1500字范文 > java poi excel 单元格样式 如何在Java Apache POI中获取Excel单元格字段的字体样式?...

java poi excel 单元格样式 如何在Java Apache POI中获取Excel单元格字段的字体样式?...

时间:2019-04-23 15:21:24


java poi excel 单元格样式 如何在Java Apache POI中获取Excel单元格字段的字体样式?...

I would like to capture the font of a cell field in excel in Java. I am using Apache POI. If possible, I would like to capture font-color, font-family, font-weight, font-size, etc.

How can I achieve this?


Edited based on comment

Based on example cell that I've used:

XSSFCellStyle cs = cell.getCellStyle();

XSSFFont font = cs.getFont();

//Getting Font color

XSSFColor color = font.getXSSFColor();

System.out.println("Font color : " + color.getARGBHex());

//==> FF00B0F0

//Getting Font name

System.out.println("Font name : " + font.getFontName());

//==> Arial

//Getting Font family name

FontFamily family = FontFamily.valueOf(((XSSFFont) font).getFamily());

System.out.println("Font family : " + family);

//==> SWISS

//Getting Font family int

System.out.println("Font family in int : " + font.getFamily());

//==> 2

//Getting Font height

System.out.println("Font FontHeight : " + font.getFontHeight());

//==> 280

//Getting Font height in point

System.out.println("Font height in point : " + font.getFontHeightInPoints());

//==> 14

//Getting Font bold weight

System.out.println("Font BoldWeight : " + font.getBoldweight());

//==> 700
