1500字范文 > 让人看了一秒泪崩的句子 祝你幸福 是我最不想说的

让人看了一秒泪崩的句子 祝你幸福 是我最不想说的

时间:2021-11-13 17:01:39


让人看了一秒泪崩的句子 祝你幸福 是我最不想说的


I wish you happiness, which is the last thing I want to say. Even if we don even have one in ten thousand possibilities, we only blame this time. We are all planted in this time. Say goodbye. After all, our paths are different.


After breaking up, I will watch you crazy at first, listen to the songs you have heard, and think about your current thoughts, but slowly, I understand that not everything can go as I want, so I began to wish you happiness and I can enjoy my loneliness. Wish you happiness.


You still want to be happy. Don provoke other girls to cry. I will never contact you again, and I will never try to find out your current situation, but wish you happiness in the future.


This time, I lost completely. For the first time in more than 20 years, I really liked someone. It turned out that there was retribution. I used to treat others like this. Im sorry, I was wrong. It really hurts people.


I am moved because those wonderful things didn happen to me, but I expect them to happen again. I have been in MoMo because I have experienced all the bad things, and I have tried hard to do all the so-called beautiful things.


I dreamt about you last night, all I dreamed about was your kindness to me and what I wanted to do with you. Now I know, don meet the person I like at a very young age, which will cause me to forget for so many years now. I have learned that not all my thoughts will echo, and if I miss it, I will miss it, and I blame myself for not cherishing it.


I still like him very much, very much, and never forget him for a day. At this time last year, I never thought that I would cry like a fool in three months and never see him again. You never know? Life is so hard. Ill never see him again, never see him again.


We had numerous quarrels, because of trivial matters, we finally chose to separate for some time. I have been crying and sleeping almost every night since this year. I love you very much. But I have failed you a lot. No matter what we are like in the future, I hope you will be happy. Don let the next girl cry any more, and all the mistakes will end with me.


It would be nice if we could resist the impulse and just be friends. We may also be best friends or good friends for life, that is, people who can say anything. However, they became lovers in vain, and finally broke up in vain. In fact, I really would rather we were good friends who talked about everything, so that we wouldn have so much sadness and disappointment, and finally became strangers.


I hope you can meet someone who will tolerate you when you are angry and lose your temper, and respond in time when you complain in your circle of friends. He must at least know the piano or violin, sing well, and have a man who is not afraid of cockroaches. Don be like me. In short, he still needs happiness.
