1500字范文 > ppt修复演示文稿_Google演示文稿已发布


时间:2020-03-29 00:05:57




Google updated their Applications suite today with the addition of Google Presentation. It was added to all of including Google Apps For Your Domain, which is what I use for the family's docs.

Google今天更新了自己的应用程序套件,增加了Google Presentation。 它已添加到所有(包括Google Apps for Your Domain)中,这就是我使用的家庭文档。

It's good to know it's there if I might need it, but I'd probably just use Notepad if I needed to present in a pinch.


酷事 (Cool Things)

It initially LOOKS just like PowerPoint! 最初看起来就像PowerPoint!

You can start a presentation then give folks a URL and they can join up and watch like this:View Presentation.

您可以开始演示,然后给人们提供URL,他们可以加入并观看,如下所示:View Presentation

You can chat about the presentation being watched. 您可以聊天有关正在观看的演示文稿。 Great Revisions support - many copies are saved all the time, so you'll never lose anything. 强大的修订支持-始终保存许多副本,因此您永远不会丢失任何东西。 Upload a PPT 上载PPT

Save as a ZIP file! They'll create a "self-contained" ZIP with a single HTML file and the assets you need to run the presentation using any browser, also Eric Meyer'sS5, except with less-pretty auto-generated markup.

另存为ZIP文件! 他们将使用单个HTML文件以及使用任何浏览器(包括Eric Meyer的S5)运行演示文稿所需的资产创建一个“自包含” ZIP,但自动生成的标记要少一些。

MehThings (MehThings)

Can't link to pictures online, have to upload. It would be been cool to allow links to Flickr or Google Photos but that would mess up the whole "self contained" offline story. 无法在线链接到图片,必须上传。 允许链接到Flickr或Google相册会很酷,但这会弄乱整个“自包含”的离线故事。 No spellcheck? 没有拼写检查? No animations, shapes, auto-layouts, wizards, etc. 没有动画,形状,自动布局,向导等。 No line spacing? Makes bulleted lists look odd and hard to lay out. 没有行距? 使项目符号列表显得奇怪且难以布局。 Does as little as it can without actually being Notepad.exe 在没有实际成为Notepad.exe的情况下尽其所能

It's cool, to be clear, but it's ultra-basic. If you're interested in a PowerPoint-like experience on the web, I'd either use PowerPoint's Save As Html feature (maybe you bought a $60 copy of Office! Insane!) or take a good look at Eric Meyer's S5 XHTML Presentation System (sample).

很明显,这很酷,但是非常基础。 如果您对网络上类似PowerPoint的体验感兴趣,则可以使用PowerPoint的“另存为HTML”功能(也许您购买了60美元的Office !Insane!),也可以看看Eric Meyer的S5 XHTML Presentation System。 (样本)。

JavaScript errors and other rough spots, particularly when trying to add Hyperlinks to Images. JavaScript错误和其他问题,特别是在尝试向图像添加超链接时。 You can upload PPT, but you can't Save As PPT. 您可以上传PPT,但不能另存为PPT。

It's a nice addition to Google Docs, but the flagship product is still Google Spreadsheets, in my opinion.

这是对Google文档的一个很好的补充,但我认为旗舰产品仍然是Google Spreadsheets。

翻译自: /blog/google-presentations-is-out

