1500字范文 > xp删除管理员账户_在Windows XP中从登录屏幕删除用户帐户

xp删除管理员账户_在Windows XP中从登录屏幕删除用户帐户

时间:2022-12-10 00:37:16


xp删除管理员账户_在Windows XP中从登录屏幕删除用户帐户


So you login to your computer every single day, but there’s more than one account to choose from… either because you got the computer from somebody else, or some software package added a user account that you really don’t want to see. So how do we hide that other account from the login screen?

因此,您每天都登录到计算机,但是有多个帐户可供选择……或者是因为您从其他人那里获得了计算机,或者某个软件包添加了您确实不想看到的用户帐户。 那么,我们如何在登录屏幕上隐藏该其他帐户?

There’s a simple registry hack that you can do to hide accounts from the login screen, or you could alternatively delete the user account if you really don’t need it. Both methods are listed below.

有一个简单的注册表黑客,您可以从登录屏幕中隐藏帐户,或者,如果确实不需要,可以删除该用户帐户。 两种方法都在下面列出。

Manual Registry Hack


Open up regedit.exe through the start menu Run box, and then navigate down to the following key:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ SpecialAccounts \ UserList

On the right-hand side you’ll see a list of keys that correspond to user accounts that are considered “Special” and are not to be shown on the login screen.


Create a new DWORD value with the same name as the user name that you want to hide. You’ll note that the actual username in the illustration was “OtherPerson” and not the description that was shown on the login screen.

用与您要隐藏的用户名相同的名称创建一个新的DWORD值。 您会注意到,插图中的实际用户名是“ OtherPerson”,而不是登录屏幕上显示的描述。

To unhide the account, simply delete the registry key that you created.


The next time you log off you’ll see that the other account is gone.


Hide User Account with Tweak UI


You can also use the Microsoft Tweak UI PowerToy to do the same thing. (Thanks to Gustav for reminding me to include this)

您也可以使用Microsoft Tweak UI PowerToy执行相同的操作。 (感谢古斯塔夫提醒我包括在内)

Just click on the Logon key in the left hand side, and then uncheck the box for “Show <username> on Welcome screen”


Login to Hidden Account


You can still login to the account even though it’s not shown… You’ll just have to use a little trick.


At the login screen, just hit the Ctrl+Alt+Delete combination twice in a row, and you’ll be presented with the old-school login screen, where you have to manually enter the username.

在登录屏幕上,只需连续两次按Ctrl + Alt + Delete组合键,就会出现老式的登录屏幕,您必须在其中手动输入用户名。

Type the name and password of the other user, and login.


Delete User Account


Alternatively you can always delete the user account if you are absolutely sure that you don’t need that user account anymore. Right-click on “My Computer” and choose “Manage”

另外,如果您完全确定不再需要该用户帐户,则可以始终删除该用户帐户。 右键单击“我的电脑”,然后选择“管理”

Navigate down through “Local Users and Groups” and then Users, and then locate the username in the list that you’d like to get rid of.


Just right-click and choose Delete. Note that this step cannot be reversed, so make sure you only delete accounts you really really don’t want anymore. If you are unsure, you can just hide them using the first option above.

只需右键单击并选择删除。 请注意,此步骤无法撤消,因此请确保仅删除您确实不再想要的帐户。 如果不确定,则可以使用上面的第一个选项将其隐藏。

翻译自: /howto/windows/remove-user-accounts-from-the-login-screen-in-windows-xp/

