1500字范文 > js打开飞行模式_什么是飞行模式? 它有什么作用?什么时候应该打开它?

js打开飞行模式_什么是飞行模式? 它有什么作用?什么时候应该打开它?

时间:2020-03-17 09:35:26


js打开飞行模式_什么是飞行模式? 它有什么作用?什么时候应该打开它?


If you've flown on an airplane in the last decade and you have a smart phone, you've likely had to put that phone in airplane mode before the plane takes off.


While most of us simply comply with this FAA regulation have you ever wondered why you really need to use airplane mode?


In this article we'll learn what airplane mode does, why you're supposed to use it during flight, and how else it can help you in your daily life.


什么是飞行模式? (What is airplane mode?)

When you enable airplane mode you disable your phone's ability to connect to cellular or WiFi networks or to Bluetooth. This means you can't make or receive calls, send texts, or browse the internet.

启用飞行模式后,您将禁用手机连接蜂窝网络或WiFi网络或蓝牙的功能。 这意味着您无法拨打或接听电话,发送短信或浏览互联网。

You can still use your phone, however: you can take photos, listen to music, play games, or compose emails/messages to send later. Basically anything that doesn't require a signal or internet.

但是,您仍然可以使用手机:可以拍照,听音乐,玩游戏或撰写电子邮件/消息以便以后发送。 基本上不需要信号或互联网的任何东西。

您如何打开它? (How do you switch it on?)

To turn airplane mode on if you have an iPhone or iPad simply swipe up from the bottom of the screen. You'll see a little airplane icon in the menu that pops up - just click it and it'll turn orange. This means airplane mode is engaged.

如果您有iPhone或iPad,则要开启飞行模式,只需从屏幕底部向上滑动即可。 您会在弹出的菜单中看到一个小的飞机图标-只需单击它,它就会变成橙色。 这意味着飞行模式已进入。

You'll also notice that your wifi has been turned off and that your phone is no longer transmitting a radio signal.


If you have an Android phone, the process is similar - just swipe down from the top and switch on airplane mode.


为什么我们必须这样做? (Why do we have to do this?)

Your cell phone is a powerful little device. It emits radio waves and electromagnetic interference (EMI) that can potentially mess with an aircraft's communication devices. And no one wants an airplane that can't communicate with, say, air traffic control at your destination airport.

您的手机是功能强大的小型设备。 它发出的无线电波和电磁干扰(EMI)可能会干扰飞机的通信设备。 而且没有人想要一架无法与目的地机场的空中交通管制进行通信的飞机。

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has also determined that cellular signals coming from plans could overwhelm cell towers below, causing disruption to service. After all, millions of people fly every day so that would be a lot of tower clogging.

联邦航空管理局 (FAA)还确定,来自计划的蜂窝信号可能会使下面的蜂窝塔不堪重负,从而导致服务中断。 毕竟,每天都有成千上万的人飞翔,所以很多塔都被堵塞了。

Whatever the reasons, and however you feel about them, it's a good idea to follow your flight attendant's instructions and switch on airplane mode when you're in the air.

无论是什么原因, 但是您对它们有什么看法 ,最好还是遵循空乘人员的指示并在空中飞行时打开飞机模式。

一线希望 (The silver lining)

Six years ago the FAA decided that its restrictions on cell phones/cellular devices were a bit too harsh. So they started allowing passengers to use WiFi and Bluetooth during flights.

六年前,FAA决定对手机/蜂窝设备的限制过于严格。 因此,他们开始允许乘客在飞行中使用WiFi和蓝牙。

If your plane has WiFi capabilities feel free to connect to the internet and browse away. Bonus: you can also use your Bluetooth headphones. You just have to manually turn WiFi back on once you're in airplane mode (in that same dock menu you saw above).

如果您的飞机具有WiFi功能,请随时连接到互联网并浏览。 奖励:您也可以使用蓝牙耳机。 进入飞行模式后,您只需要手动重新打开WiFi(在上面看到的相同的停靠菜单中)。

飞行模式还有其他用途吗? (Are there other uses for airplane mode?)

