1500字范文 > 让人惊艳的书摘句子‖总之岁月漫长 然而值得等待

让人惊艳的书摘句子‖总之岁月漫长 然而值得等待

时间:2020-09-17 08:57:25


让人惊艳的书摘句子‖总之岁月漫长 然而值得等待



At that time we had dreamsAbout literature, about love, about travel through the worldNow we drink late at night.The cups came together.Its all the sound of broken dreams.

——North Island "Polish Visitors"



A person always takes a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange songs. Then in a casual moment, you will find that the things you tried so hard to forget have really been forgotten.

——Blueberry Night


Melancholy is due to incompetence,Worry is due to unsatisfied desires.Anger is a sign of cowardice.

——Dumas "three musketeers"



The good follow you and the evil admire you.The light longs for you, and the dark also hopes for you.You are the existence that transcends everything, the color that God has plated on everything.

——Romance Legend



No matter what you do, do it to the utmost. Work hard when you go to work, laugh heartily when you laugh, and enjoy eating like the last meal. ——Green Paper

等你们长大你们会因绿芽冒出土地而喜悦;会对初升的太阳欢呼跳跃;也会给别人善意和温暖;但是却在赞美别的生命的同时,常常甚至永远地忘了自己的珍贵。愿你在被打击时,记起你的珍贵,抵抗恶意;愿你在迷茫时,坚信你的珍贵。 爱你所爱,行你所行,听从你心无问西东。


When you grow up, you will be delighted with the green shoots sprouting from the land. Will cheer and jump on the rising sun; It will also give kindness and warmth to others. But while praising other lives, they often even forget their own preciousness forever. May you remember your preciousness and resist malice when you are attacked. May you firmly believe in your preciousness when you are confused. Love what you love, do what you do, listen to your heart and ask no questions.

——No Questions from West to East



"I prefer sunset glow.""why?""After the sunset glow disappears, you can look at the stars. After the sunrise disappears, all that remains is ...""There is only the reality in broad daylight."

——Liu Cixins "Three Bodies"



You can laugh at those who love and hate clearly because you have become a person who doesn feel any pain.

——Lu Sihao, Wake me up before you leave.



To some extent, the people you know in a place define what that place means to you.

——Ga Ze Wens Margaret Town



Some people are born in the wrong place and are thrown into a specific environment by accident, but they always have a kind of homesickness that they do not know. They are strangers in their birthplace, and the green shaded alleys or bustling streets that they were familiar with when they were children are just one stop on the journey of life.

——The moon and sixpence.


