1500字范文 > 英文语法- WHO 还是WHOM

英文语法- WHO 还是WHOM

时间:2022-08-13 02:03:17


英文语法- WHO 还是WHOM

This is getting boring. We need to find the shield of disappointment, Harry.


Yeah, I hope to find it soon. Yeah, me too! I heard its really good and Im very excited!


Shhh! Keep your voice down! You know who might hear us!


Actually, its "you know whom". No its not, wait, is it?

事实上,是 you know whom。不,不是,等等,是么?

"You know whom". "You know who". Look, honestly, no one cares.

You know whom。 You know who。老实说,没人在意。

No one cares. This is why no one wants to go on adventures with us.


This! You!


When is it who? And when is it whom? Also, in , who even uses whom really?

什么时候用 who?什么时候用 whom?还有,都了,谁还用 whom?

Whom uses "whom". . . its a who or whom? Remember to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

谁还用 whom,是 who 还是 whom?记得在 Instagram、Twitter 和 Facebook 上关注我。

Or if you want to support the channel and help me make more videos, you can do so by joining my Patreon page where you will get regular PDF worksheets to improve your English. Okay, before we specifically look at "who" and "whom", you need to know one very important thing.

或者如果你想支持这个频道并帮助我制作更多的视频,你可以通过加入我的 Patreon 页面来做到这一点,在那里你将得到定期的 PDF 课件来提高你的英语。在我们具体讨论 who 和 whom 之前,你需要知道一件非常重要的事情。

Look at this sentence. In this sentence, this is called the "subject".


The "subject" does the action. In this case "love".


"Her" thats the "object". Now the object of a sentence receives the action.


So, "she" receives the "love". So, "subject" does the action, "object" receives the action.


Super easy, right? Hmm! yeah! And youll notice whether its a subject pronoun or an object pronoun.


It has a different form. For example, lets reverse this.


So, the feminine "she" is a subject pronoun. And the feminine "her" is the object pronoun.

所以,女的 she 是主格。而女的 her 是宾格。

And the masculine "he" thats a subject, and the masculine "him" is the object pronoun. "Who" and "whom" work the same way.

而男性的 he 是主格,男性的 him 是宾格。Who 和 whom 是一样的道理。

"Who" and "whom", they e both pronouns. "Who" is a subject pronoun.

Who 和 whom 都是代词。Who 是主格。

"Whom" is an object pronoun. We need an example.

Whom 是宾格。我们来举个例子。

So, this question is it "who loves me?" or "whom loves me?" What do you think?

这个问题是 “who loves me?” 还是 “whom loves me?”你觉得呢?

You see, its actually super easy. We want to know who does the action.


So, we need "who" not "whom". We can test this by looking at the answer: "She loves me".

所以我们用 “who” 不是 “whom”。我们可以通过看答案来验证这一点:“She loves me”。

If the answer is a subject pronoun, then you need "who" because "who" is the subject pronoun! "Whom" is the object pronoun, but how do we use it?

如果答案是主格,那么你需要用 who,因为 who 是主格!Whom 是宾格,但我们怎样用呢?

Okay, this question: "Who do you love?" or should it be "Whom do you love?" Well, we know that "he" is doing the action.

那么问题来了: “Who do you love?” 还是 “Whom do you love?”我们知道 he 在做这个动作。

So he is the subject, right? We want to know who receives this action.

所以 he 就是主语。我们想知道是谁接收了这个动作。

So actually. . . That should be "whom". "Whom do you love?"

所以实际上......应该是 whom。“Whom do you love?”

Thats how we use it, its that simple. So, why is it so confusing?


Well, its because you would never hear this question in real life. Thats why! And the reason is that "whom" is becoming old-fashioned, we don use it really use it anymore.

这是因为你在现实生活中永远不会听到这个问题。这就是原因!原因是 whom 已经过时了,我们不再用它了。

Its much more common to hear "Who do you love?", not "Whom". Basically basically, "who" is replacing "whom" in all situations.

经常听到的是 “Who do you love”,而不是 “Whom”。基本上,在所有情况下,who 都在取代 whom。

In formal writing, yes, when its appropriate, when you need the object pronoun, sure, use "whom"! But in all cases "who" is slowly replacing "whom".

在正式的写作中,在适当的时候使用,当你需要宾格的时候,当然要用 whom!然而在很多情况下,who 已经慢慢取代 whom了。

Another example: "Who did you invite?"

另一个例子:“Who did you invite?”

We want to know who received the invitation. So, actually that again is the object pronoun.


But again you e not going to hear "Whom did you invite to the party?" in regular speech. No! "Who did you invite?"

但是同样的,你也不会在日常对话中听到 “Whom did you invite to the party?” 根本不会!“Who did you invite?”

Thats much more common. Thats what youll hear. And I recommend that that is what you say.


Now of course, there are annoying people who will always correct "who" to "whom". In conversation, it sounds annoying and its rude. Let "whom" die.

当然,有些讨厌的人总是把 who 改为 whom。在谈话中,这听起来很烦人,而且很无礼。让 whom 去死。

One exception. . . two exceptions. I mentioned formal writing.


Yes, thats fine! The other one is this situation. . . "Who are you talking to?"

是的,这个可以!另一个是这种情况......“Who are you talking to?”

We already know that this one, thats an object pronoun. So in theory, should be "Whom are you talking to?"

我们已经知道这个是宾格。所以理论上,应该是“Whom are you talking to?”

That doesn sound good! Oh, I know, its because you never end a sentence with a preposition.


Lets change that! "To whom are you talking?" that. . .

