(sPath)) Then

dicKeepReg.Add LCase(sPath),hDefKey

End If


'File keypath

If oFso.FileExists(sPath) Then

If NOT dicKeepFolder.Exists(LCase(sPath)) Then dicKeepFolder.Add LCase(sPath)

sPath = LCase(oFso.GetFile(sPath).ParentFolder) & "/"

If NOT dicKeepFolder.Exists(sPath) Then AddKeepFolder sPath

End If

'Folder keypath

If oFso.FolderExists(sPath) Then AddKeepFolder sPath

End If 'Is Registry

End If 'sPath > 4

Next 'CompClient

End If 'fRemoveComponent

Next 'ComponentID


On Error Goto 0

'Click2Run detection

If C2RInstalled Then

'Add executables that might need to be closed

If NOT dicApps.Exists("cvh.exe") Then dicApps.Add "cvh.exe","cvh.exe"

If NOT dicApps.Exists("officevirt.exe") Then dicApps.Add "officevirt.exe","officevirt.exe"

Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process")

For Each Process in Processes

For Each Prop in Process.Properties_

If Prop.Name = "ExecutablePath" Then

If Len(Prop.Value) > 2 Then

If UCase(Left(Prop.Value,2)) = "Q:" Then

If NOT dicApps.Exists(LCase(Process.Name)) Then dicApps.Add LCase(Process.Name),Process.Name

End If 'Q:

End If '>2

End If 'ExcecutablePath

Next 'Prop

Next 'Process

End If 'C2RInstalled

Log " Done" & vbCrLf

If dicFLError.Count > 0 Then LogOnly Join(dicFLError.Keys,vbCrLf)

If Not oFolderDic.Count = 0 Then arrDeleteFolders = oFolderDic.Keys Else Set arrDeleteFolders = Nothing

If Not oDic.Count = 0 Then arrDeleteFiles = oDic.Keys Else Set arrDeleteFiles = Nothing

End Sub 'ScanComponents


'Detect if Click2Run products are installed on the client

Function C2RInstalled

Dim Key, sPKey, sValue, VProd

Dim arrKeys

If RegEnumKey (HKLM,REG_ARP,arrKeys) Then

For Each Key in arrKeys

If InScope(Key)=38 Then

If RegReadValue(HKLM,REG_ARP&"/"&Key,"CVH",sValue,"REG_DWORD") Then

If sValue = "1" Then

C2RInstalled = True

Exit Function

End If

End If

End If

Next 'Key

End If

If RegEnumKey (HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5/Client/Applications",arrKeys) Then

For Each Key in arrKeys

If Len(Key)>15 Then

'Get Partial product Key

sPKey = Right(Key,16)

If Left(sPKey,4) = "90" & OVERSIONMAJOR Then

If GetProductID(Mid(sPKey,5,4)) = "CLICK2RUN" Then

C2RInstalled = True

Exit Function

End If

End If

End If

Next 'Key

End If

End Function 'C2RInstalled


'Try to remove the products by calling setup.exe

Sub SetupExeRemoval

Dim OseService, Service, TextStream

Dim iSetupCnt, RetVal

Dim Sku, sConfigFile, sUninstallCmd, sCatalyst, sCVHBS, sDll, sDisplayLevel, sNoCancel

iSetupCnt = 0

If Not dicRemoveSku.Count > 0 Then

Log " Nothing to remove for Setup.exe"

Exit Sub

End If

For Each Sku in dicRemoveSku.Keys

If Sku="CLICK2RUN" Then

'Reset Softgrid


If f64 Then

sCVHBS = sCommonProgramFilesX86 & "/Microsoft Shared/Virtualization Handler/CVHBS.exe"


sCVHBS = sCommonProgramFiles & "/Microsoft Shared/Virtualization Handler/CVHBS.exe"

End If

If oFso.FileExists(sCVHBS) Then


sUninstallCmd = Chr(34) & sCVHBS & Chr(34) & " /removesilent"

iSetupCnt = iSetupCnt + 1

Log " - Calling CVHBS.exe to remove " & Sku

If Not fDetectOnly Then

On Error Resume Next

RetVal = oWShell.Run(sUninstallCmd,0,True) : CheckError "CVHBSRemoval"

fRebootRequired = True

Log " - CVHBS.exe returned: " & SetupRetVal(Retval) & " (" & RetVal & ")" & vbCrLf

On Error Goto 0


Log " -> Removal suppressed in preview mode."

End If


Log "Error: Office Click-to-Run CVHBS.exe appears to be missing"

End If 'oFso.FileExists

'Make sure that C2R keys are gone to unblock the msiexec task

End If 'Sku = Click2run

Next 'Sku

'Ensure that the OSE service is *installed, *not disabled, *running under System context.

'If validation fails exit out of this sub.

Set OseService = oWmiLocal.Execquery("Select * From Win32_Service Where Name like 'ose%'")

If OseService.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub

For Each Service in OseService

If (Service.StartMode = "Disabled") AND (Not Service.ChangeStartMode("Manual")=0) Then Exit Sub

If (Not Service.StartName = "LocalSystem") AND (Service.Change( , , , , , , "LocalSystem", "")) Then Exit Sub

Next 'Service

For Each Sku in dicRemoveSku.Keys

If Sku="CLICK2RUN" Then

'Already done


'Create an "unattended" config.xml file for uninstall

If fQuiet Then sDisplayLevel = "None" Else sDisplayLevel="Basic"

If fNoCancel Then sNoCancel="Yes" Else sNoCancel="No"

Set TextStream = oFso.OpenTextFile(sScrubDir & "/config.xml",FOR_WRITING,True,True)

TextStream.Writeline "<Configuration Product=""" & Sku & """>"

TextStream.Writeline "<Display Level=""" & sDisplayLevel & """ CompletionNotice=""No"" SuppressModal=""Yes"" NoCancel=""" & sNoCancel & """ AcceptEula=""Yes"" />"

TextStream.Writeline "<Logging Type=""Verbose"" Path=""" & sLogDir & """ Template=""Microsoft Office " & Sku & " Setup(*).txt"" />"

TextStream.Writeline "<Setting Id=""SETUP_REBOOT"" Value=""Never"" />"

TextStream.Writeline "</Configuration>"


Set TextStream = Nothing

'Ensure path to setup.exe is valid to prevent errors

sDll = ""

If RegReadValue(HKLM,REG_ARP & OREGREF & Sku,"UninstallString",sCatalyst,"REG_SZ") Then

If InStr(LCase(sCatalyst),"/dll")>0 Then sDll = Right(sCatalyst,Len(sCatalyst)-InStr(LCase(sCatalyst),"/dll")+2)

If InStr(sCatalyst,"/")>0 Then sCatalyst = Left(sCatalyst,InStr(sCatalyst,"/")-1)

sCatalyst = Trim(Replace(sCatalyst,Chr(34),""))

If NOT oFso.FileExists(sCatalyst) Then

sCatalyst = sCommonProgramFiles & "/" & OREF & "/Office Setup Controller/setup.exe"

If NOT oFso.FileExists(sCatalyst) AND f64 Then

sCatalyst = sCommonProgramFilesX86 & "" & OREF & "/Office Setup Controller/setup.exe"

End If

End If

If oFso.FileExists(sCatalyst) Then

sUninstallCmd = Chr(34) & sCatalyst & Chr(34) & " /uninstall " & Sku & " /config " & Chr(34) & sScrubDir & "/config.xml" & Chr(34) & sDll

iSetupCnt = iSetupCnt + 1

Log " - Calling Setup.exe to remove " & Sku '& vbCrLf & sUninstallCmd

If Not fDetectOnly Then

On Error Resume Next

RetVal = oWShell.Run(sUninstallCmd,0,True) : CheckError "SetupExeRemoval"

Log " - Setup.exe returned: " & SetupRetVal(Retval) & " (" & RetVal & ")" & vbCrLf

fRebootRequired = fRebootRequired OR (RetVal = "3010")

On Error Goto 0


Log " -> Removal suppressed in preview mode."

End If


Log " Error: Office setup.exe appears to be missing"

End If 'RetVal = 0) AND oFso.FileExists

End If 'RegReadValue

End If 'C2R

Next 'Sku

If iSetupCnt = 0 Then Log " Nothing to remove for setup."

End Sub 'SetupExeRemoval


'Invoke msiexec to remove individual .MSI packages

Sub MsiexecRemoval

Dim Product

Dim i

Dim sCmd, sReturn, sMsiProp

Dim fRegWipe, fC2RRegWipe

fRegWipe = False

fC2RRegWipe = False


Case "11"


Case "12"

fRegWipe = True

sMsiProp = " REBOOT=ReallySuppress NOREMOVESPAWN=True"

Case "14"

fRegWipe = True

sMsiProp = " REBOOT=ReallySuppress NOREMOVESPAWN=True"

fC2RRegWipe = True

Case Else

End Select

'Clear up ARP first to avoid possible custom action dependencies

If fRegWipe Then RegWipeARP

'Check MSI registered products

'Office System does only support per machine installation so it's sufficient to use Installer.Products

i = 0

For Each Product in oMsi.Products

If InScope(Product) Then

If fRemoveAll OR CheckDelete(Product) Then

i = i + 1

Log " Calling msiexec.exe to remove " & Product

sCmd = "msiexec.exe /x" & Product & sMsiProp

If fC2RRegWipe Then

'Need to clear out C2R registration first

If Mid(Product,11,3)="006" Then RegWipeC2R

End If

If fQuiet Then

sCmd = sCmd & " /q"


sCmd = sCmd & " /qb-"

End If

sCmd = sCmd & " /l*v+ "&chr(34)&sLogDir&"/Uninstall_"&Product&".log"&chr(34)

If NOT fDetectOnly Then

LogOnly " - Calling msiexec with '"&sCmd&"'"

'Execute the patch uninstall

sReturn = oWShell.Run(sCmd, 0, True)

Log " - msiexec returned: " & SetupRetVal(sReturn) & " (" & sReturn & ")" & vbCrLf

fRebootRequired = fRebootRequired OR (sReturn = "3010")


Log " -> Removal suppressed in preview mode."

LogOnly " -> Command: "&sCmd

End If

End If 'CheckDelete

End If 'InScope

Next 'Product

If i = 0 Then Log " Nothing to remove for msiexec"

End Sub 'MsiexecRemoval


'Remove the OSE (Office Source Engine) service

Sub RemoveOSE

On Error Resume Next

Log vbCrLf & " OSE CleanUp"

DeleteService "ose"

'Delete the folder

DeleteFolder sCommonProgramFiles & "/Microsoft Shared/Source Engine"

'Delete the registration

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/ose/"

End Sub 'RemoveOSE


'Remove the Softgrid services (App-V and Click2Run)

Sub RemoveSG

On Error Resume Next

Log " Softgrid CleanUp"







'Delete the folder

DeleteFolder sAppdata & "/SoftGrid Client"

DeleteFolder sLocalAppData & "/SoftGrid Client"

DeleteFolder sProgramData & "/Microsoft/Application Virtualization Client/SoftGrid Client"

DeleteFolder sProgramData & "/Microsoft/Application Virtualization Client"

DeleteFolder sProgramfiles & "/Microsoft/Microsoft Application Virtualization Client"

DeleteFolder sProgramfiles & "/Microsoft Application Virtualization Client"

'Delete the registration

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/cvhsvc"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/sftfs"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/sftlist"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/sftplay"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/sftredir"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/sftvol"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/sftvsa"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/sftfs"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5"

RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5/Client/AppFS"

RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5/Client/Applications"

RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5/Client/FileExtensions"

RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5/Client/FileTypes"

RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5/Client/UserInfo"

'C2R places custom permissions on these regkeys which prevent them from getting deleted

'RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5/Client/Network"

'RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5/Client/Packages"

'RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5/Client"

'RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5"

End Sub 'RemoveSG


'Stops all Softgrid services and virtual applications

Sub ResetSG

Dim Processes, Process

Dim fWait

Dim iRet

On Error Resume Next

fWait = False

Log " Doing Action: ResetSG"

'Close all running (virtualized) Office applications

'OfficeVirt.exe needs to be shut down first

Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name like 'officevirt%.exe'")

For Each Process in Processes

Log " - End process " & Process.Name

iRet = Process.Terminate()

CheckError "ResetSG: " & "Process.Name"

fWait = True

Next 'Process

'Shut down CVH.exe

Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name='cvh.exe'")

For Each Process in Processes

Log " - End process " & Process.Name

iRet = Process.Terminate()

CheckError "ResetSG: " & "Process.Name"

Next 'Process

'Close running instances

Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process")

For Each Process in Processes

If dicApps.Exists(LCase(Process.Name)) Then

Log " - End process " & Process.Name

iRet = Process.Terminate()

CheckError "CloseOfficeApps: " & "Process.Name"

End If

Next 'Process

If fWait Then wscript.sleep 10000

'Stop all SoftGrid services

iRet = StopService("cvhsvc")

iRet = StopService("SftList")

iRet = StopService("SftPlay")

iRet = StopService("SftVol")

iRet = StopService("SftFs")

iRet = StopService("SftVsa")

End Sub 'ResetSG


'File cleanup operations for the Local Installation Source (MSOCache)

Sub WipeLIS

Const LISROOT = "MSOCache/All Users/"

Dim LogicalDisks, Disk, Folder, SubFolder, MseFolder, File, Files

Dim arrSubFolders

Dim sFolder

Dim fRemoveFolder

Log vbCrLf & " LIS CleanUp"

'Search all hard disks

Set LogicalDisks = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DriveType=3")

For Each Disk in LogicalDisks

If oFso.FolderExists(Disk.DeviceID & "/" & LISROOT) Then

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(Disk.DeviceID & "/" & LISROOT)

For Each Subfolder in Folder.Subfolders

If Len(Subfolder) > 37 Then

If fRemoveAll Then

If (Mid(Subfolder.Name,26,PRODLEN) = OFFICEID AND Mid(SubFolder.Name,4,2)=OVERSIONMAJOR) OR _

LCase(Right(Subfolder.Name,7)) = OVERSIONMAJOR &".data" Then DeleteFolder Subfolder.Path


If (Mid(Subfolder.Name,26,PRODLEN) = OFFICEID AND Mid(SubFolder.Name,4,2)=OVERSIONMAJOR) AND _

CheckDelete(UCase(Left(Subfolder.Name,38))) AND _

UCase(Right(Subfolder,1))= UCase(Left(Disk.DeviceID,1))Then DeleteFolder Subfolder.Path

End If

End If 'Len > 37

Next 'Subfolder

If (Folder.Subfolders.Count = 0) AND (Folder.Files.Count = 0) Then

sFolder = Folder.Path

Set Folder = Nothing

SmartDeleteFolder sFolder

End If

End If 'oFso.FolderExists

Next 'Disk


If EnumFolders(sProgramFiles,arrSubFolders) Then

For Each SubFolder in arrSubFolders

If UCase(Right(SubFolder,9))="/MSECACHE" Then

ReDim arrMseFolders(-1)

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(SubFolder)

GetMseFolderStructure Folder

For Each MseFolder in arrMseFolders

If oFso.FolderExists(MseFolder) Then

fRemoveFolder = False

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(MseFolder)

Set Files = Folder.Files

For Each File in Files

If (LCase(Right(File.Name,4))=".msi") Then

If CheckDelete(ProductCode(File.Path)) Then

fRemoveFolder = True

Exit For

End If 'CheckDelete

End If

Next 'File

Set Files = Nothing

Set Folder = Nothing

If fRemoveFolder Then SmartDeleteFolder MseFolder

End If 'oFso.FolderExists(MseFolder)

Next 'MseFolder

End If

Next 'SubFolder

End If 'oFso.FolderExists

End Sub 'WipeLis


'Wipe files and folders as documented in KB 928218

Sub FileWipeAll

Dim sFolder

Dim Folder, Subfolder

If fForce OR fQuiet Then CloseOfficeApps

'Handle other services.


