1500字范文 > 农村医疗救助 rural medical assistance英语短句 例句大全

农村医疗救助 rural medical assistance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-12 21:03:10


农村医疗救助 rural medical assistance英语短句 例句大全

农村医疗救助,rural medical assistance

1)rural medical assistance农村医疗救助

1.In the process of carrying out the policy ofrural medical assistance,different organizations executing the policy have different interest perspectives.在农村医疗救助政策执行过程中,不同政策执行主体存在着不同的利益选择。

2.The article analyzed the status of therural medical assistance and some of the problems exist: The "quasi-insurance" of its operating system, the limited scope and so on.分析了农村医疗救助的实施现状及存在的一些问题:制度运行"准保险化"、救助范围有限等,并提出了相应的解决对策,如明确农村医疗救助的定位、减轻贫困人口的疾病负担等,以真正完善农村医疗救助制度的功能,解决"因病致贫"的恶性循环,提高农村人口的健康水平。

3.However, the actual work inrural medical assistance that the actual amount of aid paid by the poverty-stricken population and the medical assistance program estimates annual amount to be paid.目前,全国有1501个县开展了农村医疗救助工作,初步形成了比较系统的农村医疗救助制度和框架,但是在农村医疗救助实际工作中发现,每年实际支付救助金数额与按特困人口医疗救助计划中测算的每年应支付数额相比,使用率不足50%。


1.At the same time, rural medical succor system is implemented.与此同时,农村医疗救助制度开始实施。

2.Study on Status of Funds Raising of Rural Medical Financial Assistance in Our Country;我国农村医疗救助资金筹集现况研究

3.Management Costs and Efficiencies of Rural Medical Financial Assistance Programs;农村医疗救助项目的管理成本与效率

4.On the Situation,Problems and Countermeasures of the Medical Help Conducted in the Countryside of Our Country;全国农村医疗救助现状、问题与对策

5.Study on Link-up between Medical Assistance and New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme on Program Design试论农村医疗救助与新型农村合作医疗的有机衔接

6.Discussing the Combination of Rural Medical Assistance System and New Rural Cooperative Medical System.论农村医疗救助制度与新型农村合作医疗制度的对接

7.A study on linking rural Medical Assistance with new Rural Cooperative Medical System in China农村医疗救助与新型农村合作医疗制度衔接机制研究

8.Calculation of Medical Aid Scheme linked to New Rural Cooperative Medical System与新农合衔接后的农村医疗救助方案测算研究

9.A Study on Optimization of the Western Rural Medical Succor System in Anti-poverty View;反贫困视角的西部农村医疗救助制度优化研究

10.Demonstration Analysis to the Financing of Rural Medical Assistance in Central and West Regions in 中西部地区农村医疗救助筹资实证分析

11.Analyzing the Current Situation and Problem of Chinese Medical Assistance System in Rural Areas and its Countermeasures我国农村医疗救助制度的现状、问题与对策

12.Financing Demands for Medical Assistance in Chinese Rural Areas and Financing Ability我国农村医疗救助的筹资需求与筹资能力研究

13.The harmonious development of new rural cooperative medical system and rural medical assistance--Take Maopin town,Guizhou for example新型农村合作医疗与农村医疗救助的协调发展——以贵州省湄潭县茅坪镇为样本

14.Meanwhile, medical relief is provided for sick farmers who are in great difficulty.同时,对患病的农村困难群体实行医疗救助。

15.The Revelation of International Experience for Chinese Medical Aid about Poverty-stricken People in Rural Areas农村贫困人口医疗救助的国际经验借鉴与启示

16.An End-point Descriptive Study of Medical Financial Assistance Experiment in Poor Rural Area of Sichuan四川农村贫困医疗救助试点项目终期调查分析

17.A system was set up for early warning and response for public health emergencies.开展新型农村合作医疗制度和医疗救助制度试点。

18.Building Rural Health Protection System;新型农村合作医疗和特困人口医疗救助相结合的制度建设


developing medical assistance of countryside发展型农村医疗救助

3)the rural Medicaid Implementation system农村医疗救助体系

4)rural medical assistance system农村医疗救助制度

1.Discussing the Combination of Rural Medical Assistance System and New Rural Cooperative Medical System.论农村医疗救助制度与新型农村合作医疗制度的对接

5)Rural Mutual Medical System农村互助医疗

parison between New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme andRural Mutual Medical System;新型农村合作医疗与农村互助医疗比较研究

6)medical assistance医疗救助

1.Onmedical assistance for the poor population in China;对我国城镇贫困人口医疗救助的思考

2.Status and promotion measures on urbanmedical assistance system in China;我国城市医疗救助制度现状与改进措施

3.Study on Four Levels of Link-up between Medical Assistance and New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme on Program Design;论医疗救助与新型农村合作医疗制度衔接的四个层次


《1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约》为开展国际合作搜寻营救海上遇险人员而制定的公约。政府间海事协商组织(简称海协,现改称国际海事组织)于1979年4月9~27日在汉堡召开国际海上搜寻救助会议,讨论并制定《1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约》。公约强调发扬人道主义,规定缔约国在本国的法律、规章制度许可的情况下,应批准其他缔约国的救助单位为了搜寻发生海难的地点和营救遇险人员而立即进入或越过其领海或领土。公约的附则对搜寻救助的组织、国家间的合作、搜寻救助的准备措施、工作程序和船舶报告制度等作了规定。截至1984年8月31日已有 15个国家参加了公约。公约自1985年6月22日起生效。中国于 1985年6月24日核准了公约。