我们改一下。“To whom are you talking?”这个......

Why? It sounds very old-fashioned and very formal If someone said that in conversation, "To whom am I talking? What century do you live in?"

为什么?听起来很老式,也很正式。 如果有人在谈话中这样说,我的反应会是这样:“我在和谁说话?你现在生活在哪个世纪?”

Oh, Im sorry, in which century do you live? So this might be grammatically correct, but its still just. . .


However, honestly, after a preposition, thats when you e most likely to hear a "whom" and when its more acceptable for you to say "whom" because it just it flows better. Okay, but what about in a sentence where "who" or "whom" works as a relative pronoun?

然而,老实说,在介词后面,这是你最可能听到的 “whom” ,也是你更容易接受的时候,因为它更流畅。但是在一个 who 或 whom 作为关系代词的句子里呢?

What the hell is a relative pronoun? Don worry! Ill explain!


Okay, if I steal money from my friend, weve known each other for 10 years. My friend very shocked, well say two things.


Aly is the guy who stole my money. Or Aly, who Ive known for ages, stole my money. One of these is whom.

阿里就是偷我钱的人。或者,我认识很久的阿里,她偷了我的钱。一个用 whom。

And one of these is who, but which one? Aly is the guy who stole my money.

一个用 who,但是哪一个呢?阿里就是偷我钱的人。

This. . . its all the subject. He stole my money. So because its still the subject, its still "who".

这个就是主语。他偷了我的钱。因为它仍然是主语。所以依然是 who。

This one, however, we e adding more information in this relative clause here. Who Ive known for ages.


Would we say "Ive known he" or "Ive known him"? Do we need the subject or object pronoun?

我们会说“Ive known he”还是“Ive known him”?我们需要主格还是宾格?

Of course, we need the object pronoun, so it would be "Ive known him for ages". So, this should be "Aly, whom Ive known for ages, stole my money".


Of course, I would never do that. I would only steal your heart.


Im not proud of that one. Okay, if you still really want to use whom and remember, in formal writing, I would recommend you do still use it at the moment its still good.

我并不为这一点感到骄傲。好的,如果你仍然想在正式的写作中使用 whom,记住,我建议你现在依然使用它。

Heres a test to see if youve learned it properly. A guy comes home to his girlfriend with a kiss mark on his face.


Should it be "Who kissed you?" or "Whom kissed you?" What do you think?

是 “Who kissed you?” 还是 “Whom kissed you?”你觉得呢?

How does the sentence make sense? Should we say "she kissed you" or "her kissed you"?

这个句子怎样才能说得通?我们应该说 “she kissed you” 还是 “her kissed you”?

Well, "her" thats an object pronoun and that doesn sound good. "She kissed you", that makes sense.

"her" 是宾格,听起来怪怪的。"She kissed you",这说得通。

"She" is the subject pronoun. So we need the subject "who".

"She" 是主格。所以我们需要主语 "who"。

"Who kissed you?" "Who/whom did you buy this pizza for?"

“Who kissed you?”

What would he answer? "I love you. I bought it for you!"

他的答案是什么?I love you. I bought it for you!

"For you!" We wanted to know this information. And this is an object pronoun.

“For you”,我们想知道这个信息。这是一个宾格。

Thats what we wanted to know. So the question is "whom" not "who".

这就是我们想知道的。所以问题是 “whom” 而不是 “who”。

And yes, of course, we can say "For whom did you buy this pizza?" thats okay, too. So, this is where it can get confusing in a passive sentence.

当然,我们也可以说“For whom did you buy this pizza?”也是可以的。所以这就是在被动句中它会让人困惑的地方。

"Who was invited?" or should it be "whom was invited?" Again, its actually very easy, think about the answer.

"Who was invited?" 还是 "whom was invited?"这其实很简单,想想答案。

"They were invited". "They" is a subject pronoun, so "who was invited?" Remember, if you e not sure think about the answer is that a subject or an object.

“They were invited”。“They” 是主格,所以“who was invited?”记住,如果你不确定的话,想想这个答案是主语还是宾语。

Then youll know if you need "who" or "whom". So in conclusion "who" and "whom", both pronouns.

这样你就知道你需要的是 who 还是 whom 了。总结一下,who 和 whom 都是代词。

"Who" is the subject pronoun, "whom" is the object pronoun. "Whom" is dying out and "who" is replacing "whom" in most situations.

Who 是主格,whom 是宾格。在很多情况下,whom 正在逐渐消失,而 who 正在取代 whom。

Personally, I don really use "whom". Only in formal writing when Im trying to be formal.

就我个人而言,我不怎么用 whom。只有在正式写作中,我想显得正式一点。

Or after a preposition in a sentence in spoken English, if Im trying to sound formal or more intelligent, but honestly its a dying word. Don worry about it and certainly don correct someone who used "who" when grammatically they should have used "whom".

在英语口语中,如果我想让自己听起来更正式或更聪明的话,也可以放在介词后面,但说实话,这个词已经过时了。不要担心,当然也不要纠正那些在语法上应该用 whom 的时候用了 who 的人.

Its annoying, don be that person. So try making your own sentences using who and whom in the comments.

那样很讨厌,不要做那种人。所以试着在评论中用 who 和 whom 来造你自己的句子吧。

Ill give the best comments a heart and as always remember to like and subscribe, share the video with your friends, and follow me on social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook: @Papateachme. Again, if you want to support these videos you can sign up to my Patreon page and receive regular PDF worksheets, so you can really improve your English.

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See you in the next class!