Case "11"

Case "12"

Case "14"

DeleteService "odserv"

DeleteService "Microsoft Office Groove Audit Service"

DeleteService "Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Audit Service"

Case Else

End Select

'User specific files

If NOT fKeepUser Then

'Delete files that should be backed up before deleting them

CopyAndDeleteFile sAppdata & "/Microsoft/Templates/Normal.dotm"

CopyAndDeleteFile sAppdata & "/Microsoft/Templates/Normalemail.dotm"

sFolder = sAppdata & "/microsoft/document building blocks"

If oFso.FolderExists(sFolder) Then

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sFolder)

For Each Subfolder In Folder.Subfolders

If oFso.FileExists(Subfolder & "/blocks.dotx") Then CopyAndDeleteFile Subfolder & "/blocks.dotx"

Next 'Subfolder

Set Folder = Nothing

End If 'oFso.FolderExists(sFolder)

End If

'Run the individual filewipe from component detection first


'Take care of the rest

DeleteFolder sOInstallRoot

DeleteFolder sCommonProgramFiles & "/Microsoft Shared/" & OREF

DeleteFile sAllUsersProfile & "/Application Data/Microsoft/Office/Data/opa"&OVERSIONMAJOR&".dat"

DeleteFile sAllUsersProfile & "/Application Data/Microsoft/Office/Data/opa"&OVERSIONMAJOR&".bak"

DeleteFile sAllUsersProfile & "/Microsoft/Office/Data/opa"&OVERSIONMAJOR&".dat"

DeleteFile sAllUsersProfile & "/Microsoft/Office/Data/opa"&OVERSIONMAJOR&".bak"

If (fRemoveOspp OR fForce) AND CInt(OVERSIONMAJOR)>12 Then

DeleteService "osppsvc"

DeleteFolder sCommonProgramFiles & "/Microsoft Shared/OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform"

DeleteFolder sAllUsersProfile & "/Microsoft/OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform"

End If


Case "12"

Case "14"

DeleteFile oWShell.SpecialFolders("AllUsersStartup")&"/OfficeSAS.lnk"

DeleteFile oWShell.SpecialFolders("Startup")&"/OneNote Screen Clipper and Launcher.lnk"

Case Else

End Select

End Sub 'FileWipeAll


'Wipe individual files & folders related to SKU's that are no longer installed

Sub FileWipeIndividual

Dim LogicalDisks, Disk

Dim File, Files, XmlFile, scFiles, oFile, Folder, SubFolder, Processes, Process, item

Dim sFile, sFolder, sPath, sConfigName, sContents, sProductCode, sLocalDrives,sScQuery

Dim arrSubfolders

Dim fKeepFolder, fDeleteSC

Dim iRet

Log vbCrLf & " File CleanUp"

If IsArray(arrDeleteFiles) Then

If fForce OR fQuiet Then

Log " Doing Action: StopOSE"

iRet = StopService("ose")

Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Service Where Name like 'ose%.exe'")

For Each Process in Processes

LogOnly " - Running process : " & Process.Name

Log " -> Ending process: " & Process.Name

iRet = Process.Terminate()

Next 'Process

LogOnly " End Action: StopOSE"


End If

'Wipe individual files detected earlier

LogOnly " Removing left behind files"

For Each sFile in arrDeleteFiles

If oFso.FileExists(sFile) Then DeleteFile sFile

Next 'File

End If 'IsArray

'Wipe Catalyst in commonfiles

sFolder = sCommonProgramFiles & "/microsoft shared/"&OREF&"/Office Setup Controller/"

If EnumFolderNames(sFolder,arrSubFolders) Then

For Each SubFolder in arrSubFolders

sPath = sFolder & SubFolder

If InStr(SubFolder,".")>0 Then sConfigName = UCase(Left(SubFolder,InStr(SubFolder,".")-1))Else sConfigName = UCase(Subfolder)

If GetFolderPath(sPath) Then

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sPath)

Set Files = Folder.Files

fKeepFolder = False

For Each File In Files

If Len(File.Name)>3 Then

If (LCase(Right(File.Name,4))=".xml") Then

If Len(File.Name) >= Len(sConfigName) Then

If (UCase(Left(File.Name,Len(sConfigName)))=sConfigName) Then

Set XmlFile = oFso.OpenTextFile(File,1)

sContents = XmlFile.ReadAll

Set XmlFile = Nothing

sProductCode = ""

On Error Resume Next

sProductCode = Mid(sContents,InStr(sContents,"ProductCode=")+Len("ProductCode=")+1,38)

On Error Goto 0

If Len(sProductCode) = 38 Then

If CheckDelete(sProductCode) Then DeleteFile File.Path Else fKeepFolder = True

End If

End If 'sConfigName

End If 'Len >=

End If '.xml

End If 'Len(File.Name)>3

Next 'File

Set Files = Nothing

Set Folder = Nothing

If Not fKeepFolder Then DeleteFolder sPath

End If 'GetFolderPath

Next 'SubFolder

End If 'EnumFolderNames

'Wipe Shortcuts from local hard disks

If NOT fSkipSD Then

On Error Resume Next

Log " Searching for shortcuts. This can take some time ..."

Set LogicalDisks = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DriveType=3")

For Each Disk in LogicalDisks

sLocalDrives = sLocalDrives & UCase(Disk.DeviceID) & "/;"

sScQuery = "Select * From Win32_ShortcutFile WHERE Drive='"&Disk.DeviceID&"'"

Set scFiles = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery(sScQuery)

For Each File in scFiles

fDeleteSC = False

'Compare if the shortcut target is in the list of executables that will be removed

If Len(File.Target)>0 Then

For Each item in dicApps.Items

If LCase(File.Target) = item Then

fDeleteSC = True

Exit For

End If

Next 'item

End If

'Handle Windows Installer shortcuts

If InStr(File.Target,"{")>0 Then

If Len(File.Target)>=InStr(File.Target,"{")+37 Then

If CheckDelete(Mid(File.Target,InStr(File.Target,"{"),38)) Then fDeleteSC = True

End If

End If

'Handle C2R

If InStr(File.Target,"CVH.EXE")>0 AND (fRemoveAll OR fRemoveC2R) Then

If InStr(File.Target,"90" & OVERSIONMAJOR & "006")>0 Then fDeleteSC = True

End If

If fDeleteSC Then

If Not IsArray(arrDeleteFolders) Then ReDim arrDeleteFolders(0)

sFolder = Left(File.Description,InStrRev(File.Description,"/")-1)

If Not arrDeleteFolders(UBound(arrDeleteFolders)) = sFolder Then

ReDim Preserve arrDeleteFolders(UBound(arrDeleteFolders)+1)

arrDeleteFolders(UBound(arrDeleteFolders)) = sFolder

End If

DeleteFile File.Description

End If 'fDeleteSC

Next 'scFile


On Error Goto 0

End If 'NOT SkipSD


End Sub 'FileWipeIndividual


Sub DelScrubTmp

On Error Resume Next

If oFso.FileExists(sScrubDir&"/CvhbsQuiet.vbs") Then oFso.DeleteFile sScrubDir&"/CvhbsQuiet.vbs",True

If oFso.FolderExists(sScrubDir & "/ScrubTmp") Then oFso.DeleteFolder sScrubDir & "/ScrubTmp",True

End Sub 'DelScrubTmp


'Ensure there are no unexpected .msi files in the scrub folder

Sub DeleteMsiScrubCache

Dim Folder, File, Files

Log vbCrLf & " ScrubCache CleanUp"

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sScrubDir) : CheckError "DeleteMsiScrubCache"

Set Files = Folder.Files

For Each File in Files

CheckError "DeleteMsiScrubCache"

If LCase(Right(File.Name,4))=".msi" Then

CheckError "DeleteMsiScrubCache"

DeleteFile File.Path : CheckError "DeleteMsiScrubCache"

End If

Next 'File

End Sub 'DeleteMsiScrubCache


Sub MsiClearOrphanedFiles

Const USERSIDEVERYONE = "s-1-1-0"



'Error handling inlined

On Error Resume Next

Dim Patch, AllPatches, Product, AllProducts

Dim File, Files, Folder

Dim sFName, sLocalMsp, sLocalMsi, sPatchList, sMsiList

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sWinDir & "/Installer")

Set Files = Folder.Files

Log vbCrLf & " Windows Installer cache CleanUp"

'Get a complete list of patches



If Err <> 0 Then

CheckError "MsiClearOrphanedFiles (msp)"


'Fill a comma separated stringlist with all .msp patchfiles

For Each Patch in AllPatches

sLocalMsp = "" : sLocalMsp = LCase(Patch.Patchproperty("LocalPackage")) : CheckError "MsiClearOrphanedFiles (msp)"

sPatchList = sPatchList & sLocalMsp & ","

Next 'Patch

'Delete all non referenced .msp files from %windir%/installer

For Each File in Files

sFName = "" : sFName = LCase(File.Path)

If LCase(Right(sFName,4)) = ".msp" Then

If Not InStr(sPatchList,sFName) > 0 Then

'While this is an orphaned file keep the scope of Office only

If InStr(UCase(MspTargets(File.Path)),OFFICEID)>0 Then DeleteFile File.Path

End If

End If 'LCase(Right(sFName,4))

Next 'File

End If 'Err=0

'Get a complete list products



If Err <> 0 Then

CheckError "MsiClearOrphanedFiles (msi)"


'Fill a comma separated stringlist with all .msi files

For Each Product in AllProducts

sLocalMsi = "" : sLocalMsi = LCase(Product.InstallProperty("LocalPackage")) : CheckError "MsiClearOrphanedFiles (msi)"

sMsiList = sMsiList & sLocalMsi & ","

Next 'Product

'Delete all non referenced .msi files from %windir%/installer

For Each File in Files

sFName = "" : sFName = LCase(File.Path)

If LCase(Right(sFName,4)) = ".msi" Then

If Not InStr(sMsiList,sFName) > 0 Then

'While this is an orphaned file keep the scope of Office only

If UCase(Right(ProductCode(File.Path),PRODLEN))=OFFICEID Then DeleteFile File.Path

End If

End If 'LCase(Right(sFName,4)) = ".msi"

Next 'File

End If 'Err=0

End Sub 'MsiClearOrphanedFiles


Sub RegWipe

Dim Item, Name, Sku, key

Dim hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sCurKey, value, sValue, sGuid

Dim fkeep, fSystemComponent0, fPackages, fDisplayVersion

Dim arrKeys, arrNames, arrTypes, arrMultiSzValues, arrMultiSzNewValues

Dim arrTestNames,arrTestTypes

Dim i, iLoopCnt, iPos

Dim fDelReg

Log vbCrLf & " Registry CleanUp"

'Wipe registry data

'User Profile settings

RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Policies/Microsoft/Office/" & OVERSION & "/"

If NOT fKeepUser Then

RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/Office/" & OVERSION & "/"

End If 'fKeepUser

'Computer specific settings

If fRemoveAll Then

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/" & OVERSION & "/"

If fRemoveOse OR fForce Then

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office Test/"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Common/","LastAccessInstall"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Common/","MID"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Excel/Addins/Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Planning.Client.Excel/"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/InfoPath/Converters/Import/InfoPath.DesignerExcelImport/Versions/",OVERSION

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/InfoPath/Converters/Import/InfoPath.DesignerWordImport/Versions/",OVERSION

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Outlook/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Shared Tools/Text Converters/Export/MEWord12/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Shared Tools/Text Converters/Export/Word12/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Shared Tools/Text Converters/Export/Word97/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Shared Tools/Text Converters/Import/MEWord12/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Shared Tools/Text Converters/Import/Word12/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Shared Tools/Text Converters/Import/Word97/"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run/","GrooveMonitor"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run/","LobiServer"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run/","BCSSync"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Outlook/"

End If

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Common/OffDiag/Location/",OVERSIONMAJOR

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Terminal Server/Install/Software/Microsoft/Office/" & OVERSION & "/"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Common/OffDiag/Location/",OVERSIONMAJOR

