1500字范文 > Node.js Web 开发框架大全《中间件篇》

Node.js Web 开发框架大全《中间件篇》

时间:2022-04-01 00:00:42


Node.js Web 开发框架大全《中间件篇》

这篇文章与大家分享优秀的 Node.js 中间件模块。Node 是一个服务器端 JavaScript 解释器,它将改变服务器应该如何工作的概念。它的目标是帮助程序员构建高度可伸缩的应用程序,编写能够处理数万条同时连接到一个(只有一个)物理机的连接代码。


10大流行的 Metro UI 风格 Bootstrap 主题推荐35款精致的 CSS3 和 HTML5 网页模板让人爱不释手的精美 Web 应用程序图标素材赞!10套精美的免费网站后台管理系统模板精选12款优秀 jQuery Ajax 分页插件和教程


commonlogger- A logger of HTTP pact- Join and compress frontend press- Gzip compresses (using node-compress) the response when appropriate based on request headers.conditional- Handles conditional HTTP requests (If-Modified-Since, etc.)contentlength- Sets Content-Length header.csrf- Checks HTTP request for possible cross-site request forgery, flags dangerous requests.extension- Transforms .extension to a RESTful Accept headerhead- Handles HEAD requests (stripping body).http-params- Converts HTTP parameters http- to headers.media- Performs content type negotiation (per RFC2616) delegating to appropriate media handler.redirect- Redirects to other URLsrewriter- Rewrites defined paths to other paths.routes- Simple RegExp based routersession- Session manager with pluggable storage handlingstatic- Static file handler using asynchronous streaming.transporter- Share modules with browser, works RequireJS and Yabbleurlmap- Maps to different apps by path/URLxsite- Handles JSONP, window.name, and cross-origin XHR (CORS).


connect-jade-static- Serving jade files as static htmlaspa-express- Simple, dependency-free middleware for serving assets packaged withaspa.browserify-middleware- Middleware for serving up node.js code with requires to the client.bundle-up— A simple asset manager middleware for managing css and js files.client-certificate-auth- Basic TLS/SSL client certificate authenticationconnect_facebook- Facebook session support for Connectconnect_json- Support for parsing JSON requests and sending JSON responses in Connectconnect-airbrake— Airbrake error reporting auto-setup middlewareconnect-assetmanager- Asset manager for Connect for handling CSS/JS filesconnect-assets- Compiled CSS/JS asset pipeline inspired by Rails 3.1connect-auth— Connect authentication middleware, provides out-of-the-box implementations of HTTP (Basic & Digest), Twitter, Facebook, BitBucket, Janrain, Yahoo, Sina, Google, OAuth (1.0 server), Github and a couple of others....connect-compiler— Development middleware to dynamically recompile derived files at serve-time.connect-dojo— Connect middleware exposing the Dojo Toolkitconnect-domain— Asynchronous error handler for Connectconnect-force-domain— force all visitors onto a single domainconnect-gridfs— GridFS file server for Connectconnect-http-signature— middleware wrapper for Joyent'sHTTP Signature reference implementationconnect-proxy— Retrieve originating ip/host values when proxying to your connect appconnect-roles— Dynamic roles based authorization for connect/express, designed to work well with passport and everyauth.connect-rpx- Use RPX with Node.js and Connectcookie-sessions— Secure cookie-based session storedispatch— Regular expression URL dispatchereveryauth— Connect authentication and authorization middleware, modular, configurable, supporting password, OpenId, Google, OAuth, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Readability, Dropbox, Justin.tv, Vimeo, Tumblr, OAuth2, Facebook, GitHub, Instagram, Foursquare, , LDAPexpress-chromeframe— Dead simple middleware to enable chromeframe on connect/express applications.express-errors— Simple error handlingfacebook-wrapper— Basic wrapper to the Facebook API, designed to work with Connect and Expressform2json— Decoder for form-urlencoded data that supports arrays of nested objectsformaline- full-featured module for handling form POSTs/PUTs (multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded ) and fast parsing of file uploads, it speaks JSON and it is also ready for use with middlewares like connect.http-accept— Connect compatible middleware that parses HTTP Accept header fieldsmerge-js— Simple connect middleware for merging multiple js files and uglifying the result.mincer— direct Sprockets assets manager port, with middleware for connect/expressminj— Serve minified javascript files with Connect/Expressmonomi— Provides tools for handling tablet, touch, and mobile browsersnode_signedcookies— Extends Express's cookieParser() to read/write signed cookies.node-facebook-session-cookie— eats facebook cookies from client FB.login() and makes the session available as req.fb_sessionpassport— Simple, modular, and unobtrusive authentication framework for Connect and Express.pound— Pound is an high-level interface for Piler - The Awesome Asset Manager for Node.jsquip— Chainable HTTP response APIresource-router— A resource-oriented router to replace the default routing in expressresty— Quickly and simply build REST APIs with this connect middlewaresession-web-sockets— Pass session to (Socket.IO-node) in a secure manner. Originally forked frombmeck/session-web-socketssession.js— super simple session middleware for node.js, even has optional "magic" sessions which monkey patch the httpServer with one line!Shrinkroute- Named routes for Express. Helps you in achieving DRY routes!trust-reverse-proxy- Trust (SSL) connections coming from (a) specific reverse prox(y)(ies)

Other middleware

bouncy— bounce HTTP requests around for load balancing or as an HTTP host routerbuffet— Performance-oriented static file server & middlewaredota2api— Dota2 api wrapper written in node.jseventpipe— Provides an Event Pipe with thesameAPI as node.js' EventEmitterexedra— Express routes & functions loaderexpress-debug— Express middleware that provides a debugging/object browser panel injected into your application.express-couch-proxy— CouchDB reverse proxy middleware for Expressexpress-twitter— Twitter-specific OAuth supportgoogleclientlogin— Log in to Google services using CllientLogin methodhttp-auth— Node.js package for HTTP basic and digest access authentication. htdigest— Node.js package for HTTP Digest Authentication password file utility.htpasswd— Node.js package for HTTP Basic Authentication password file utility.http-auth2— HTTP basic authentication that supports multiple logins.http-proxy-selective— Proxy server replace some remote static files with local onesmiddler— A middleware runner which can itself function as middleware, with routingnode-evented— Extended EventEmitternode-file-cache- Very small file cache for node.js http server.node-force-domain— Force multiple domains to redirect (301) to a default one in your Express project.Node-Http-Rewrite-Proxy— This module proxies and rewrites HTTP requests of all types. For this you can, if you want, use regular expressions.node-reverse-proxy— A reverse proxy which forwards incoming HTTP requests to multiple back-end HTTP servers based upon HTTP Host header.node-varnish— Connector for the Varnish cache telnet management protocolnotp— NodeJS One Time Password authentication, compatible with Google Authenticatoronion— Simple and flexible middleware stack that enables you to add a middleware layer to just about anythingprotobuf_for_node— In-process JS-to-C++ communication usingprotocol bufferservices protobuf— A fork of protobuf_for_node with an npm package.proxy-tamper— A proxy server that allows for the tampering of requests and responses.socket-logger— JSON-parsable logs for Socket.IO that can push log messages to a client over Socket.IO.subproxy- subdomain proxy (for example to .localhost)proxima- HTTP/TLS(HTTPS) reverse proxy forwards incoming requests to upstream servers based on Host header or SNI host hint.express-cors- Simple middleware for adding CORS functionality to your expressjs app.
