1500字范文 > 老外:据说中国比印度发展快是因为中国人比印度人聪明 真的吗?

老外:据说中国比印度发展快是因为中国人比印度人聪明 真的吗?

时间:2021-11-23 08:58:12


老外:据说中国比印度发展快是因为中国人比印度人聪明 真的吗?

海外一研究协会发布一段视频,上面记录了全世界的 IQ排行榜,全球智商排名显示,日本第一,中国第五,印度倒数,外国网友问,据说中国比印度发展快是因为中国人比印度人聪明,真的吗?我们看看各国网友的回答。

No, not at all. We are all equal. In fact, in my interactions with Indians, they are very intelligent, but there are too many submissive and submissive characters who do not defend their rights. Perhaps this is why they were colonized for 300 years and allowed the West to colonize them for 50 years after independence in 1947.


中国网友Evangeline Chang的回答


In 1949, China achieved complete and absolute independence. The Chinese people have a comprehensive strategy to catch up with and surpass the West within 100 years, and their policy has been successful, which is their craziest dream to date.


The difference with China is that India inherits the so-called Western democratic political system at every step, and interference will set them back two steps. But by the late 1990s. India has adopted a more independent and autonomous policy, and is now catching up.


China, as a nation influenced by Taoism and Confucianism, has discipline, is willing to sacrifice, and works hard to push them forward. Demographics of India has a large population and suffers from capitalism and freedom, but leaders like Modi are making them stronger.


Chinese people, like Indians, cherish education and learning. Both countries have a long and rich culture, and both have a large number of intelligent labor forces. If China is more successful, it is because its political system operates better and responds more sensitively to changes. The Wests desire for more freedom and liberation is actually a cunning means of interfering and manipulating India, so that we will become more obedient and submissive to the West. India seems to be working hard to get rid of this recently.


It is no coincidence that India and the Philippines - the so-called pride of Western liberal democracy - have only recently been at their worst. But this is not related to intelligence, mainly due to negative manipulation by the West, which has harmed the economy and people.



The average IQ of Chinese people is 106, while the average IQ of Indians is 77. Protein deficiency and iodine deficiency reduce the average IQ of Indians. Like all East Asians, Chinese people score high in visual spatial intelligence, which evolved in cold climates. Nordic ethnic groups also have high visual spatial intelligence, as do Inuit people in the north.


Indians and Jews have higher language intelligence scores than Europeans and East Asians, so they are better at mastering clear concepts than East Asians such as Chinese.


Both of these types of intelligence have many advantages, and high visual intelligence means that Chinese and East Asians can see a broader picture faster and start working without too many arguments.


For example, Chinese people want to build trains. After the government approved it, the engineers gathered together. The national department responsible for the region ensures that all parts of the railway are completed on time.


This is in stark contrast to the Indians, who can explain the mechanical concept of train motion, describing each small and critical part of the train, such as the size and width of the tracks, as well as the manufacturing date of the tracks. However, when it comes to manufacturing trains, they often lack executive power. This is where Indians lose their ability to think.


A castle in the air and an ethereal speech seem to be a way for Indians to portray themselves as intelligent people, but the final results need to be showcased.


Putting aside all mathematical concepts, an Indian engineer attempts to describe how trains work, but the end result is often just empty talk and empty talk.


This is in stark contrast to Chinese and East Asians, who do not waste time describing useless words about the internal properties of trains, but instead focus on "the appearance of trains", their speed, and whether they can be built in an organized manner within urban areas.


Marco Polo visited India and China. He was not very interested in the metaphysical nature of Indian thinking mode and sitting by the Ganges River talking about the operation of the universe. He was more interested in how Chinese people used bamboo to drill for natural gas.


Chinese and Indian people are both intelligent people, but their intellectual types are different. Indians are naturally talkative, while Chinese people do not care about speaking. They want to see the results, they don care what you say


This is why Indians in White Americans companies do not suffer from workplace promotion problems, while Chinese and Koreans do. Language intelligence can help you to promote in foreign companies. Thats why so many Indians are CEOs of large companies.