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/OfficeCustomizeWizard/" & OVERSION & "/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Terminal Server/Install/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/OfficeCustomizeWizard/" & OVERSION & "/"


Case "11"


sValue = ""

If RegReadValue(HKCR,"CLSID/{CC2C83A6-9BE4-11D0-98E7-00C04FC2CAF5}/InprocServer32","SystemDB",sValue,"REG_SZ") Then

If Len(sValue) > Len(sOInstallRoot) Then

If LCase(Left(sValue,Len(sOInstallRoot))) = LCase(sOInstallRoot) Then RegDeleteKey HKCR,"CLSID/{CC2C83A6-9BE4-11D0-98E7-00C04FC2CAF5}/InprocServer32/"

End If

End If

Case "12"

Case "14"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform_Test/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Common/ActiveX Compatibility/{00024512-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/OneNote/Adapters/","{456B0D0E-49DD-4C95-8DB6-175F54DE69A3}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{42042206-2D85-11D3-8CFF-005004838597}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{993BE281-6695-4BA5-8A2A-7AACBFAAB69E}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{0006F045-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{C41662BB-1FA0-4CE0-8DC5-9B7F8279FF97}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{7CCA70DB-DE7A-4FB7-9B2B-52E2335A3B5A}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{506F4668-F13E-4AA1-BB04-B43203AB3CC0}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{D66DC78C-4F61-447F-942B-3FB6980118CF}"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Browser Helper Objects/{B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF}/"

'Groove Extensions

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/ShellExecuteHooks/","{B5A7F190-DDA6-4420-B3BA-52453494E6CD}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{99FD978C-D287-4F50-827F-B2C658EDA8E7}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{AB5C5600-7E6E-4B06-9197-9ECEF74D31CC}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{920E6DB1-9907-4370-B3A0-BAFC03D81399}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{16F3DD56-1AF5-4347-846D-7C10C4192619}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{2916C86E-86A6-43FE-8112-43ABE6BF8DCC}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{72853161-30C5-4D22-B7F9-0BBC1D38A37E}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{6C467336-8281-4E60-8204-430CED96822D}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{2A541AE1-5BF6-4665-A8A3-CFA9672E4291}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{B5A7F190-DDA6-4420-B3BA-52453494E6CD}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{A449600E-1DC6-4232-B948-9BD794D62056}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{3D60EDA7-9AB4-4DA8-864C-D9B5F2E7281D}"

RegDeleteValue HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Shell Extensions/Approved/","{387E725D-DC16-4D76-B310-2C93ED4752A0}"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Classes/*/shellex/ContextMenuHandlers/XXX Groove GFS Context Menu Handler XXX/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Classes/AllFilesystemObjects/shellex/ContextMenuHandlers/XXX Groove GFS Context Menu Handler XXX/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Classes/Directory/shellex/ContextMenuHandlers/XXX Groove GFS Context Menu Handler XXX/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Classes/Folder/ShellEx/ContextMenuHandlers/XXX Groove GFS Context Menu Handler XXX/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Classes/Directory/Background/shellex/ContextMenuHandlers/XXX Groove GFS Context Menu Handler XXX/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers/Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 1 (GFS Unread Stub)/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers/Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2 (GFS Stub)/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers/Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2.5 (GFS Unread Folder)/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers/Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 3 (GFS Folder)/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers/Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 4 (GFS Unread Mark)/"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Browser Helper Objects/{72853161-30C5-4D22-B7F9-0BBC1D38A37E}/"

Case Else

End Select


If RegEnumKey(HKCR,"Installer/Win32Assemblies/",arrKeys) Then

For Each Item in arrKeys

If InStr(UCase(Item),OREF)>0 Then RegDeleteKey HKCR,"Installer/Win32Assemblies/"&Item & "/"

Next 'Item

End If 'RegEnumKey

'Groove blocks reinstall if it locates groove.exe over this key

If RegKeyExists(HKCR,"GrooveFile/Shell/Open/Command/") Then

sValue = ""

RegReadValue HKCR,"GrooveFile/Shell/Open/Command/","",sValue,"REG_SZ"

If InStr(sValue,"/"&OREF&"/")>0 Then RegDeleteKey HKCR,"GrooveFile/"

End If 'RegKeyExists

End If 'fRemoveAll


Case "11"

For iLoopCnt = 1 to 3

Select Case iLoopCnt

Case 1


sSubKeyName = "Software/Microsoft/OfficeCustomizeWizard/" & OVERSION & "/RegKeyPaths/"

hDefKey = HKCU

Case 2


sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE/Microsoft/OfficeCustomizeWizard/" & OVERSION & "/RegKeyPaths/"

hDefKey = HKLM

Case 3

'Add/Remove Programs

sSubKeyName = REG_ARP

hDefKey = HKLM

End Select

If RegEnumKey(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) Then

For Each Item in arrKeys


If Len(Item)>37 Then

sGuid = UCase(Left(Item,38))


If CheckDelete(sGuid) Then

RegDeleteKey hDefKey, sSubKeyName & Item & "/"

End If


End If 'Len(Item)>37

Next 'Item

If iLoopCnt < 3 Then

If RegEnumValues(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrNames,arrTypes) Then

i = 0

For Each Name in arrNames

If RegReadValue(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,Name,sValue,arrTypes(i)) Then

If sValue = sGuid Then RegDeleteValue hDefKey,sSubKeyName,Name

End If

i = i + 1


End If

End If

End If

If NOT RegEnumKey(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) Then RegDeleteKey hDefKey,"Software/Microsoft/OfficeCustomizeWizard/11.0/"

If NOT RegEnumKey(hDefKey,"Software/Microsoft/OfficeCustomizeWizard/11.0/",arrKeys) Then RegDeleteKey hDefKey,"Software/Microsoft/OfficeCustomizeWizard/"

Next 'iLoopCnt

Case "12"

'Add/Remove Programs


Case "14"

'Add/Remove Programs


Case Else

End Select

'UpgradeCodes, WI config, WI global config

For iLoopCnt = 1 to 5

Select Case iLoopCnt

Case 1

sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Installer/UpgradeCodes/"

hDefKey = HKLM

Case 2

sSubKeyName = "Installer/UpgradeCodes/"

hDefKey = HKCR

Case 3

sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Installer/UserData/S-1-5-18/Products/"

hDefKey = HKLM

Case 4

sSubKeyName = "Installer/Features/"

hDefKey = HKCR

Case 5

sSubKeyName = "Installer/Products/"

hDefKey = HKCR

Case Else

sSubKeyName = ""

hDefKey = ""

End Select

If RegEnumKey(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) Then

For Each Item in arrKeys

'Ensure we have the expected length for a compressed GUID

If Len(Item)=32 Then

'Expand the GUID

sGuid = GetExpandedGuid(Item)

'Check if it's an Office key

If InScope(sGuid) Then

If fRemoveAll Then

RegDeleteKey hDefKey,sSubKeyName & Item & "/"


If iLoopCnt < 3 Then

'Enum all entries

RegEnumValues hDefKey,sSubKeyName & Item,arrNames,arrTypes

If IsArray(arrNames) Then

'Delete entries within removal scope

For Each Name in arrNames

If Len(Name)=32 Then

sGuid = GetExpandedGuid(Name)

If CheckDelete(sGuid) Then RegDeleteValue hDefKey, sSubKeyName & Item & "/", Name


'Invalid data -> delete the value

RegDeleteValue hDefKey, sSubKeyName & Item & "/", Name

End If

Next 'Name

End If 'IsArray(arrNames)

'If all entries were removed - delete the key

RegEnumValues hDefKey,sSubKeyName & Item,arrNames,arrTypes

If Not IsArray(arrNames) Then RegDeleteKey hDefKey, sSubKeyName & Item & "/"

Else 'iLoopCnt >= 3

If CheckDelete(sGuid) Then RegDeleteKey hDefKey, sSubKeyName & Item & "/"

End If 'iLoopCnt < 3

End If 'fRemoveAll

End If 'InScope

End If 'Len(Item)=32

Next 'Item

End If 'RegEnumKey

Next 'iLoopCnt


sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Installer/UserData/S-1-5-18/Components/"

If RegEnumKey(HKLM,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) Then

For Each Item in arrKeys

'Ensure we have the expected length for a compressed GUID

If Len(Item)=32 Then

If RegEnumValues(HKLM,sSubKeyName & Item,arrNames,arrTypes) Then

If IsArray(arrNames) Then

For Each Name in arrNames

If Len(Name)=32 Then

sGuid = GetExpandedGuid(Name)

If CheckDelete(sGuid) Then

RegDeleteValue HKLM, sSubKeyName & Item & "/", Name

'Check if the key is now empty

If NOT RegEnumValues(HKCR,sSubKeyName & Item,arrTestNames,arrTestTypes) Then

If NOT dicDelRegKey.Exists(sSubKeyName&Item&"/") Then dicDelRegKey.Add sSubKeyName&Item&"/",HKCR

End If

End If

End If '32

Next 'Name

End If 'IsArray

End If 'RegEnumValues

End If '32

Next 'Item

End If 'RegEnumKey

'Published Components

sSubKeyName = "Installer/Components/"

If RegEnumKey(HKCR,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) Then

For Each Item in arrKeys

'Ensure we have the expected length for a compressed GUID

If Len(Item)=32 Then

If RegEnumValues(HKCR,sSubKeyName & Item,arrNames,arrTypes) Then

If IsArray(arrNames) Then

For Each Name in arrNames

If RegReadValue (HKCR,sSubKeyName & Item, Name, sValue,"REG_MULTI_SZ") Then

arrMultiSzValues = Split(sValue,chr(34))

If IsArray(arrMultiSzValues) Then

i = -1

ReDim arrMultiSzNewValues(-1)

fDelReg = False

For Each value in arrMultiSzValues

If Len(value) > 19 Then

sGuid = ""

If GetDecodedGuid(Left(value,SQUISHED),sGuid) Then

If CheckDelete(sGuid) Then

fDelReg = True


i = i + 1

ReDim Preserve arrMultiSzNewValues(i)

arrMultiSzNewValues(i) = value

End If 'CheckDelete

End If 'decode

End If '19

Next 'Value

If NOT (i = -1) Then

If NOT fDetectOnly Then

If NOT UBound(arrMultiSzValues) = i Then oReg.SetMultiStringValue HKCR,sSubKeyName & Item,Name,arrMultiSzNewValues

End If


If fDelReg Then

RegDeleteValue HKCR,sSubKeyName & Item & "/", Name

'Check if the key is now empty

If NOT RegEnumValues(HKCR,sSubKeyName & Item,arrTestNames,arrTestTypes) Then

If NOT dicDelRegKey.Exists(sSubKeyName&Item&"/") Then dicDelRegKey.Add sSubKeyName&Item&"/",HKCR

End If

End If 'DelReg

End If

End If 'IsArray

End If

Next 'Name

End If 'IsArray

End If 'RegEnumValues

End If '32

Next 'Item

End If 'RegEnumKey


hDefKey = HKLM

sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Delivery/SourceEngine/Downloads/"

If RegEnumKey(HKLM,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) Then

For Each Item in arrKeys

If Len(Item) > 37 Then

If fRemoveAll Then


LCase(Right(Item,7))=OVERSIONMAJOR&".data" Then RegDeleteKey HKLM,sSubKeyName & Item & "/"



CheckDelete(UCase(Left(Item,38))) Then RegDeleteKey HKLM,sSubKeyName & Item & "/"

End If

End If '37

Next 'Item

End If 'RegEnumKey


hDefKey = HKLM

sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/"&OVERSION&"/Registration/"

If RegEnumKey(HKLM,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) Then

For Each Item in arrKeys

If Len(Item)>37 Then

If CheckDelete(UCase(Left(Item,38))) Then RegDeleteKey HKLM,sSubKeyName & Item & "/"

End If

Next 'Item

End If 'RegEnumKey

'User Preconfigurations

hDefKey = HKLM

sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/"&OVERSION&"/User Settings/"

If RegEnumKey(HKLM,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) Then

For Each Item in arrKeys

If Len(Item)>37 Then

If CheckDelete(UCase(Left(Item,38))) Then RegDeleteKey HKLM,sSubKeyName & Item & "/"

End If

Next 'Item

End If 'RegEnumKey

'Click2Run Cleanup

If CInt(OVERSIONMAJOR) > 12 Then RegWipeC2R

'Known Keypath settings

For Each key in dicDelRegKey.Keys

If Right(key,1) = "/" Then

RegDeleteKey dicDelRegKey.Item(key),key


iPos = InStrRev(Key,"/")

If iPos > 0 Then RegDeleteValue dicDelRegKey.Item(key), Left(key,iPos - 1), Mid(key,iPos+1)

End If


'Temporary entries in ARP


End Sub 'RegWipe


'Clean up Add/Remove Programs registry

Sub RegWipeARP

Dim Item, Name, Sku, key

Dim sSubKeyName, sCurKey, sValue, sGuid

Dim fkeep, fSystemComponent0, fPackages, fDisplayVersion

Dim arrKeys

'Add/Remove Programs

sSubKeyName = REG_ARP

If RegEnumKey(HKLM,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) Then

For Each Item in arrKeys


If Len(Item)>37 Then

sGuid = UCase(Left(Item,38))

If InScope(sGuid) Then

If CheckDelete(sGuid) Then RegDeleteKey HKLM, sSubKeyName & Item

End If 'InScope

End If 'Len(Item)>37

'Config entries

sCurKey = sSubKeyName & Item & "/"

fSystemComponent0 = Not (RegReadValue(HKLM,sCurKey,"SystemComponent",sValue,"REG_DWORD") AND (sValue = "1"))

fPackages = RegReadValue(HKLM,sCurKey,OPACKAGE,sValue,"REG_MULTI_SZ")

fDisplayVersion = RegReadValue(HKLM,sCurKey,"DisplayVersion",sValue,"REG_SZ")

If fDisplayVersion AND Len(sValue) > 1 Then

fDisplayVersion = (Left(sValue,2) = OVERSIONMAJOR)

