1500字范文 > Node.js 入门手册:那些最流行的 Web 开发框架

Node.js 入门手册:那些最流行的 Web 开发框架

时间:2020-07-17 21:20:22


Node.js 入门手册:那些最流行的 Web 开发框架

这篇文章与大家分享最流行的 Node.js Web 开发框架。Node 是一个服务器端 JavaScript 解释器,它将改变服务器应该如何工作的概念。它的目标是帮助程序员构建高度可伸缩的应用程序,编写能够处理数万条同时连接到一个(只有一个)物理机的连接代码。

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Also seehere.Crux— An MVC web application framework and project management utility, similar in some ways to Rails.Derby— MVC framework making it easy to write realtime, collaborative applications that run in both Node.js and browsersdjangode— A framework that borrows some useful concepts fromDjango(March , node.JS 0.1.30)drty— A Django port to NodeJS. Many Django features, still under heavy development. (January, , 0.2.6)Drumkit--- DrumKit is a plugin-powered, full-stack Web development framework for Node.js.Express— A robust feature rich web development frameworkinspired by SinatraExpress Train— An lightweight MVC web framework built on top of express, offering consistent project structure.Ext Core for NodeJS— Templating and some basic tricks of ExtCore and ExtJS(XTemplate,Ext.util.format)Flatiron— an adaptable framework for building modern web applications. URL Routing withDirector, templating withPlates, data management withResourceful, middleware withUnion(connect-compatible), plugins withBroadway, logging withWinston.Geddy— A hackable Web-app development frameworksimilar to Merb/Rails/Pylons/DjangoGenJi— A simple micro-framework for nodejs.Grasshopper— A feature-rich and flexible MVC framework for web applications and services, with integrateddependency injection.hapi- A rich framework for building web applications and services. hapi is a simple to use configuration-centric framework with built-in support for input validation, caching, authentication, and other essential facilities. hapi enables developers to focus on writing reusable application logic instead of spending time building infrastructure. The framework supports a powerful plugin architecture for pain-free and scalable extensibility.Impress— Totalitarian style multipurpose application server and web framework with multiple hosts and ports, filesystem based routing, db access, clustering, proxying, memory caching, templating and much more.JaxServer— Application server and framework with template and css enginesjimi— A framework for writing modular web applications in node.js (tutorial)josi— An MVC web framework that's easy to pick up but doesn't get in the way. Also seehereKassit— rapid building of client-side AJAX applications usingBackboneandCoffeeScriptKatana— Easy to use, modular web framework for any Node.js samuraiKiss.js— Web framework for node.js in CoffeeScript. Object-oriented, simple and sexy.Locomotive— Effective MVC web development for Node.jsinspired by Ruby on Railsmerlin— Object-oriented MVC framework relying on a robust set of conventions to minimize code. Also ships with optional plugins providing basic CMS-like functionality.Meryl— Minimalist web framework! SeewikiMojito— An MVC framework and JavaScript library for building full-featured, device-independent HTML5 applications running on both client (browser) and server (Node.js). See theMojito Documentation Directoryfor more information.Monorail.js— Ultra leightweight MVC web framework.N-Ext— Ext.core, Ext.util and Ext.data packages in your NodeJS apps (includes a MongoDB proxy based onnode-mongodb-native)nCombo— A client-server framework for building rich cloud applicationsnode-extjs— Run ExtJS4 data models on Node.jsnodemachine— A port of WebMachine to Node.jsnodepress— High-level web framework for nodejs, can be used as a blog by defaultOmni.js— A framework for building realtime apps with Backbone.js. Automatically propagates models/collections to the client.partial.js- Web application framework (MVC, REST) for node.js /NO DEPENDENCIES,inspired by ASP.MVC & RAZORPieJS— A rapid development MVC framework. Inspired and similar in style/convention to CakePHP. In very active development.pintura— REST-based web framework/middlewarestack built for Ajax-styleJSON-driven applicationspomelo- A fast, scalable, distributed game server framework. Also suitable for realtime web.Protos— Web Application Framework for Node.jsQuickWeb— An application server for Node.jsrAppid:js- A declarative JS RIA MVC Framework, supporting XAML, Bindings, Dependency Injection, custom ComponentsSails.js— A realtime MVC framework, based on Express and Socket.io, featuring an ORM with support for Mongo, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, and others.Sayndo— Fast and flexible web server with customized routing and authorizationSeek— Small Javascript Web framework - mostly for learning purposesimpleS— Simple HTTP(S) Server (designed to beAll-In-One) with routing, static files service, response compression and WebSocket implementation (version 13, RFC 6455).Good DocumentationSocketStream— A fast full-stack real-time web framework for single-page appsspludo— A full featured web framework. Fully Async + MVC with DI, AOP and Storages. (tutorial+user-guide)Stick— A modular JSGI middleware composition layer and application frameworkTachi- A compact, stand-alone, MVC-based rapid web app development framework.Tower— Small components for building apps, manipulating data, and automating a distributed infrastructure.webjs— Simple HTTP / TCP development frameworkwebsvr— A simple web server, implement HttpModule(filter) and HttpHandler(servlet), autorecover user session when run into problems.Zeppelin— An early stage, low friction cloud development frameworkTrinteJS— An MVC web framework,, Express/Connect-compatible backed by Cross-db ORM CaminteJS and Bootstrap.node-express-mongoose- A simple MVC approach for building web applications utilizing the full power of express and mongoose (demo app)您可能感兴趣的相关文章 30个立体动感的视差滚动效果网站作品视差滚动在网页设计中应用的优秀案例25个以全屏照片为背景的精美网页作品20个与众不同的网页联系表单设计案例20个模糊背景在网站中的经典应用案例

本文来源:Node.js 入门手册:最流行的 Web 开发框架

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源