However, from slums to skyscrapers, modern roads, and technological innovation all require visual intelligence. Innovation in language provides creative aspects, allowing your visual intelligence to imagine it and create new things from it.


The basic difference lies in:


China and Japan - we want results;


Indians - we want to sound both smart and trendy.


Im not sure if you know that Indian children dominate spelling bee competitions in the United States, with 8 Indian champions in a year. Indians only make up 1% of the American population, but they make up 95% of the spelling bee champions. Asians make up 20% of the American population, but not a single Asian child participates in a spelling bee.



No. The idea that one race is superior to another has sparked a world war, so please be careful of your remarks. The development history of India is a story of constant mistakes, and every turning point is a wrong decision. Look, the British destroyed India not by taking away all the gold and diamonds, but by making Indians crazy about paperwork and absurd regulations. In a country where chaos is the main way of survival, Indians blindly inherit this. Democracy and bureaucracy are two perfect tools for destroying a poor country like India, and India barely survived the heavy blow.


One of the factors hindering the development of Indian companies is that multinational corporations investing in India face a lot of red tape. I should know that I made a crazy decision to study in India, and paperwork almost drove me crazy. You may think filling out a pile of forms is a trivial matter, but when it piles up, it becomes unbearable pain. This is the first question.


Then, Indians began to import socialism, and at that time they could hardly afford it. The nationalization of airlines killed Air India. Nationalizing a bunch of other things also played a similar role. Attempting to develop industry without investing heavily in infrastructure and education is another major mistake.


When Indian companies had the technology to produce computers, the crazies in power even attempted to restrict the production of computers. Why do you think the software industry has truly taken off in India? Because bureaucrats cannot actually see this thing. The reason why software can escape the clutches of Indian authorities is purely because it is invisible.


The hardware manufacturing industry once brought China to its current height, but in India it staggers and dies. India missed the bus when it was time to board. They realize this mistake now, but its a bit late, isn it? The most important thing is their love for protectionism. This mentality is not limited to India, and many other countries have also made the same mistake. Taxation foreign companies to enhance the competitiveness of domestic companies. This makes your own company weak and unable to compete with multinational corporations.


Taking the Indian automotive industry as an example. Tata and Mahinda can only play a role in the Indian market, but they are struggling overseas. Because they have a very easy time. When Tesla attempted to lower taxes so that they could enter and start manufacturing locally (thereby creating job opportunities), the Indians refused. You need foreign companies to enter and open stores, bringing in foreign technology and knowledge that can be used to create local ecosystems. This is indeed a mixture of various factors that hinders India from realizing its full potential, and I think this is just a unlucky example.



No. Because they sided with the Americans in the 1970s and 1980s, and then gained their technology (in non defense fields) and the American market, and with the blessings of the Americans, entered the European market. Just like South Korea and Japan, over 40 years!


The story begins with Nixons visit to China in 1972 at the age of 50.


On the morning of February 21, 1972, US President Richard Nixon landed in the China.


For the President of the United States, his entourage and many other countries in the world, this visit is a visual spectacle. They have closely followed the visit of the American leader to the worlds largest Socialist state.


During a whirlwind visit to three major cities in China, Nixon visited several famous historical sites and cultural performances (including a revolutionary ballet), and faced many Chinese leaders such as Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou. Photos of Nixon standing on the Great Wall, watching "Red Womens Army" or toasting Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai have been widely circulated around the world. Photos of Pat Nixon, the first lady, inspecting the kitchen in a Beijing hotel were also exposed.

在中国三个主要城市的旋风式访问中,尼克松参观了几处著名的历史遗迹和文化表演(包括一场革命芭蕾舞),并与毛主席、周总理许多中国领导人面对面。尼克松站在长城上、观看《红色娘子军》或向中国总理周恩来敬酒的照片在全球广为流传。第一夫人帕特·尼克松(Pat Nixon)在北京一家酒店视察厨房的照片也被曝光。

Nixons visit was not only symbolic; It is also substantive. This is an astonishing development in international politics, often hailed as a "week of changing the world".