End If

If (fSystemComponent0 AND fPackages AND fDisplayVersion) OR (fSystemComponent0 AND fDisplayVersion AND InStr(UCase(Item),"CLICK2RUN")>0) Then

fKeep = False

If Not fRemoveAll Then

For Each Sku in dicKeepSku.Keys

If UCase(Item) = OREGREF & Sku Then

fkeep = True

Exit For

End If

Next 'Sku

End If

If Not fkeep Then RegDeleteKey HKLM, sSubKeyName & Item

End If

Next 'Item

End If 'RegEnumKey

End Sub 'RegWipeARP


'Clean up Click2Run specific registrations

Sub RegWipeC2R

Dim Item

Dim sSubKeyName

Dim arrKeys

'Click2Run Cleanup

If fRemoveAll OR fRemoveC2R Then

RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/Office/CVH"

RegDeleteKey HKCU,"Software/Microsoft/Office/" & OVERSION & "/CVH"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"Software/Microsoft/Office/" & OVERSION & "/CVH"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"Software/Microsoft/Office/" & OVERSION & "/CVHSettings"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/" & OVERSION & "/Common/InstallRoot/Virtual"

'Control Panel Items

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/explorer/ControlPanel/NameSpace/{F9ACD2D6-09C8-4103-995C-912DE68DDE1E}"

RegDeleteKey HKCR,"CLSID/{F9ACD2D6-09C8-4103-995C-912DE68DDE1E}"

RegDeleteKey HKLM,"Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/explorer/ControlPanel/NameSpace/{005CB1F2-224F-4738-B051-91A96758F50C}"

RegDeleteKey HKCR,"CLSID/{005CB1F2-224F-4738-B051-91A96758F50C}"

sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE/Microsoft/SoftGrid/4.5/Client/Packages/"

If RegEnumKey(HKLM,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) Then

For Each Item in arrKeys

If CheckDelete(Item) Then RegDeleteKey HKLM,sSubKeyName & Item

Next 'Item

End If 'RegEnumKey

If RegEnumKey(HKCU,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) Then

For Each Item in arrKeys

If CheckDelete(Item) Then RegDeleteKey HKLM,sSubKeyName & Item

Next 'Item

End If 'RegEnumKey

End If

End Sub 'RegWipeC2R


'Clean up temporary registry keys

Sub TmpKeyCleanUp

Dim TmpKey

If fLogInitialized Then Log " Remove temporary registry entries"

If IsArray(arrTmpSKUs) Then

For Each TmpKey in arrTmpSKUs

oReg.DeleteKey HKLM, REG_ARP & TmpKey

Next 'Item

End If 'IsArray

End Sub 'TmpKeyCleanUp


' Helper Functions


'Create a log with the results of the SKU detection

Sub LogSkuResults

Dim SkuLog, SkuKey , p

On Error Resume Next 'Don't fail on logging

Set SkuLog = oFso.OpenTextFile(sScrubDir & "/SkuLog.txt",FOR_WRITING,True,True)

SkuLog.WriteLine "Installed SKUs (All):"

SkuLog.WriteLine "====================="

For Each SkuKey in dicInstalledSku.Keys

SkuLog.WriteLine " - " & SkuKey

Next 'Key

SkuLog.WriteLine vbCrLf & "Server SKUs:"

SkuLog.WriteLine "============"

For Each SkuKey in dicSrv.Keys

SkuLog.WriteLine " - " & SkuKey

Next 'Key

SkuLog.WriteLine vbCrLf & "Client Suite SKUs:"

SkuLog.WriteLine "=================="

For Each SkuKey in dicCSuite.Keys

SkuLog.WriteLine " - " & SkuKey

Next 'Key

SkuLog.WriteLine vbCrLf & "Client Standalone SKUs:"

SkuLog.WriteLine "======================="

For Each SkuKey in dicCSingle.Keys

SkuLog.WriteLine " - " & SkuKey

Next 'Key

SkuLog.WriteLine vbCrLf & "Installed Products (All):"

SkuLog.WriteLine "========================="

For Each p in oMsi.Products

If InScope(p) Then

SkuLog.Write " - " & p & " - "

SkuLog.Write oMsi.ProductInfo(p, "ProductName")

SkuLog.WriteLine " "

End If

Next 'Product

SkuLog.WriteLine vbCrLf & "***************************************************************************************************" & vbCrLf

SkuLog.WriteLine vbCrLf & "SKUs to keep:"

SkuLog.WriteLine "============="

For Each SkuKey in dicKeepSku.Keys

SkuLog.WriteLine " - " & SkuKey

Next 'Key

SkuLog.WriteLine vbCrLf & "Products to keep:"

SkuLog.WriteLine "================="

For Each p in dicKeepProd.Keys

SkuLog.Write " - " & p & " - "

SkuLog.Write oMsi.ProductInfo(p, "ProductName")

SkuLog.WriteLine " "

Next 'Key

SkuLog.WriteLine vbCrLf & "***************************************************************************************************" & vbCrLf

SkuLog.WriteLine vbCrLf & "SKUs to remove:"

SkuLog.WriteLine "==============="

For Each SkuKey in dicRemoveSku.Keys

SkuLog.WriteLine " - " & SkuKey

Next 'Key

SkuLog.WriteLine vbCrLf & "Products to remove:"

SkuLog.WriteLine "==================="

For Each p in oMsi.Products

If InScope(p) Then

If (fRemoveAll OR CheckDelete(p))Then

SkuLog.Write " - " & p & " - "

SkuLog.Write oMsi.ProductInfo(p, "ProductName")

SkuLog.WriteLine " "

End If

End If 'InScope

Next 'Product


Set SkuLog = Nothing

End Sub 'LogSkuResults


'End all running instances of applications that will be removed

Sub CloseOfficeApps

Dim Processes, Process

Dim fWait

Dim iRet

On Error Resume Next

fWait = False

Log " Doing Action: CloseOfficeApps"

'OfficeVirt.exe needs to be shut down first

Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name like 'officevirt%.exe'")

For Each Process in Processes

If dicApps.Exists(LCase(Process.Name)) Then

Log " - End process " & Process.Name

iRet = Process.Terminate()

CheckError "CloseOfficeApps: " & "Process.Name"

fWait = True

End If

Next 'Process

Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process")

For Each Process in Processes

If dicApps.Exists(LCase(Process.Name)) Then

Log " - End process " & Process.Name

iRet = Process.Terminate()

CheckError "CloseOfficeApps: " & "Process.Name"

If Process.Name = "CVH.EXE" Then fWait = True

End If

Next 'Process

If fWait Then

wscript.sleep 10000

End If

LogOnly " End Action: CloseOfficeApps"

End Sub 'CloseOfficeApps


'CVHBS.exe has no true unattended option

'To ensure quiet automation does not break this dialog box handler monitors the process

Sub CvhbsDialogHandler

Dim CvhbsQuiet

Dim sRunCmd, sQuote

Set CvhbsQuiet = oFso.CreateTextFile(sScrubDir&"/CvhbsQuiet.vbs",True,True)

sQuote = "&chr(34)&"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "On Error Resume Next"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "Set oShell = CreateObject("&chr(34)&"WScript.Shell"&chr(34)&")"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "Set oWmiLocal = GetObject("&chr(34)&"winmgmts://./root/cimv2"&chr(34)&")"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "wscript.sleep 10000"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "Do"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("&chr(34)&"Select * From Win32_Process Where Name='cvhbs.exe'"&chr(34)&")"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "iCnt = Processes.Count"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "If iCnt > 0 Then"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "sCommand = "&chr(34)&"tasklist /FI "&chr(34)&sQuote&chr(34)&"WINDOWTITLE eq click*"&chr(34)&sQuote&chr(34)&" /FO CSV /NH"&chr(34)

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "Set oExec = oShell.Exec(sCommand)"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "sCmdOut = oExec.StdOut.ReadAll()"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "Do While oExec.Status = 0"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "WScript.Sleep 200"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "Loop"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "If InStr(sCmdOut,"&chr(34)&","&chr(34)&")>0 Then"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "sCmdOut = Replace(sCmdOut,chr(34),"&chr(34)&chr(34)&")"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "arrCol = Split(sCmdOut,"&chr(34)&","&chr(34)&")"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "sPid = arrCol(1)"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "oShell.AppActivate sPID"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "oShell.SendKeys "&chr(34)&"{ENTER}"&chr(34)

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "End If"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "End If"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "wscript.sleep 10000"

CvhbsQuiet.WriteLine "Loop While iCnt > 0"


sRunCmd = "cscript "&chr(34)&sScrubDir&"/CvhbsQuiet.vbs"&chr(34)

oWShell.Run sRunCmd, 0, False

End Sub 'CvhbsDialogHandler


'Ensure Windows Explorer is restarted if needed

Sub RestoreExplorer

Dim Processes

'Non critical routine. Don't fail on error

On Error Resume Next

wscript.sleep 1000

Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name='explorer.exe'")

If Processes.Count < 1 Then oWShell.Run "explorer.exe"

End Sub 'RestoreExploer


'Check registry access permissions. Failure will terminate the script

Function CheckRegPermissions

Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H0001

Const KEY_SET_VALUE = &H0002


Const DELETE = &H00010000

Dim sSubKeyName

Dim fReturn

CheckRegPermissions = True

sSubKeyName = "Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Installer/UserData/S-1-5-18/"

oReg.CheckAccess HKLM, sSubKeyName, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, fReturn

If Not fReturn Then CheckRegPermissions = False

oReg.CheckAccess HKLM, sSubKeyName, KEY_SET_VALUE, fReturn

If Not fReturn Then CheckRegPermissions = False

oReg.CheckAccess HKLM, sSubKeyName, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, fReturn

If Not fReturn Then CheckRegPermissions = False

oReg.CheckAccess HKLM, sSubKeyName, DELETE, fReturn

If Not fReturn Then CheckRegPermissions = False

End Function 'CheckRegPermissions


'Check if an Office product is still registered with a SKU that stays on the computer

Function CheckDelete(sProductCode)

'Ensure valid GUID length

If NOT Len(sProductCode) = 38 Then

CheckDelete = False

Exit Function

End If

'If it's a non Office ProductCode exit with false right away

CheckDelete = InScope(sProductCode)

If Not CheckDelete Then Exit Function

If dicKeepProd.Exists(UCase(sProductCode)) Then CheckDelete = False

End Function 'CheckDelete


'Check if ProductCode is in scope

Function InScope(sProductCode)

Dim fInScope

Dim sProd

fInScope = False

If Len(sProductCode) = 38 Then

sProd = UCase(sProductCode)


Case "11"

If Right(sProd,PRODLEN)=OFFICEID Then InScope = True

Case "12"

If Right(sProd,PRODLEN)=OFFICEID AND Mid(sProd,4,2) = OVERSIONMAJOR Then fInScope = True

Case "14"

If Right(sProd,PRODLEN)=OFFICEID AND Mid(sProd,4,2) = OVERSIONMAJOR Then fInScope = True

Case Else

End Select

End If '38

InScope = fInScope

End Function 'InScope


'Register an orphaned .msi product as installed for MSI

Sub MsiRegisterProduct (sMsiFile)

Dim sDisplayVersion, sCurKey, sDisplayName, sLang, sProductCode, sTmpKey

Dim iCnt

'Create a temporary keys to simulate an installed product

sProductCode = ""

sProductCode = GetMsiProductCode(sMsiFile)

sDisplayVersion = GetMsiProductVersion(sMsiFile)

If sDisplayVersion = "" Then sDisplayVersion = OVERSION & ".0000.0000"

sDisplayName = GetMsiProductName(sMsiFile)

If sDisplayName = "" Then sDisplayName = sProductCode


Case "9","10","11"

sLang = CInt("&h" & Mid(sProductCode,6,4))

Case "12","14"

sLang = CInt("&h" & Mid(sProductCode,16,4))

Case Else

End Select

For iCnt = 1 To 3

Select Case iCnt

Case 1

sCurKey = REG_ARP & sProductCode

oReg.CreateKey HKLM,sCurKey

Case 2

sCurKey = "SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Installer/UserData/S-1-5-18/Products/" & GetCompressedGuid(sProductCode)

oReg.CreateKey HKLM,sCurKey

oReg.CreateKey HKLM,sCurKey & "/Features"

oReg.CreateKey HKLM,sCurKey & "/InstallProperties"

oReg.CreateKey HKLM,sCurKey & "/Patches"

oReg.CreateKey HKLM,sCurKey & "/Usage"

sCurKey = sCurKey & "/InstallProperties"

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"LocalPackage",sMsiFile

Case 3

sCurKey = "Installer/Products/" & GetCompressedGuid(sProductCode)

sTmpKey = sCurKey

oReg.CreateKey HKCR,sCurKey

oReg.SetDWordValue HKCR,sCurKey,"AdvertiseFlags",388

oReg.SetDWordValue HKCR,sCurKey,"Assignment",1

oReg.SetDWordValue HKCR,sCurKey,"AuthorizedLUAApp",0

oReg.SetStringValue HKCR,sCurKey,"Clients",":"

oReg.SetDWordValue HKCR,sCurKey,"DeploymentFlags",3

oReg.SetDWordValue HKCR,sCurKey,"InstanceType",0

oReg.SetDWordValue HKCR,sCurKey,"Language",sLang

oReg.SetStringValue HKCR,sCurKey,"PackageCode",GetMsiPackageCode(sMsiFile)

oReg.SetStringValue HKCR,sCurKey,"ProductName",sDisplayName

oReg.SetDWordValue HKCR,sCurKey,"VersionMinor",0

sCurKey = sTmpKey & "/SourceList"

oReg.CreateKey HKCR,sCurKey

oReg.SetExpandedStringValue HKCR,sCurKey,"LastUsedSource",sScrubDir

oReg.SetStringValue HKCR,sCurKey,"PackageName",Mid(sMsiFile,InstrRev(sMsiFile,"/")+1)

sCurKey = sTmpKey & "/SourceList/Media"

oReg.CreateKey HKCR,sCurKey

oReg.SetStringValue HKCR,sCurKey,"1",OREF & ";1"

oReg.SetStringValue HKCR,sCurKey,"DiskPrompt",sDisplayName

sCurKey = sTmpKey & "/SourceList/Net"

oReg.CreateKey HKCR,sCurKey

oReg.SetExpandedStringValue HKCR,sCurKey,"1",sScrubDir

Case Else

End Select

If iCnt <3 Then

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"Comments",""

