1500字范文 > English trip V1 - B 13. Are you a model? 你是模特吗? Teacher:Patrick Key: 单词回顾 词性后缀...

English trip V1 - B 13. Are you a model? 你是模特吗? Teacher:Patrick Key: 单词回顾 词性后缀...

时间:2019-08-30 14:02:32


English trip V1 - B 13. Are you a model? 你是模特吗? Teacher:Patrick Key: 单词回顾 词性后缀...

因为这节课本身内容过于So easy~ Patrick给我补充了很多课外内容


I doesn't work 2层意思

1) 东西坏了,这个东西不能正常工作了。比如钟不走时间了

2) 行不通。 比如:你家小孩反着开门,就是打不开。

词汇(Key Word )

morden n.现代的tradition n.传统的 In morden city ,some people's idea still tradition

bossy 霸道,adj. 专横的;浮雕装饰的;爱指挥他人的 You are boss is bossy?

colleagues 同事n. 同事;同行(colleague的复数) My colleagues is a friendly man

peanuts 花生 peanuts and walnut'smilk is my favorite

personality 性格,个性;品格 That kid's personality isbad temper

respectn. 尊敬,尊重;方面;敬意vt. 尊敬,尊重;遵守 we are learning to respect old man

respectfuladj. 恭敬的;有礼貌的 The littlegirl is respectful

walnut 核桃 I don't like walnut, because open it verydifficulty.

megacity n. 大城市(人口超过1000万的)Tokyo is megactiy

migrationn. 迁移;移民;移动 emigration n. 移民;移民出境;移居外国 She plans migration USA

improve vt. 改善,增进;提高…的价值vi. 增加;变得更好 I need improve myself

freelancer 自由职业者 My friend Lee is freelancer

opposite 反义词 big and small is opposite

Kill time 打法时间 If you always kill time , The time also kill you

lawyern. 律师;法学家 My friend's wife is a lawyer

braveadj. 勇敢的;华丽的 He doesn'tinjection, he is brave boy

hint 暗示 somebody write hint on the paper

modest 谦逊 we need stay modest

duty 职责 ; off duty 下班To midnight, At last he is off duty

engineer n.工程师

favorite adj.最喜爱的

football player 足球运动员

housewife n.家庭主妇

job n.工作

model n.模特

police offcer n.警官

singer n.歌手

worker n.工人,劳动者


work my butt off to do 拼命工作;尽自己全力做某事

in a bad way 这不是一个好方法

try my best to do 尽自己最大努力

work of peanuts 挣钱少

nut n. 螺母,螺帽;坚果;难对付的人,难解的问题

You are nuts 你是怪咖。

Don’t judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人 ;俚语

I worked overtime..我工作经常加班

I am used to ... 我习惯于...

not really不完全是;不见得