It has indeed changed China. Nixon was the first US president to visit Chinese Mainland during his tenure, which is almost a routine for the US head of state. This visit has helped to break decades of hostility between the United States and China, and has opened up a new process of cooperation in bilateral relations.


And India will play a greater economic and geopolitical role in the coming years.


With a population of 1.4 billion, Demographics of India will soon replace China as the worlds most populous country, and its population is also very young: more than 40% of Indians are under the age of 25, which is in sharp contrast to China and many developed State formation, which may find that aging population will drag down the economy in the future. Population structure is not the only reason why investors should prioritize India.


Ajay Krishnan, the chief manager of the Wasatch Emerging Markets Select fund (WAESX) and the Wasatch Emerging India fund (WAINX), said that the recent structural reforms have helped unleash Indias potential. These two funds have risen by about 9% and 4.5% respectively so far this year.

Wasatch新兴市场精选基金(Wasatch Emerging Markets Select fund, WAESX)和Wasatch新兴印度基金(Wasatch Emerging India fund, WAINX)的首席经理阿贾伊•克里希南(Ajay Krishnan)表示,最近的结构性改革帮助释放了印度的潜力。这两只基金今年迄今分别上涨了约9%和4.5%。

Krishnan said, for example, tax reforms have simplified Indias ancient and complex system.


The transportation infrastructure has also been greatly improved. If you transport goods from one state to another, efficiency becomes higher, "he said.


A national identity authentication program connects millions of people with financial services. Broadband access has been improved and has become cheaper. The new national digital payment system has made it easier and cheaper for Indians to conduct business. Why is this important? Because in a (developing) country like India, a 2% to 3% credit card fee is a barrier


As countries and companies around the world rethink their supply chains and dependence on China, this has created favorable conditions for Indias manufacturing industry.


Companies such as Apple and Foxconn Technology are seeking to shift production to India.

苹果(Apple)和富士康科技(Foxconn Technology)等公司正寻求将生产转移到印度。

According to the data of S&P Global, Indias annual average growth rate of real gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to reach 6.3% from to 2030, which will surpass Japan and Germany and become the worlds third largest economy.

标普全球(S&P Global)的数据显示,至2030年,印度的实际国内生产总值(gdp)年均增长率预计将达到6.3%,从而超过日本和德国,成为全球第三大经济体。

In the first quarter of this year, Economy of Indias economy grew by 6.1% year on year. Where to invest? India.


Of course, India also faces challenges. It is difficult for this country to feed all its people. Religious and political relations are tense. Climate change may make heat waves unbearable and destroy agriculture. The population is growing rapidly, but the labor participation rate of Indian women is much lower than that of women in other countries.


But I think the other three countries - Brazil, Russia, and China - have fallen out of favor. David Giroux, Portfolio Manager and Chief Investment Officer, said, "The long-term outlook for India is very optimistic.

可我认为,其他三个国家——巴西、俄罗斯和中国——已经失宠。投资组合经理兼首席投资官大卫•吉鲁(David Giroux)表示:“印度的长期前景非常乐观。

海外网友KokHin Lim的回答

If you are willing, you can call this more uninvited Western moral preaching, but what I want to say is that in order to prove ones success as a country, it feels necessary to make derogatory remarks about other countries, which is very repulsive.


I hate us Westerners belittling others to defend our wealth and development, and I also hate people in other places doing so.


I believe there are many reasons why China has developed faster than India, including some unique situations that may not be replicable in India or elsewhere. This is a good thing for China. Take pride in this fact, rather than feeling that you must consider India as a part of being compared. This will make you look very stingy.


Do you know? Unless you are a super smart person who is doing meaningful things to ensure the sustainable development of China, I don think you really have the right to take credit for the help of smart Chinese people in promoting the success of the country. They are smart. Its not you.


Thats ridiculous.