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"Contact",""

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"DisplayName",sDisplayName

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"DisplayVersion",sDisplayVersion

oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM,sCurKey,"EstimatedSize",0

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"HelpLink",""

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"HelpTelephone",""

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"InstallDate","0101"

If f64 Then

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"InstallLocation",sProgramFilesX86


oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"InstallLocation",sProgramFiles

End If

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"InstallSource",sScrubDir

oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM,sCurKey,"Language",sLang

oReg.SetExpandedStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"ModifyPath","MsiExec.exe /X" & sProductCode

oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM,sCurKey,"NoModify",1

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"Publisher","Microsoft Corporation"

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"Readme",""

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"Size",""

oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM,sCurKey,"SystemComponent",0

oReg.SetExpandedStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"UninstallString","MsiExec.exe /X" & sProductCode

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"URLInfoAbout",""

oReg.SetStringValue HKLM,sCurKey,"URLUpdateInfo",""

oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM,sCurKey,"Version",0

oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM,sCurKey,"VersionMajor",OVERSIONMAJOR

oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM,sCurKey,"VersionMinor",0

oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM,sCurKey,"WindowsInstaller",1

End If '< 3

Next 'iCnt

End Sub 'MsiRegisterProduct


'Obtain the ProductCode (GUID) from a .msi package

'The function will open the .msi database and query the 'Property' table to retrieve the ProductCode

Function GetMsiProductCode(sMsiFile)

Dim MsiDb,Record

Dim qView

On Error Resume Next

GetMsiProductCode = ""

Set Record = Nothing

Set MsiDb = oMsi.OpenDatabase(sMsiFile,MSIOPENDATABASEREADONLY)

Set qView = MsiDb.OpenView("SELECT `Value` FROM Property WHERE `Property` = 'ProductCode'")


Set Record = qView.Fetch

GetMsiProductCode = Record.StringData(1)


End Function 'GetMsiProductCode


'Obtain the ProductVersion from a .msi package

'The function will open the .msi database and query the 'Property' table to retrieve the ProductCode

Function GetMsiProductVersion(sMsiFile)

Dim MsiDb,Record

Dim qView

On Error Resume Next

GetMsiProductVersion = ""

Set Record = Nothing

Set MsiDb = oMsi.OpenDatabase(sMsiFile,MSIOPENDATABASEREADONLY)

Set qView = MsiDb.OpenView("SELECT `Value` FROM Property WHERE `Property` = 'ProductVersion'")


Set Record = qView.Fetch

GetMsiProductVersion = Record.StringData(1)


End Function 'GetMsiProductVersion


'Obtain the ProductVersion from a .msi package

'The function will open the .msi database and query the 'Property' table to retrieve the ProductCode

Function GetMsiProductName(sMsiFile)

Dim MsiDb,Record

Dim qView

On Error Resume Next

GetMsiProductName = ""

Set Record = Nothing

Set MsiDb = oMsi.OpenDatabase(sMsiFile,MSIOPENDATABASEREADONLY)

Set qView = MsiDb.OpenView("SELECT `Value` FROM Property WHERE `Property` = 'ProductName'")


Set Record = qView.Fetch

GetMsiProductName = Record.StringData(1)


End Function 'GetMsiProductVersion


'Obtain the PackageCode (GUID) from a .msi package

'The function will the .msi'S SummaryInformation stream

Function GetMsiPackageCode(sMsiFile)

On Error Resume Next


GetMsiPackageCode = ""

GetMsiPackageCode = GetCompressedGuid(oMsi.SummaryInformation(sMsiFile,MSIOPENDATABASEREADONLY).Property(PID_REVNUMBER))

End Function 'GetMsiPackageCode


'Returns a string with a list of ProductCodes from the summary information stream

Function MspTargets (sMspFile)



Dim Msp

'Non critical routine. Don't fail on error

On Error Resume Next

MspTargets = ""

If oFso.FileExists(sMspFile) Then

Set Msp = Msi.OpenDatabase(WScript.Arguments(0),MSIOPENDATABASEMODE_PATCHFILE)

If Err = 0 Then MspTargets = Msp.SummaryInformation.Property(PID_TEMPLATE)

End If 'oFso.FileExists(sMspFile)

End Function 'MspTargets


'Return the ProductCode {GUID} from a .MSI package

Function ProductCode(sMsi)


Dim MsiSession

On Error Resume Next

'Non critical routine. Don't fail on error

If oFso.FileExists(sMsi) Then


Set MsiSession = oMsi.OpenPackage(sMsi,1)

ProductCode = MsiSession.ProductProperty("ProductCode")

Set MsiSession = Nothing


ProductCode = ""

End If 'oFso.FileExists(sMsi)

End Function 'ProductCode


Function GetExpandedGuid (sGuid)

Dim i

'Ensure valid length

If NOT Len(sGuid) = 32 Then Exit Function

GetExpandedGuid = "{" & StrReverse(Mid(sGuid,1,8)) & "-" & _

StrReverse(Mid(sGuid,9,4)) & "-" & _

StrReverse(Mid(sGuid,13,4))& "-"

For i = 17 To 20

If i Mod 2 Then

GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & mid(sGuid,(i + 1),1)


GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & mid(sGuid,(i - 1),1)

End If


GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & "-"

For i = 21 To 32

If i Mod 2 Then

GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & mid(sGuid,(i + 1),1)


GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & mid(sGuid,(i - 1),1)

End If


GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & "}"

End Function


'Converts a GUID into the compressed format

Function GetCompressedGuid (sGuid)

Dim sCompGUID

Dim i

'Ensure Valid Length

If NOT Len(sGuid) = 38 Then Exit Function

sCompGUID = StrReverse(Mid(sGuid,2,8)) & _

StrReverse(Mid(sGuid,11,4)) & _


For i = 21 To 24

If i Mod 2 Then

sCompGUID = sCompGUID & Mid(sGuid, (i + 1), 1)


sCompGUID = sCompGUID & Mid(sGuid, (i - 1), 1)

End If


For i = 26 To 37

If i Mod 2 Then

sCompGUID = sCompGUID & Mid(sGuid, (i - 1), 1)


sCompGUID = sCompGUID & Mid(sGuid, (i + 1), 1)

End If


GetCompressedGuid = sCompGUID

End Function


'Unsquish GUID

Function GetDecodedGuid(sEncGuid, sGuid)

Dim sDecode, sTable, sHex, iChr

Dim arrTable

Dim i, iAsc, pow85, decChar

Dim lTotal

Dim fFailed

fFailed = False

sTable = "0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff," & _

"0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff," & _

"0xff,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a,0x0b,0xff," & _

"0x0c,0x0d,0x0e,0x0f,0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x16,0xff,0x17," & _

"0x18,0x19,0x1a,0x1b,0x1c,0x1d,0x1e,0x1f,0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27," & _

"0x28,0x29,0x2a,0x2b,0x2c,0x2d,0x2e,0x2f,0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0xff,0x34,0x35,0x36," & _

"0x37,0x38,0x39,0x3a,0x3b,0x3c,0x3d,0x3e,0x3f,0x40,0x41,0x42,0x43,0x44,0x45,0x46," & _


arrTable = Split(sTable,",")

lTotal = 0 : pow85 = 1

For i = 0 To 19

fFailed = True

If i Mod 5 = 0 Then

lTotal = 0 : pow85 = 1

End If ' i Mod 5 = 0

iAsc = Asc(Mid(sEncGuid,i+1,1))

sHex = arrTable(iAsc)

If iAsc >=128 Then Exit For

If sHex = "0xff" Then Exit For

iChr = CInt("&h"&Right(sHex,2))

lTotal = lTotal + (iChr * pow85)

If i Mod 5 = 4 Then sDecode = sDecode & DecToHex(lTotal)

pow85 = pow85 * 85

fFailed = False

Next 'i

If NOT fFailed Then sGuid = "{"&Mid(sDecode,1,8)&"-"& _

Mid(sDecode,13,4)&"-"& _

Mid(sDecode,9,4)&"-"& _

Mid(sDecode,23,2) & Mid(sDecode,21,2)&"-"& _

Mid(sDecode,19,2) & Mid(sDecode,17,2) & Mid(sDecode,31,2) & Mid(sDecode,29,2) & Mid(sDecode,27,2) & Mid(sDecode,25,2) &"}"

GetDecodedGuid = NOT fFailed

End Function 'GetDecodedGuid


'Convert a long decimal to hex

Function DecToHex(lDec)

Dim sHex

Dim iLen

Dim lVal, lExp

Dim arrChr

arrChr = Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F")

sHex = ""

lVal = lDec

lExp = 16^10

While lExp >= 1

If lVal >= lExp Then

sHex = sHex & arrChr(Int(lVal / lExp))

lVal = lVal - lExp * Int(lVal / lExp)


sHex = sHex & "0"

If sHex = "0" Then sHex = ""

End If

lExp = lExp / 16


iLen = 8 - Len(sHex)

If iLen > 0 Then sHex = String(iLen,"0") & sHex

DecToHex = sHex

End Function


'Ensures that only valid metadata entries exist to avoid API failures

Sub EnsureValidWIMetadata (hDefKey,sKey,iValidLength)

Dim arrKeys

Dim SubKey

If Len(sKey) > 1 Then

If Right(sKey,1) = "/" Then sKey = Left(sKey,Len(sKey)-1)

End If

If RegEnumKey(hDefKey,sKey,arrKeys) Then

For Each SubKey in arrKeys

If NOT Len(SubKey) = iValidLength Then

RegDeleteKey hDefKey,sKey & "/" & SubKey & "/"

End If

Next 'SubKey

End If

End Sub 'EnsureValidWIMetadata


'Create a backup copy of the file in the ScrubDir then delete the file

Sub CopyAndDeleteFile(sFile)

Dim File

'Error handling inlined

On Error Resume Next

If oFso.FileExists(sFile) Then

Set File = oFso.GetFile(sFile)

If Not oFso.FolderExists(sScrubDir & "/" & File.ParentFolder.Name) Then oFso.CreateFolder sScrubDir & "/" & File.ParentFolder.Name

If Not fDetectOnly Then

LogOnly " - Backing up file: " & sFile

oFso.CopyFile sFile,sScrubDir & "/" & File.ParentFolder.Name & "/" & File.Name,True : CheckError "CopyAndDeleteFile"

Set File = Nothing



LogOnly " - Simulate CopyAndDelete file: " & sFile

End If

End If 'oFso.FileExists

End Sub 'CopyAndDeleteFile


'Wrapper to delete a file

Sub DeleteFile(sFile)

Dim File

Dim sFileName, sNewPath

On Error Resume Next

If dicKeepFolder.Exists(LCase(sFile)) Then

If NOT fForce Then

LogOnly " - Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & sFile

Exit Sub


LogOnly " - Enforced delete of still required keypath element: " & sFile

LogOnly " Remaining applications will need a repair!"

End If

End If

If f64 Then

If dicKeepFolder.Exists(LCase(Wow64Folder(sFile))) Then

If NOT fForce Then

LogOnly " - Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & sFile

Exit Sub


LogOnly " - Enforced delete of still required keypath element: " & sFile

LogOnly " Remaining applications will need a repair!"

End If

End If

End If

If oFso.FileExists(sFile) Then

LogOnly " - Delete file: " & sFile

If Not fDetectOnly Then oFso.DeleteFile sFile,True

If Err <> 0 Then

CheckError "DeleteFile"

If fForce Then

'Try to move the file and delete from there

Set File = oFso.GetFile(sFile)

sFileName = File.Name

sNewPath = sScrubDir & "/ScrubTmp"

Set File = Nothing

If Not oFso.FolderExists(sNewPath) Then oFso.CreateFolder(sNewPath)

'Move the file

LogOnly " - Move file to: " & sNewPath & "/" & sFileName

oFso.MoveFile sFile,sNewPath & "/" & sFileName

If Err <> 0 Then

CheckError "DeleteFile (move)"

End If 'Err <> 0

End If 'fForce

End If 'Err <> 0

End If 'oFso.FileExists

End Sub 'DeleteFile


'64 bit aware wrapper to return the requested folder

Function GetFolderPath(sPath)

GetFolderPath = True

If oFso.FolderExists(sPath) Then Exit Function

If f64 AND oFso.FolderExists(Wow64Folder(sPath)) Then

sPath = Wow64Folder(sPath)

Exit Function

End If

GetFolderPath = False

End Function 'GetFolderPath


'Enumerates subfolder names of a folder and returns True if subfolders exist

Function EnumFolderNames (sFolder, arrSubFolders)

Dim Folder, Subfolder

Dim sSubFolders

If oFso.FolderExists(sFolder) Then

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sFolder)

For Each Subfolder in Folder.Subfolders

sSubFolders = sSubFolders & Subfolder.Name & ","

Next 'Subfolder

End If

If f64 AND oFso.FolderExists(Wow64Folder(sFolder)) Then

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(Wow64Folder(sFolder))

For Each Subfolder in Folder.Subfolders

sSubFolders = sSubFolders & Subfolder.Name & ","

Next 'Subfolder

End If

If Len(sSubFolders)>0 Then arrSubFolders = RemoveDuplicates(Split(Left(sSubFolders,Len(sSubFolders)-1),","))

EnumFolderNames = Len(sSubFolders)>0

End Function 'EnumFolderNames


'Enumerates subfolders of a folder and returns True if subfolders exist

Function EnumFolders (sFolder, arrSubFolders)

Dim Folder, Subfolder

Dim sSubFolders

If oFso.FolderExists(sFolder) Then

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sFolder)

For Each Subfolder in Folder.Subfolders

sSubFolders = sSubFolders & Subfolder.Path & ","

Next 'Subfolder

End If

If f64 AND oFso.FolderExists(Wow64Folder(sFolder)) Then

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(Wow64Folder(sFolder))

For Each Subfolder in Folder.Subfolders

sSubFolders = sSubFolders & Subfolder.Path & ","

Next 'Subfolder

End If

If Len(sSubFolders)>0 Then arrSubFolders = RemoveDuplicates(Split(Left(sSubFolders,Len(sSubFolders)-1),","))

EnumFolders = Len(sSubFolders)>0

End Function 'EnumFolders


Sub GetMseFolderStructure (Folder)

Dim SubFolder

For Each SubFolder in Folder.SubFolders

ReDim Preserve arrMseFolders(UBound(arrMseFolders)+1)

arrMseFolders(UBound(arrMseFolders)) = SubFolder.Path

GetMseFolderStructure SubFolder

Next 'SubFolder

End Sub 'GetMseFolderStructure


'Wrapper to delete a folder

Sub DeleteFolder(sFolder)

Dim Folder

Dim sDelFolder, sFolderName, sNewPath

'Ensure trailing "/"

sFolder = sFolder & "/"

While InStr(sFolder,"//")>0

sFolder = Replace(sFolder,"//","/")


If dicKeepFolder.Exists(LCase(sFolder)) Then

If NOT fForce Then

LogOnly " - Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & sFolder

Exit Sub


LogOnly " - Enforced delete of still required keypath element: " & sFolder

LogOnly " Remaining applications will need a repair!"

