1500字范文 > 初中英语人教版九年级上Unit 6——A同步检测题含答案

初中英语人教版九年级上Unit 6——A同步检测题含答案

时间:2022-12-12 00:54:24


初中英语人教版九年级上Unit 6——A同步检测题含答案

Unit 6 Section A 同步练习


1、 英汉短语互译








(8)translate…. into…. ________



(1)I like the ________(款式)of the shoes.

(2)It is such a difficult ________(项目)that I can finish it on my own.

(3)It is a famous ________(网站)and it has lots of useful information.

(4)I didn find my name in the ________(名单).

(5)The writer isn ________(提到)in the introduction.

(6)I can stand the ________(气味)of the drink

(7)There is some food in the ________(冰箱).

(8)The teacher asked me to ________(翻译)the English poem into Chinese.

(9)She forgot to ________(锁上)the door.

(10)We were shocked by the ________(突然的)bad news.



(1)In autumn, the ________ (leaf) turn yellow.

(2)What do you think is ________ (useful) invention in the world?

(3)I think it would be ________ (good) to have a TV set than to have a radio.

(4)—What is the knife used for?—Its used for ________ (cut) things.

(5)It is worth ________ (mention) that Nanjing has entered Top 10 Appealing Chinese Cities.


4、"Mum, this kind of fruit ____________ nice. Id like to taste one.


5、The Olympic Games of will ____________ in Brazil.

A、take afterB、take offC、take placeD、take away

6、—Who invented the light bulb?—It was invented ____________ Edison.


7、In the old days, they ____________ in the factory from morning to night.

A、were made to workB、asked to workC、made to workD、was asked to work

8、—Do you know the song Gangnam Style?—Of course. It ____________ interesting.


9、Oh, it ____________ so nice. What beautiful music it is !


10、—Dinner is ready. Help yourself!—Wow! It ____________ delicious. You are really good at cooking.


11、I really enjoy the noodles and vegetables. They ____________ delicious.


12、—What do you think of the zongzi?—They ____________ delicious. Are they made by your mother?



13、根据对话内容,从方框内的七个选项中选出五项填在题后的答题线上Andy: Hi, Tina! Ive sent you an e-mail. Have you got it?Tina: Sorry. ________(1)Andy: Why not?Tina: Theres something wrong with my computer. ________(2)Andy: Can you repair it?Tina: I don think so. It is too old. ________(3)Andy: Thats good news! You know, Ive just got a new computer.Tina: ________(4)Where was it made? Was it made in Germany?Andy: No, it was made in my home.Tina: ________(5)Andy: You see, my father bought different parts of the computer and then put them together. Thats how the computer was made in my home.

A. How could it be made in your home?B. I can repair it by myself.C. When did you get it?D. I haven checked my e-mails today.E. My father wants to buy a new one for me.F. It doesn work.G. What did you write in your e-mail?


14、阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务。"Pictogram" is a compound word made from "picture" and "telegram".Pictograms are usually simple pictures, and they are often made with letters and words. A pictogram is a symbol which represents an idea or an object through an image (图像). Also, it is a kind of communication system which must be learned but is very useful in our lives. The user must learn to see, understand and remember the different pictogram symbols. There are about l, 400 different symb

ols at the present time.

A Canadian named Subhas Maharaj came up with the idea for pictograms in the beginning of the 1980s. At first, pictograms were introduced to help people who had disabilities in speaking, reading, or writing. Pictograms are images of objects that are easy to see and create. Today, pictograms are used in many different ways. FOR example, there are traffic, recycling and restaurant signs, even animal symbols and so on.Pictograms are usually in white against a black background. The combination of white against a black background creates extremely contrast (对比) , and this makes pictograms frie

ndlier to users. A good example of a pictogram is the public toilet symbols for "men" and women", just like the one on the left. Pictograms are a useful method of communication, and people can have fun as they learn each pictogram.


Recycle ____ traffic ____ restaurant____ animal ____

(2)请把句子Pictograms are usually simple pictures, and they are often made with letters and words. 翻译成汉语。________

(3)请根据短文内容,回答问题。What was the purpose of the first pictograms? ________

(4)请从文中找出与People enjoy learning pictograms because they are useful.意思相同或相近的句子。________



【答案】(1)be used for doing sth(2)think of(3)of course(4)for example(5)fall into(6)take place(7)without doubt(8)详见解析 【解析】

【分析】(1)需要区分be used for和be used as“当作...用”的意义差别。(2)必须区分三个短语think of,think about“考虑”和think over“仔细考虑”意义差异。(3)固定短语,需要记住。(4)固定短语,必须记住。(5)注意区分fall into和fall down“摔倒”的意义差别。(6)必须牢记take place和take ones place或take the place of“代替...位置”意义差别。(7)固定短语,介词短语,在句子做状语,必须牢记。(8)固定短语,须牢记。【点评】本题考查的是英语短语的识记,根据汉语短语或英语短语提示写出正确的英语短语或汉语意义。


