1500字范文 > 朋友圈伤感的句子 真心相爱的两个人 感情早已深到骨子里了

朋友圈伤感的句子 真心相爱的两个人 感情早已深到骨子里了

时间:2018-08-29 08:30:14


朋友圈伤感的句子 真心相爱的两个人 感情早已深到骨子里了


I really like him. In my eyes, his whole person is shining like a god. I feel that I have fallen into the dust. Even in the dust, I hope that my love can bloom in the dust. He saw. He just stood there far away, it was enough for me to look at him from a distance. I really hope that he and I can have a future, really good hope.

2、你无心地说着,我无心地听着。谁在乎真真假假,要是一不小心把我逗开心了,那也是我的荣幸 “多少有些防备”,以前有,现在都还好,我付出是因为开心,都是应该的,不后悔。

You said unintentionally, I unintentionally listened. Who cares if it’s true or false? If it makes me happy accidentally, it’s my honor. "It’s a little bit defensive." I used to have it, but it’s okay now. I gave it because I was happy. I should do it and I don’t regret it.


I have been ambiguous with many people, but I only like one person. After experiencing a failed relationship, it is really difficult to let go of defenses. Every time I am ambiguous, but I am afraid of losing it in the end, so I told them that it is good for us to be ambiguous and don take it too seriously. I used this sentence to drive away many people, enjoying the ambiguous but afraid of it.


I met you when I gave up on love. You taught me how to like someone. Although there are really many unclear friends of the opposite sex around you, I still can’t let go of liking you. Qualification, reluctant to take a step back, if you know that I am suffering, can you stay away from me, so that I have reason to persuade myself to let go of you slowly


Unable to accept those after breaking up, and then after being ambiguous with others or staying with others, finally felt that the object was not as good as the ex, and then went back to find the ex to reconcile. I am not a choice for you. I must choose or judge, it is definitely not a choice! Since you have a choice, then you go find the best, what kind of man is looking back!

6、我现在能想到的,只有他说的一字一句和懊悔与不忿,凭什么两个互相喜欢的人就是不能在一起,凭什么两个人情投意合就是无法相爱,凭什么? 无人问我粥可温,无人与我立黄昏。仍等你契合灵魂,赠予无限温存,宁缺毋滥 。

All I can think of now is what he said and regrets and dissatisfaction. Why can two people who like each other be together? Why can two people fall in love with each other? Why? No one asks me how warm the porridge is, no one stands with me at dusk. Still waiting for you to fit the soul, give infinite tenderness, rather than indiscriminately.


Suddenly I remembered the junior high school graduation photo that I lost, and I said to some people that I would always love you forever and be friends, and suddenly realized that everyone has had a new life without contact for a long time, and suddenly felt a little sorry. I think of you in many moments, you are the indelible colors of my youth


The feelings of the two people who truly love each other are already deep in their bones! The kind of "heart beating" between each other, even though they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, they feel that the heart is closest to the heart, so close as to hear each others heartbeat! My dear, I really miss you! On the Double Ninth Festival, when I was thinking of you, my lover from afar was thinking of me, and I was telling me from the bottom of my heart.


I have also seen your person, handsome and talented, and your selection criteria are very high, so I dare not face it. There are also some small things behind me that have not been dealt with. I have been letting you do this After all my efforts, I really thank you. You have been obsessed with protecting me. I can’t help you, so I have always felt guilty. Do you know……


When I first met you, I knew that I was old and not suitable for you, but I saw you in the video at the time. It was very cute and touching. I couldn help but fall in love with you. Since then, I have returned you a lot without hesitation. Information, you also know this. When it comes to this, I will tell the truth. I can’t cover up the truth of the facts. I love you for real, but I hate you. I’m older than you. There is no way anyone can make me fall in love. is you