End If

End If

If f64 Then

If dicKeepFolder.Exists(LCase(Wow64Folder(sFolder))) Then

If NOT fForce Then

LogOnly " - Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & sFolder

Exit Sub


LogOnly " - Enforced delete of still required keypath element: " & sFolder

LogOnly " Remaining applications will need a repair!"

End If

End If

End If

'Strip trailing "/"

If Len(sFolder) > 1 Then

sFolder = Left(sFolder,Len(sFolder)-1)

End If

On Error Resume Next

If oFso.FolderExists(sFolder) Then

sDelFolder = sFolder

ElseIf f64 AND oFso.FolderExists(Wow64Folder(sFolder)) Then

sDelFolder = Wow64Folder(sFolder)


Exit Sub

End If

If Not fDetectOnly Then

LogOnly " - Delete folder: " & sDelFolder

oFso.DeleteFolder sDelFolder,True


LogOnly " - Simulate delete folder: " & sDelFolder

End If

If Err <> 0 Then

CheckError "DeleteFolder"

'Try to move the folder and delete from there

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sDelFolder)

sFolderName = Folder.Name

sNewPath = sScrubDir & "/ScrubTmp"

Set Folder = Nothing

'Ensure we stay within the same drive

If Not oFso.FolderExists(sNewPath) Then oFso.CreateFolder(sNewPath)

'Move the folder

LogOnly " - Moving folder to: " & sNewPath & "/" & sFolderName

oFso.MoveFolder sFolder,sNewPath & "/" & sFolderName

If Err <> 0 Then

CheckError "DeleteFolder (move)"

End If 'Err <> 0

End If 'Err <> 0

End Sub 'DeleteFolder


'Delete empty folder structures

Sub DeleteEmptyFolders

Dim Folder

Dim sFolder

If Not IsArray(arrDeleteFolders) Then Exit Sub

Log vbCrLf & " Empty Folder Cleanup"

For Each sFolder in arrDeleteFolders

If oFso.FolderExists(sFolder) Then

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sFolder)

If (Folder.Subfolders.Count = 0) AND (Folder.Files.Count = 0) Then

Set Folder = Nothing

SmartDeleteFolder sFolder

End If

End If

Next 'sFolder

End Sub 'DeleteEmptyFolders


'Wrapper to delete a folder and remove the empty parent folder structure

Sub SmartDeleteFolder(sFolder)

If oFso.FolderExists(sFolder) Then

If Not fDetectOnly Then

LogOnly " Request SmartDelete for folder: " & sFolder

SmartDeleteFolderEx sFolder


LogOnly " Simulate request SmartDelete for folder: " & sFolder

End If

End If

If f64 AND oFso.FolderExists(Wow64Folder(sFolder)) Then

If Not fDetectOnly Then

LogOnly "Request SmartDelete for folder: " & Wow64Folder(sFolder)

SmartDeleteFolderEx Wow64Folder(sFolder)


LogOnly "Simulate request SmartDelete for folder: " & Wow64Folder(sFolder)

End If

End If

End Sub 'SmartDeleteFolder


'Executes the folder delete operation

Sub SmartDeleteFolderEx(sFolder)

Dim Folder

On Error Resume Next

DeleteFolder sFolder : CheckError "SmartDeleteFolderEx"

On Error Goto 0

Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(oFso.GetParentFolderName(sFolder))

If (Folder.Subfolders.Count = 0) AND (Folder.Files.Count = 0) Then SmartDeleteFolderEx(Folder.Path)

End Sub 'SmartDeleteFolderEx


'Adds the folder structure to the 'KeepFolder' dictionary

Sub AddKeepFolder(sPath)

Dim Folder

'Ensure trailing "/"

sPath = LCase(sPath) & "/"

While InStr(sPath,"//")>0

sPath = Replace(sPath,"//","/")


If NOT dicKeepFolder.Exists (sPath) Then

dicKeepFolder.Add sPath,sPath


Exit Sub

End If

sPath = LCase(oFso.GetParentFolderName(sPath)) & "/"

If oFso.FolderExists(sPath) Then AddKeepFolder(sPath)

End Sub


'Handles additional folder-path operations on 64 bit environments

Function Wow64Folder(sFolder)

If LCase(Left(sFolder,Len(sWinDir & "/System32"))) = LCase(sWinDir & "/System32") Then

Wow64Folder = sWinDir & "/syswow64" & Right(sFolder,Len(sFolder)-Len(sSys32Dir))

ElseIf LCase(Left(sFolder,Len(sProgramFiles))) = LCase(sProgramFiles) Then

Wow64Folder = sProgramFilesX86 & Right(sFolder,Len(sFolder)-Len(sProgramFiles))


Wow64Folder = "?" 'Return invalid string to ensure the folder cannot exist

End If

End Function 'Wow64Folder


Function HiveString(hDefKey)

On Error Resume Next

Select Case hDefKey

Case HKCR : HiveString = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"

Case HKCU : HiveString = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"


Case HKU : HiveString = "HKEY_USERS"

Case Else : HiveString = hDefKey

End Select

End Function


Function RegKeyExists(hDefKey,sSubKeyName)

Dim arrKeys

RegKeyExists = False

If oReg.EnumKey(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrKeys) = 0 Then RegKeyExists = True

End Function


Function RegValExists(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,sName)

Dim arrValueTypes, arrValueNames

Dim i

RegValExists = False

If Not RegKeyExists(hDefKey,sSubKeyName) Then Exit Function

If oReg.EnumValues(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrValueNames,arrValueTypes) = 0 AND IsArray(arrValueNames) Then

For i = 0 To UBound(arrValueNames)

If LCase(arrValueNames(i)) = Trim(LCase(sName)) Then RegValExists = True


End If 'oReg.EnumValues

End Function


'Read the value of a given registry entry

Function RegReadValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, sValue, sType)

Dim RetVal

Dim Item

Dim arrValues

Select Case UCase(sType)

Case "1","REG_SZ"

RetVal = oReg.GetStringValue(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,sName,sValue)

If Not RetVal = 0 AND f64 Then RetVal = oReg.GetStringValue(hDefKey,Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName),sName,sValue)

Case "2","REG_EXPAND_SZ"

RetVal = oReg.GetExpandedStringValue(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,sName,sValue)

If Not RetVal = 0 AND f64 Then RetVal = oReg.GetExpandedStringValue(hDefKey,Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName),sName,sValue)

Case "7","REG_MULTI_SZ"

RetVal = oReg.GetMultiStringValue(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,sName,arrValues)

If Not RetVal = 0 AND f64 Then RetVal = oReg.GetMultiStringValue(hDefKey,Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName),sName,arrValues)

If RetVal = 0 Then sValue = Join(arrValues,chr(34))

Case "4","REG_DWORD"

RetVal = oReg.GetDWORDValue(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,sName,sValue)

If Not RetVal = 0 AND f64 Then

RetVal = oReg.GetDWORDValue(hDefKey,Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName),sName,sValue)

End If

Case "3","REG_BINARY"

RetVal = oReg.GetBinaryValue(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,sName,sValue)

If Not RetVal = 0 AND f64 Then RetVal = oReg.GetBinaryValue(hDefKey,Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName),sName,sValue)

Case "11","REG_QWORD"

RetVal = oReg.GetQWORDValue(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,sName,sValue)

If Not RetVal = 0 AND f64 Then RetVal = oReg.GetQWORDValue(hDefKey,Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName),sName,sValue)

Case Else

RetVal = -1

End Select 'sValue

RegReadValue = (RetVal = 0)

End Function 'RegReadValue


'Enumerate a registry key to return all values

Function RegEnumValues(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrNames, arrTypes)

Dim RetVal, RetVal64

Dim arrNames32, arrNames64, arrTypes32, arrTypes64

If f64 Then

RetVal = oReg.EnumValues(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrNames32,arrTypes32)

RetVal64 = oReg.EnumValues(hDefKey,Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName),arrNames64,arrTypes64)

If (RetVal = 0) AND (Not RetVal64 = 0) AND IsArray(arrNames32) AND IsArray(arrTypes32) Then

arrNames = arrNames32

arrTypes = arrTypes32

End If

If (Not RetVal = 0) AND (RetVal64 = 0) AND IsArray(arrNames64) AND IsArray(arrTypes64) Then

arrNames = arrNames64

arrTypes = arrTypes64

End If

If (RetVal = 0) AND (RetVal64 = 0) AND IsArray(arrNames32) AND IsArray(arrNames64) AND IsArray(arrTypes32) AND IsArray(arrTypes64) Then

arrNames = RemoveDuplicates(Split((Join(arrNames32,"/") & "/" & Join(arrNames64,"/")),"/"))

arrTypes = RemoveDuplicates(Split((Join(arrTypes32,"/") & "/" & Join(arrTypes64,"/")),"/"))

End If


RetVal = oReg.EnumValues(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrNames,arrTypes)

End If 'f64

RegEnumValues = ((RetVal = 0) OR (RetVal64 = 0)) AND IsArray(arrNames) AND IsArray(arrTypes)

End Function 'RegEnumValues


'Enumerate a registry key to return all subkeys

Function RegEnumKey(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrKeys)

Dim RetVal, RetVal64

Dim arrKeys32, arrKeys64

If f64 Then

RetVal = oReg.EnumKey(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrKeys32)

RetVal64 = oReg.EnumKey(hDefKey,Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName),arrKeys64)

If (RetVal = 0) AND (Not RetVal64 = 0) AND IsArray(arrKeys32) Then arrKeys = arrKeys32

If (Not RetVal = 0) AND (RetVal64 = 0) AND IsArray(arrKeys64) Then arrKeys = arrKeys64

If (RetVal = 0) AND (RetVal64 = 0) Then

If IsArray(arrKeys32) AND IsArray (arrKeys64) Then

arrKeys = RemoveDuplicates(Split((Join(arrKeys32,"/") & "/" & Join(arrKeys64,"/")),"/"))

ElseIf IsArray(arrKeys64) Then

arrKeys = arrKeys64


arrKeys = arrKeys32

End If

End If


RetVal = oReg.EnumKey(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrKeys)

End If 'f64

RegEnumKey = ((RetVal = 0) OR (RetVal64 = 0)) AND IsArray(arrKeys)

End Function 'RegEnumKey


'Wrapper around oReg.DeleteValue to handle 64 bit

Sub RegDeleteValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName)

Dim sWow64Key

Dim iRetVal

If dicKeepReg.Exists(LCase(sSubKeyName & sName)) Then

If NOT fForce Then

LogOnly " - Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sSubKeyName & sName

Exit Sub


LogOnly " - Enforced delete of still required keypath element. Remaining applications will need a repair!"

End If

End If

If f64 Then

If dicKeepReg.Exists(LCase(Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName) & sName)) Then

If NOT fForce Then

LogOnly " - Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sSubKeyName & sName

Exit Sub


LogOnly " - Enforced delete of still required keypath element. Remaining applications will need a repair!"

End If

End If

End If

If RegValExists(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,sName) Then

On Error Resume Next

If Not fDetectOnly Then

LogOnly " - Delete registry value: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sSubKeyName & " -> " & sName

iRetVal = 0

iRetVal = oReg.DeleteValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName)

CheckError "RegDeleteValue"

If NOT (iRetVal=0) Then LogOnly " Delete failed. Return value: "&iRetVal


LogOnly " - Simulate delete registry value: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sSubKeyName & " -> " & sName

End If

On Error Goto 0

End If 'RegValExists

If f64 Then

sWow64Key = Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)

If RegValExists(hDefKey,sWow64Key,sName) Then

On Error Resume Next

If Not fDetectOnly Then

LogOnly " - Delete registry value: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sWow64Key & " -> " & sName

iRetVal = 0

iRetVal = oReg.DeleteValue(hDefKey, sWow64Key, sName)

CheckError "RegDeleteValue"

If NOT (iRetVal=0) Then LogOnly " Delete failed. Return value: "&iRetVal


LogOnly " - Simulate delete registry value: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sWow64Key & " -> " & sName

End If

On Error Goto 0

End If 'RegKeyExists

End If

End Sub 'RegDeleteValue


'Wrappper around RegDeleteKeyEx to handle 64bit scenrios

Sub RegDeleteKey(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)

Dim sWow64Key

'Ensure trailing "/"

sSubKeyName = sSubKeyName & "/"

While InStr(sSubKeyName,"//")>0

sSubKeyName = Replace(sSubKeyName,"//","/")


If dicKeepReg.Exists(LCase(sSubKeyName)) Then

If NOT fForce Then

LogOnly " - Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sSubKeyName

Exit Sub


LogOnly " - Enforced delete of still required keypath element. Remaining applications will need a repair!"