Think about what airplane mode does: it makes it so you can't get (or make) calls or receive (or send) messages. It also keeps you from mindlessly browsing the interwebs. Ah, the potential for peace of mind and productivity.

考虑一下飞行模式的作用:它实现了它,因此您无法拨打(或拨打电话)或接收(或发送)消息。 它也使您避免盲目浏览Internet。 啊,省心和提高生产力的潜力。

完成一些工作 (Get some work done)

If you need to focus and get some deep work done, consider turning on airplane mode. No more distracting pop-ups, notifications, or noises from your device - what a relief.

如果您需要集中精力并完成一些深入的工作 ,请考虑启用飞行模式。 您的设备再也不会出现令人分心的弹出式窗口,通知或噪音了,这真是舒心。

You can set a time limit for yourself (no need to have airplane mode enabled all day. What if your SO needs to ask you what you want for dinner? Or your kid needs to get in touch?). Try a couple hours and see how much you get done.

您可以为自己设置时间限制(无需全天启用飞行模式。如果您的SO需要问您晚餐要吃什么,或者您的孩子需要联系,该怎么办?)。 尝试几个小时,看看能完成多少工作。

保护孩子 (Protect your kids)

Speaking of children, airplane mode can be useful for them, too. If you give your child your phone or tablet (for some very limited screentime - right?) you don't want them accidentally calling your boss or purchasing your whole Amazon wishlist.

说到孩子,飞行模式对他们也很有用。 如果您给孩子手机或平板电脑(在很短的屏幕时间内-对吗?),您不希望他们不小心打电话给老板或购买整个亚马逊的愿望清单。

So just switch airplane mode on. They'll still be able to play games, take photos, and so on. They just won't be able to get into nearly as much trouble.

因此,只需打开飞行模式即可。 他们仍然可以玩游戏,拍照等。 他们只是无法陷入几乎同样的麻烦。

充电更快(并节省电池寿命) (Charge up more quickly (and save battery life))

When your phone is in airplane mode, it's not constantly trying to find a wireless network or signal. So your battery will last a lot longer.

当手机处于飞行模式时,它不会一直试图寻找无线网络或信号。 因此,您的电池可以使用更长的时间。

If you have a long day, and forgot your battery pack, switch on airplane mode. You'll get more done, have a bit of peace of mind, and your phone will still have some charge later when you need it to navigate to that hot new restaurant (or whatever) you've been wanting to try.

如果您整天忙碌而忘记了电池组,请开启飞行模式。 您会做更多的事情,安心一点,以后当您需要使用手机导航到想要尝试的那家热门新餐厅(或其他任何餐厅)时,手机仍会收取一些费用。

Bonus: when you're using airplane mode your phone will actually charge more quickly (same reasons as mentioned above: it's not trying to do so much, so can focus on charging). So if you don't have a new, super-fast-charging device, this will help you out.

奖励:当您使用飞行模式时,手机实际上会更快地充电(如上所述的相同原因:它并没有尝试做太多事情,因此可以专注于充电)。 因此,如果您没有新的超快速充电设备,这将对您有所帮助。

断开连接并休息一下 (Disconnect and take a break)

Lastly, sometimes you just want to step away from your phone or tablet and free yourself from all the notifications. Good for you - do it.

最后,有时您只想离开手机或平板电脑,让自己摆脱所有通知。 对您有好处-做到这一点。

Airplane mode makes it easy to disconnect from your device, but still leave it on (to use it as your alarm clock, for example. Or snap some photos on vacay.). So click that little airplane and leave your cares behind for a bit.

飞行模式可让您轻松断开与设备的连接,但仍保持打开状态(例如,将其用作闹钟。或者在空旷时拍摄一些照片。)。 因此,请点击那架小飞机,将您的烦恼抛在脑后。

翻译自: /news/what-is-airplane-mode-what-does-it-do-and-when-should-you-turn-it-on/