【答案】(1)style(2)project(3)website(4)list(5)mentioned(6)smell(7)fridge(8)translate(9)lock(10)sudden 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:我喜欢



【答案】(1)leaves(2)the most useful(3)better(4)cutting(5)mentioning 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:秋天树叶会变黄。句子使用一般现在时态,并且谓语动词是turn,可以推断主语应是复数。故填leaves。(2)句意:你认为什么是世界上最有用的发明?故是the most useful。(3)句意:我觉得有一台电视要比有一台收音机好。句子中出现了“than”一词,必须用比较级,故是better。此句还出现了“it”做形式主语的用法。(4)句意:—这把刀子做什么用的?—用于切东西。for是介词,故是cutting。(5)句意:南京进入中国有吸引力前十名城市排行榜这一件事情值得提一提。it是形式主语,be worth doing是固定结构,故填mentioning。此句关键需要分析清楚句子



【答案】B 【解析】【分析】考查连系动词;A. sounds 听起来;B. smells闻起来;C. look看起来;D. feel感觉,摸起来;fruit不可数名词.;句意:妈妈,这种水果闻起来不错。我想尝一个。根据句意,故选B 。【点评】较易选错项是C,须牢记连系动词的用法。


【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查动词短语辨析;A. take after长的像,效仿;B. take off 脱衣服,起飞;C. take place发生,举行;D. take away;拿走,拿开;句意:奥运会将在巴西举行。根据句意,故选C 。【点评】此题易错点是动词短语意义混淆。


【答案】B 【解析】【分析】考查介词辨析;A. with和,跟,表跟随;B. by由,附近,表途径;C. from来自;D. of...的,属于...的;句意:—谁发明了灯泡?—它是爱迪生发明的。根据句意,故选B 。【点评】较易选错项是C,学生须分清常见介词的词义。


【答案】A 【解析】【分析】考查动词辨析和动词被动语态。A. were made to work 被迫使做....;B. asked to work要求做...; C. made to work 正要做....;D. was asked to work被要求做...;句意:在过去的日子里,他们被迫使在工厂从早到晚地工作。根据句意,故选A 。【点评】较易选错项是D,注意区分ask和make两词语气的不同。


【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查连系动词;A. tastes尝起来;B. smells闻起来;C. sounds听起来;D. feels感觉,摸起来;句意:—你知不知道那首歌江南Style?—当然,它听起来很有趣。根据句意,故选C 。【点评】较易选错项是D,须牢记连系动词的用法。


【答案】B 【解析】【分析】考查连系动词辨析;A. smells闻起来;B. sounds听起来;C. tastes尝起来;D. looks看起来;句意:哇,它听起来不错。多么美妙的音乐呀!根据句意,故选B 。【点评】须牢记常见连系动词的意义。


【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查连系动词辨析;A. looks看起来;B. sounds听起来;C. tastes吃起来;D. feels感觉,摸起来;句意:—饭准备好了。随便吃!—哇!好好吃。你真的擅长做饭。故选C。【点评】较易选错项是A,须牢记常见连系动词的意义。


【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查连系动词辨析;A. stay 保持;B. feel感觉,摸起来;C. taste尝起来;D. sound听起来;句意:我真的喜欢这青菜面条。它们味道不错。根据句意,故选C。【点评】须牢记常见连系动词的意义。


【答案】B 【解析】【分析】考查连系动词辨析;A. sound听起来;B. taste尝起来;C. feel感觉,摸起来;D. look看起来;句意:—你觉得这粽子如何?—好吃。是你妈妈做的吗?根据句意,故选B。【点评】须牢记常见连系动词的意义。


【解析】(1)根据上下文,可知Tina没有收到邮件;句意:对不起。我还没有检查我的电子邮件。故选D。(2)根据上下文,可知Tina电脑坏了;句意:电脑坏了。故选F。(3)根据上下文“It is too old”“ Thats good news! You know, Ive just got a new computer.”可知她父亲想给她再买一台新的;句意:我爸 爸想给我买一台新的。故选E。(4)根据上下文“Ive just got a new computer.”“ Where was it made? Was it made in Germany?”可推知Tina询问Andy新电脑信息;句意:你什么时候买的。故选C。(5)根据上文“it was made in my home.”,可推知Tina好奇Andy的电脑为什么是在家制作的;句意:电脑是如何在你家制作的呢?故选B【点评】本题考查的是对话上下文理解,通过对话语境的理解选择恰当语句。


(2)图形符号通常是简单的图画,他们通常由字母和单词组成。(3)To help people who had disabilities in speaking, reading, or writing.(4)Pictograms are a useful method of communication, and people can have fun as they learn each pictogram. 【解析】【分析】(1)根据生活常识可判断。(2)此句中短语be made with由...组成意义须牢记。(3)根据文中“At first, pictograms were introduced to help people who had disabilities in speaking, reading, or writing.”最先图形符号是为了帮助残疾人的,可知答案。(4)此题中enjoy和文中have fun意义相同。【点评】本题考查的是文章的理解,通过理解文章对针对性的提问做出解答。