End If

End If

If f64 Then

If dicKeepReg.Exists(LCase(Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName))) Then

If NOT fForce Then

LogOnly " - Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sSubKeyName

Exit Sub


LogOnly " - Enforced delete of still required keypath element. Remaining applications will need a repair!"

End If

End If

End If

If Len(sSubKeyName) > 1 Then

'Strip of trailing "/"

sSubKeyName = Left(sSubKeyName,Len(sSubKeyName)-1)

End If

If RegKeyExists(hDefKey, sSubKeyName) Then

If Not fDetectOnly Then

LogOnly " - Delete registry key: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sSubKeyName

On Error Resume Next

RegDeleteKeyEx hDefKey, sSubKeyName

On Error Goto 0


LogOnly " - Simulate delete registry key: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sSubKeyName

End If

End If 'RegKeyExists

If f64 Then

sWow64Key = Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)

If RegKeyExists(hDefKey,sWow64Key) Then

If Not fDetectOnly Then

LogOnly " - Delete registry key: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sWow64Key

On Error Resume Next

RegDeleteKeyEx hDefKey, sWow64Key

On Error Goto 0


LogOnly " - Simulate delete registry key: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "/" & sWow64Key

End If

End If 'RegKeyExists

End If

End Sub 'RegDeleteKey


'Recursively delete a registry structure

Sub RegDeleteKeyEx(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)

Dim arrSubkeys

Dim sSubkey

Dim iRetVal

On Error Resume Next

oReg.EnumKey hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrSubkeys

If IsArray(arrSubkeys) Then

For Each sSubkey In arrSubkeys

RegDeleteKeyEx hDefKey, sSubKeyName & "/" & sSubkey


End If

If Not fDetectOnly Then

iRetVal = 0

iRetVal = oReg.DeleteKey(hDefKey,sSubKeyName)

If NOT (iRetVal=0) Then LogOnly " Delete failed. Return value: "&iRetVal

End If

End Sub 'RegDeleteKeyEx


'Return the alternate regkey location on 64bit environment

Function Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)

Dim iPos

Select Case hDefKey


If Left(sSubKeyName,17) = "Software/Classes/" Then

Wow64Key = Left(sSubKeyName,17) & "Wow6432Node/" & Right(sSubKeyName,Len(sSubKeyName)-17)


iPos = InStr(sSubKeyName,"/")

Wow64Key = Left(sSubKeyName,iPos) & "Wow6432Node/" & Right(sSubKeyName,Len(sSubKeyName)-iPos)

End If


If Left(sSubKeyName,17) = "Software/Classes/" Then

Wow64Key = Left(sSubKeyName,17) & "Wow6432Node/" & Right(sSubKeyName,Len(sSubKeyName)-17)


iPos = InStr(sSubKeyName,"/")

Wow64Key = Left(sSubKeyName,iPos) & "Wow6432Node/" & Right(sSubKeyName,Len(sSubKeyName)-iPos)

End If

Case Else

Wow64Key = "Wow6432Node/" & sSubKeyName

End Select 'hDefKey

End Function 'Wow64Key


'Remove duplicate entries from a one dimensional array

Function RemoveDuplicates(Array)

Dim Item

Dim oDic

Set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

For Each Item in Array

If Not oDic.Exists(Item) Then oDic.Add Item,Item

Next 'Item

RemoveDuplicates = oDic.Keys

End Function 'RemoveDuplicates


'Uses WMI to stop a service

Function StopService(sService)

Dim Services, Service

Dim sQuery

Dim iRet

On Error Resume Next

iRet = 0

sQuery = "Select * From Win32_Service Where Name='" & sService & "'"

Set Services = oWmiLocal.Execquery(sQuery)

'Stop the service

For Each Service in Services

If UCase(Service.State) = "STARTED" Then iRet = Service.StopService

If UCase(Service.State) = "RUNNING" Then iRet = Service.StopService

Next 'Service

StopService = (iRet = 0)

End Function 'StopService


'Delete a service

Sub DeleteService(sService)

Dim Services, Service, Processes, Process

Dim sQuery, sStates

Dim iRet

On Error Resume Next


sQuery = "Select * From Win32_Service Where Name='" & sService & "'"

Set Services = oWmiLocal.Execquery(sQuery)

'Stop and delete the service

For Each Service in Services

Log " Found service " & sService & " in state " & Service.State

If InStr(sStates,UCase(Service.State))>0 Then iRet = Service.StopService()

'Ensure no more instances of the service are running

Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name='" & sService & ".exe'")

For Each Process in Processes

iRet = Process.Terminate()

Next 'Process

If Not fDetectOnly Then

Log " - Deleting Service -> " & sService

iRet = Service.Delete()


Log " - Simulate deleting Service -> " & sService

End If

Next 'Service

Set Services = Nothing


End Sub 'DeleteService


'Translation for setup.exe error codes

Function SetupRetVal(RetVal)

Select Case RetVal

Case 0 : SetupRetVal = "Success"

Case 30001,1 : SetupRetVal = "AbstractMethod"

Case 30002,2 : SetupRetVal = "ApiProhibited"

Case 30003,3 : SetupRetVal = "AlreadyImpersonatingAUser"

Case 30004,4 : SetupRetVal = "AlreadyInitialized"

Case 30005,5 : SetupRetVal = "ArgumentNullException"

Case 30006,6 : SetupRetVal = "AssertionFailed"

Case 30007,7 : SetupRetVal = "CABFileAddFailed"

Case 30008,8 : SetupRetVal = "CommandFailed"

Case 30009,9 : SetupRetVal = "ConcatenationFailed"

Case 30010,10 : SetupRetVal = "CopyFailed"

Case 30011,11 : SetupRetVal = "CreateEventFailed"

Case 30012,12 : SetupRetVal = "CustomizationPatchNotFound"

Case 30013,13 : SetupRetVal = "CustomizationPatchNotApplicable"

Case 30014,14 : SetupRetVal = "DuplicateDefinition"

Case 30015,15 : SetupRetVal = "ErrorCodeOnly - Passthrough for Win32 error"

Case 30016,16 : SetupRetVal = "ExceptionNotThrown"

Case 30017,17 : SetupRetVal = "FailedToImpersonateUser"

Case 30018,18 : SetupRetVal = "FailedToInitializeFlexDataSource"

Case 30019,19 : SetupRetVal = "FailedToStartClassFactories"

Case 30020,20 : SetupRetVal = "FileNotFound"

Case 30021,21 : SetupRetVal = "FileNotOpen"

Case 30022,22 : SetupRetVal = "FlexDialogAlreadyInitialized"

Case 30023,23 : SetupRetVal = "HResultOnly - Passthrough for HRESULT errors"

Case 30024,24 : SetupRetVal = "HWNDNotFound"

Case 30025,25 : SetupRetVal = "IncompatibleCacheAction"

Case 30026,26 : SetupRetVal = "IncompleteProductAddOns"

Case 30027,27 : SetupRetVal = "InstalledProductStateCorrupt"

Case 30028,28 : SetupRetVal = "InsufficientBuffer"

Case 30029,29 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidArgument"

Case 30030,30 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidCDKey"

Case 30031,31 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidColumnType"

Case 30032,31 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidConfigAddLanguage"

Case 30033,33 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidData"

Case 30034,34 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidDirectory"

Case 30035,35 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidFormat"

Case 30036,36 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidInitialization"

Case 30037,37 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidMethod"

Case 30038,38 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidOperation"

Case 30039,39 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidParameter"

Case 30040,40 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidProductFromARP"

Case 30041,41 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidProductInConfigXml"

Case 30042,42 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidReference"

Case 30043,43 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidRegistryValueType"

Case 30044,44 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidXMLProperty"

Case 30045,45 : SetupRetVal = "InvalidMetadataFile"

Case 30046,46 : SetupRetVal = "LogNotInitialized"

Case 30047,47 : SetupRetVal = "LogAlreadyInitialized"

Case 30048,48 : SetupRetVal = "MissingXMLNode"

Case 30049,49 : SetupRetVal = "MsiTableNotFound"

Case 30050,50 : SetupRetVal = "MsiAPICallFailure"

Case 30051,51 : SetupRetVal = "NodeNotOfTypeElement"

Case 30052,52 : SetupRetVal = "NoMoreGraceBoots"

Case 30053,53 : SetupRetVal = "NoProductsFound"

Case 30054,54 : SetupRetVal = "NoSupportedCulture"

Case 30055,55 : SetupRetVal = "NotYetImplemented"

Case 30056,56 : SetupRetVal = "NotAvailableCulture"

Case 30057,57 : SetupRetVal = "NotCustomizationPatch"

Case 30058,58 : SetupRetVal = "NullReference"

Case 30059,59 : SetupRetVal = "OCTPatchForbidden"

Case 30060,60 : SetupRetVal = "OCTWrongMSIDll"

Case 30061,61 : SetupRetVal = "OutOfBoundsIndex"

Case 30062,62 : SetupRetVal = "OutOfDiskSpace"

Case 30063,63 : SetupRetVal = "OutOfMemory"

Case 30064,64 : SetupRetVal = "OutOfRange"

Case 30065,65 : SetupRetVal = "PatchApplicationFailure"

Case 30066,66 : SetupRetVal = "PreReqCheckFailure"

Case 30067,67 : SetupRetVal = "ProcessAlreadyStarted"

Case 30068,68 : SetupRetVal = "ProcessNotStarted"

Case 30069,69 : SetupRetVal = "ProcessNotFinished"

Case 30070,70 : SetupRetVal = "ProductAlreadyDefined"

Case 30071,71 : SetupRetVal = "ResourceAlreadyTracked"

Case 30072,72 : SetupRetVal = "ResourceNotFound"

Case 30073,73 : SetupRetVal = "ResourceNotTracked"

Case 30074,74 : SetupRetVal = "SQLAlreadyConnected"

Case 30075,75 : SetupRetVal = "SQLFailedToAllocateHandle"

Case 30076,76 : SetupRetVal = "SQLFailedToConnect"

Case 30077,77 : SetupRetVal = "SQLFailedToExecuteStatement"

Case 30078,78 : SetupRetVal = "SQLFailedToRetrieveData"

Case 30079,79 : SetupRetVal = "SQLFailedToSetAttribute"

Case 30080,80 : SetupRetVal = "StorageNotCreated"

Case 30081,81 : SetupRetVal = "StreamNameTooLong"

Case 30082,82 : SetupRetVal = "SystemError"

Case 30083,83 : SetupRetVal = "ThreadAlreadyStarted"

Case 30084,84 : SetupRetVal = "ThreadNotStarted"

Case 30085,85 : SetupRetVal = "ThreadNotFinished"

Case 30086,86 : SetupRetVal = "TooManyProducts"

Case 30087,87 : SetupRetVal = "UnexpectedXMLNodeType"

Case 30088,88 : SetupRetVal = "UnexpectedError"

Case 30089,89 : SetupRetVal = "Unitialized"

Case 30090,90 : SetupRetVal = "UserCancel"

Case 30091,91 : SetupRetVal = "ExternalCommandFailed"

Case 30092,92 : SetupRetVal = "SPDatabaseOverSize"

Case 30093,93 : SetupRetVal = "IntegerTruncation"

'msiexec return values

Case 1259 : SetupRetVal = "APPHELP_BLOCK"

Case 1601 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_SERVICE_FAILURE"

Case 1602 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_USEREXIT"

Case 1603 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_FAILURE"

Case 1604 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_SUSPEND"

Case 1605 : SetupRetVal = "UNKNOWN_PRODUCT"

Case 1606 : SetupRetVal = "UNKNOWN_FEATURE"

Case 1607 : SetupRetVal = "UNKNOWN_COMPONENT"

Case 1608 : SetupRetVal = "UNKNOWN_PROPERTY"

Case 1609 : SetupRetVal = "INVALID_HANDLE_STATE"

Case 1610 : SetupRetVal = "BAD_CONFIGURATION"

Case 1611 : SetupRetVal = "INDEX_ABSENT"

Case 1612 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT"

Case 1613 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_PACKAGE_VERSION"

Case 1614 : SetupRetVal = "PRODUCT_UNINSTALLED"

Case 1615 : SetupRetVal = "BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX"

Case 1616 : SetupRetVal = "INVALID_FIELD"

Case 1618 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNING"


Case 1620 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID"

Case 1621 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_UI_FAILURE"

Case 1622 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_LOG_FAILURE"



Case 1625 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_PACKAGE_REJECTED"

Case 1626 : SetupRetVal = "FUNCTION_NOT_CALLED"

Case 1627 : SetupRetVal = "FUNCTION_FAILED"

Case 1628 : SetupRetVal = "INVALID_TABLE"

Case 1629 : SetupRetVal = "DATATYPE_MISMATCH"

Case 1630 : SetupRetVal = "UNSUPPORTED_TYPE"

Case 1631 : SetupRetVal = "CREATE_FAILED"

Case 1632 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_TEMP_UNWRITABLE"


Case 1634 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_NOTUSED"

Case 1635 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED"

Case 1636 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_PACKAGE_INVALID"


Case 1638 : SetupRetVal = "PRODUCT_VERSION"

Case 1639 : SetupRetVal = "INVALID_COMMAND_LINE"


Case 1641 : SetupRetVal = "SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED"

Case 1642 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_TARGET_NOT_FOUND"

Case 1643 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_PACKAGE_REJECTED"




Case 1647 : SetupRetVal = "UNKNOWN_PATCH"

Case 1648 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_NO_SEQUENCE"

Case 1649 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_REMOVAL_DISALLOWED"

Case 1650 : SetupRetVal = "INVALID_PATCH_XML"

Case 3010 : SetupRetVal = "SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED"

Case Else : SetupRetVal = "Unknown Return Value"

End Select

End Function 'SetupRetVal


Function GetProductID(sProdID)

Dim sReturn

Select Case sProdId

Case "0010" : sReturn = "WEBFLDRS"

Case "0011" : sReturn = "PROPLUS"

Case "0012" : sReturn = "STANDARD"

Case "0013" : sReturn = "BASIC"

Case "0014" : sReturn = "PRO"

Case "0015" : sReturn = "ACCESS"

Case "0016" : sReturn = "EXCEL"

Case "0017" : sReturn = "SharePointDesigner"

Case "0018" : sReturn = "PowerPoint"

Case "0019" : sReturn = "Publisher"

Case "001A" : sReturn = "Outlook"

Case "001B" : sReturn = "Word"

Case "001C" : sReturn = "AccessRuntime"

Case "001F" : sReturn = "Proof"

Case "0020" : sReturn = "OCNV"

Case "0021" : sReturn = "VisualWebDeveloper"

Case "0026" : sReturn = "ExpressionWeb"

Case "0029" : sReturn = "Excel"

Case "002A" : sReturn = "Office64"

Case "002B" : sReturn = "Word"

Case "002C" : sReturn = "Proofing"

Case "002E" : sReturn = "Ultimate"

Case "002F" : sReturn = "HomeAndStudent"

Case "0028" : sReturn = "IME"

Case "0030" : sReturn = "Enterprise"

Case "0031" : sReturn = "ProfessionalHybrid"

Case "0033" : sReturn = "Personal"

Case "0035" : sReturn = "ProfessionalHybrid"

Case "0037" : sReturn = "PowerPoint"

Case "0038" : sReturn = "OlTimeZoneTool"

Case "003A" : sReturn = "PrjStd"

Case "003B" : sReturn = "PrjPro"

Case "0043" : sReturn = "OlTimeZoneEngine"

Case "0044" : sReturn = "InfoPath"

Case "0045" : sReturn = "XWEB"

Case "004A" : sReturn = "OWC11"

Case "0051" : sReturn = "VISPRO"

Case "0052" : sReturn = "VisView"

Case "0053" : sReturn = "VisStd"

Case "0054" : sReturn = "VisMUI"

Case "0055" : sReturn = "VisMUI"

Case "006E" : sReturn = "Shared"

Case "008A" : sReturn = "RecentDocs"

Case "00A1" : sReturn = "ONENOTE"

Case "00A3" : sReturn = "OneNoteHomeStudent"

Case "00A4" : sReturn = "OWC11"

Case "00A7" : sReturn = "CPAO"

Case "00A9" : sReturn = "InterConnect"

Case "00AF" : sReturn = "PPtView"

Case "00B0" : sReturn = "ExPdf"

Case "00B1" : sReturn = "ExXps"

Case "00B2" : sReturn = "ExPdfXps"

Case "00B4" : sReturn = "PrjMUI"

Case "00B5" : sReturn = "PrjtMUI"

Case "00B9" : sReturn = "AER"

Case "00BA" : sReturn = "Groove"

Case "00CA" : sReturn = "SmallBusiness"

Case "00E0" : sReturn = "Outlook"

Case "00D1" : sReturn = "ACE"

Case "0100" : sReturn = "OfficeMUI"

Case "0101" : sReturn = "OfficeXMUI"

Case "0103" : sReturn = "PTK"

Case "0114" : sReturn = "GrooveSetupMetadata"

Case "0115" : sReturn = "SharedSetupMetadata"

Case "0116" : sReturn = "SharedSetupMetadata"

Case "0117" : sReturn = "AccessSetupMetadata"

Case "011A" : sReturn = "LWConnect"

Case "011F" : sReturn = "OLConnect"

Case "1014" : sReturn = "STS"

Case "1015" : sReturn = "WSSMUI"

Case "1032" : sReturn = "PJSVRAPP"

Case "104B" : sReturn = "SPS"

Case "104E" : sReturn = "SPSMUI"

Case "107F" : sReturn = "OSrv"

Case "1080" : sReturn = "OSrv"

Case "1088" : sReturn = "lpsrvwfe"

Case "10D7" : sReturn = "IFS"

Case "10D8" : sReturn = "IFSMUI"

Case "10EB" : sReturn = "DLCAPP"

Case "10F5" : sReturn = "XLSRVAPP"

Case "10F6" : sReturn = "XlSrvWFE"

Case "10F7" : sReturn = "DLC"

Case "10F8" : sReturn = "SlSrvMui"

Case "10FB" : sReturn = "OSrchWFE"

Case "10FC" : sReturn = "OSRCHAPP"

Case "10FD" : sReturn = "OSrchMUI"

Case "1103" : sReturn = "DLC"

Case "1104" : sReturn = "LHPSRV"

Case "1105" : sReturn = "PIA"

Case "110D" : sReturn = "OSERVER"

Case "110F" : sReturn = "PSERVER"

Case "1110" : sReturn = "WSS"

Case "1121" : sReturn = "SPSSDK"

Case "1122" : sReturn = "SPSDev"

Case Else : sReturn = sProdID

End Select 'sProdId

GetProductID = sReturn

End Function 'GetProductID


Sub Log (sLog)

wscript.echo sLog

LogStream.WriteLine sLog

End Sub 'Log


Sub LogOnly (sLog)

LogStream.WriteLine sLog

End Sub 'Log


Sub CheckError(sModule)

If Err <> 0 Then

LogOnly " " & Now & " - " & sModule & " - Source: " & Err.Source & "; Err# (Hex): " & Hex( Err ) & _

"; Err# (Dec): " & Err & "; Description : " & Err.Description

End If 'Err = 0


End Sub


'Command line parser

Sub ParseCmdLine

Dim iCnt, iArgCnt

Dim arrArguments

Dim sArg0

iArgCnt = Wscript.Arguments.Count

If iArgCnt > 0 Then

If wscript.Arguments(0) = "UAC" Then

If wscript.arguments.count = 1 Then iArgCnt = 0

End If

End If

If iArgCnt = 0 Then

Select Case UCase(wscript.ScriptName)

Case Else

'Create the log


Log "No argument specified. Preparing user prompt" & vbCrLf


If dicInstalledSku.Count > 0 Then sDefault = Join(RemoveDuplicates(dicInstalledSku.Items),",") Else sDefault = "CLIENTALL"

sDefault = InputBox("Enter a list of " & ONAME & " products to remove" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _

"Examples:" & vbCrLf & _

"CLIENTALL" & vbTab & "-> all Client products" & vbCrLf & _

"SERVER" & vbTab & "-> all Server products" & vbCrLf & _

"ALL" & vbTab & vbTab & "-> all Server & Client products" & vbCrLf & _

"ProPlus,PrjPro" & vbTab & "-> ProPlus and Project" & vbCrLf &_

"?" & vbTab & vbTab & "-> display Help", _

SCRIPTFILE & " - " & ONAME & " remover", _


If IsEmpty(sDefault) Then 'User cancelled

Log "User cancelled. CleanUp & Exit."

'Undo temporary entries created in ARP


wscript.quit 1602

End If 'IsEmpty(sDefault)

Log "Answer from prompt: " & sDefault & vbCrLf

sDefault = Trim(UCase(Trim(Replace(sDefault,Chr(34),""))))

arrArguments = Split(Trim(sDefault)," ")

If UBound(arrArguments) = -1 Then ReDim arrArguments(0)

End Select


ReDim arrArguments(iArgCnt-1)

For iCnt = 0 To (iArgCnt-1)

arrArguments(iCnt) = UCase(Wscript.Arguments(iCnt))

Next 'iCnt

End If 'iArgCnt = 0

'Handle the SKU list

sArg0 = Replace(arrArguments(0),"/","")

sArg0 = Replace(sArg0,"-","")

Select Case UCase(sArg0)

Case "?"


Case "ALL"

fRemoveAll = True

fRemoveOse = False


fRemoveCSuites = True

fRemoveOse = False


fRemoveCSingle = True

fRemoveOse = False


fRemoveCSuites = True

fRemoveCSingle = True

fRemoveOse = False


fRemoveSrv = True

fRemoveOse = False

Case "ALL,OSE"

fRemoveAll = True

fRemoveOse = True

Case Else

fRemoveAll = False

fRemoveOse = False

sSkuRemoveList = sArg0

End Select

For iCnt = 0 To UBound(arrArguments)

Select Case arrArguments(iCnt)

Case "?","/?","-?"


Case "/B","/BYPASS"

If UBound(arrArguments)>iCnt Then

If InStr(arrArguments(iCnt+1),"1")>0 Then fBypass_Stage1 = True

If InStr(arrArguments(iCnt+1),"2")>0 Then fBypass_Stage2 = True

If InStr(arrArguments(iCnt+1),"3")>0 Then fBypass_Stage3 = True

If InStr(arrArguments(iCnt+1),"4")>0 Then fBypass_Stage4 = True

End If


fKeepUser = False


fBypass_Stage1 = True

fSkipSD = True

Case "/F","/FORCE"

fForce = True


fKeepUser = True

Case "/L","/LOG"

fLogInitialized = False

If UBound(arrArguments)>iCnt Then

If oFso.FolderExists(arrArguments(iCnt+1)) Then

sLogDir = arrArguments(iCnt+1)


On Error Resume Next


If Err <> 0 Then sLogDir = sScrubDir Else sLogDir = arrArguments(iCnt+1)

End If

End If

Case "/N","/NOCANCEL"

fNoCancel = True

Case "/O","/OSE"

fRemoveOse = True


fDetectOnly = True

Case "/Q","/QUIET"

fQuiet = True

Case "/QND"

fBypass_Stage1 = True

fBypass_Stage2 = True

fBypass_Stage3 = True

fRemoveOse = True

fRemoveOspp = True

fRemoveC2R = True

fRemoveAll = True

fSkipSD = True

fForce = True


fSkipSD = True

Case "/R","/RECONCILE"

fTryReconcile = True

Case Else

End Select

Next 'iCnt

If Not fLogInitialized Then CreateLog

End Sub 'ParseCmdLine


Sub CreateLog

Dim DateTime

Dim sLogName

On Error Resume Next

'Create the log file

Set DateTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")

DateTime.SetVarDate Now,True

sLogName = sLogDir & "/" & oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")

sLogName = sLogName & "_" & Left(DateTime.Value,14)

sLogName = sLogName & "_ScrubLog.txt"


Set LogStream = oFso.CreateTextFile(sLogName,True,True)

If Err <> 0 Then


sLogDir = sScrubDir

sLogName = sLogDir & "/" & oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")

sLogName = sLogName & "_" & Left(DateTime.Value,14)

sLogName = sLogName & "_ScrubLog.txt"

Set LogStream = oFso.CreateTextFile(sLogName,True,True)

End If

Log "Microsoft Customer Support Services - " & ONAME & " Removal Utility" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _

"Version: " & SCRIPTVERSION & vbCrLf & _

"64 bit OS: " & f64 & vbCrLf & _

"Start removal: " & Now & vbCrLf

fLogInitialized = True

End Sub 'CreateLog


Sub RelaunchAsCScript

Dim Argument

Dim sCmdLine

sCmdLine = "cmd.exe /k " & WScript.Path & "/cscript.exe //NOLOGO " & Chr(34) & WScript.scriptFullName & Chr(34)

If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then

For Each Argument in Wscript.Arguments

sCmdLine = sCmdLine & " " & chr(34) & Argument & chr(34)

Next 'Argument

End If

oWShell.Run sCmdLine,1,False


End Sub 'RelaunchAsCScript


Sub RelaunchElevated

Dim Argument

Dim sCmdLine

Dim oShell

Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

sCmdLine = Chr(34) & WScript.scriptFullName & Chr(34)

If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then

For Each Argument in Wscript.Arguments

Select Case UCase(Argument)

Case "/Q","/QUIET"

'Don't try to relaunch in quiet mode

Exit Sub

Case "UAC"

'Already tried elevated relaunch

Exit Sub

Case Else

sCmdLine = sCmdLine & " " & chr(34) & Argument & chr(34)

End Select

Next 'Argument

End If

oShell.ShellExecute "cscript.exe", sCmdLine & " UAC", "", "runas", 1


End Sub 'RelaunchElevated


'Show the expected syntax for the script usage

Sub ShowSyntax


Wscript.Echo sErr & vbCrLf & _


"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _

SCRIPTFILE & " helps to remove " & ONAME & " Server & Client products" & vbCrLf & _

"when a regular uninstall is no longer possible" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _

"Usage:" & vbTab & SCRIPTFILE & " [List of config ProductIDs] [Options]" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _

vbTab & "/? ' Displays this help"& vbCrLf &_

vbTab & "/Force ' Enforces file removal. May cause data loss!" & vbCrLf &_

vbTab & "/SkipShortcutDetection ' Does not search the local hard drives for shortcuts" & vbCrLf & _

vbTab & "/Log [LogfolderPath] ' Custom folder for log files" & vbCrLf & _

vbTab & "/NoCancel ' Setup.exe and Msiexec.exe have no Cancel button" & vbCrLf &_

vbTab & "/OSE ' Forces removal of the Office Source Engine service" & vbCrLf &_

vbTab & "/Quiet ' Setup.exe and Msiexec.exe run quiet with no UI" & vbCrLf &_

vbTab & "/Preview ' Run this script to preview what would get removed"& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _

"Examples:"& vbCrLf & _

vbTab & SCRIPTFILE & " CLIENTALL ' Remove all " & ONAME & " Client products" & vbCrLf &_

vbTab & SCRIPTFILE & " SERVER ' Remove all " & ONAME & " Server products" & vbCrLf &_

vbTab & SCRIPTFILE & " ALL ' Remove all " & ONAME & " Server & Client products" & vbCrLf &_

vbTab & SCRIPTFILE & " ProPlus,PrjPro ' Remove ProPlus and Project" & vbCrLf


End Sub 'ShowSyntax


