1500字范文 > 高中英语书面表达 精品 应用文之“发言稿”写作技巧

高中英语书面表达 精品 应用文之“发言稿”写作技巧

时间:2019-12-26 15:21:52


高中英语书面表达 精品 应用文之“发言稿”写作技巧



发言稿是指人们在一些特殊场合发表的讲话,在生活中常用 的有致辞和演讲稿两大类。

1.致辞:指不同情况、不同场合所做的简短发言。常见的致 辞有:欢迎词(Welcoming Speech)、欢送词(Send-off Speech)、 告别词(Valediction)、开幕词(Opening Address)、闭幕词 (Closing Speech)、贺词(Congratulation Speech)等。

2.演讲:指在公众场所,针对某个具体问题发表自己的见解 和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交 际活动。此类文章写作要注意以下几点:

①称呼要合适:根据不同场合和特定的听众选用得体的称呼, 如“Ladies and gentlemen ”“Dear friends ”“Boys and girls”等。

②结构要完整:一篇演讲稿主要有开场白、主题和结尾三部 分构成。尤其是在演讲稿中要努力做到开头引人入胜,主体 扣人心弦,结尾掀起高潮,从而自始至终吸引住听众。

③语言要得体:演讲主要使用口头语言达到与听众沟通的目 的。因此,在语言运用上首先要明确听的对象,根据听众的文化层次选择语言 形式,使用听众能听得懂的语言讲话,做到语义明白流畅、 通俗易懂。其次,为了增强语言的感染力和说服力,还要通 过使用一些常见的修辞如排比、拟人等手段力求使语言生动 形象、富于美感。



1.Warmly welcome to…

2.We feel greatly honored to see/meet/be with…

3.We feel it a great honor to…

4.We are very excited and delighted at…

5.Now lets give our warmest welcome to…

6.On behalf of…I am delighted to welcome all of you to…

7.Im honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you to…

8.It gives us a great pleasure to get together with our honorable guest from…First of all, I would like to introduce…to you.


1.Please take our kind respects to…

2.Lets give our best regards and respects to…

3.We wish…a pleasant journey home and good health.

4.Wish…the best of health and success.

5.I am looking forward very much to seeing…again.

6.Good-bye is a sad thing to say, but I must say goodbye and I hope Ill see…again.



The topic of my speech is…

Its nice/wonderful/exciting/inspiring to speak/talk about…

As we all know…/Its known to us all that…

Everyone desires to…and so do I.But what is the secret to…? As far as Im concerned, there are…factors.


To sum up/To conclude/All in all/In conclusion/In a word…

What I want to stress/emphasize is…

Personally, I think it necessary/important/valuable/useful/beneficial/vital/a good idea for sb.to…

As for myself, I will/must/should…

Dear…lets try our best/do our best/spare no effort/do what we can to…

As for my suggestion, I think…

As…we should be aware of the importance of…So long as…


假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李津。一批来自英国的高中 生与你校学生开展了为期两周的交流活动。现在,他们即将 回国,你将在欢送会上致辞。请根据以下提示写一篇发言稿。








Dear friends,

How time flies! ____________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Thank you.





写作要点 1.自我简介;2.回顾双方交流活动;



学生习作 得分 21

Dear friends,

How time flies! I am Li Jin, president of Student Union of Chenguang Middle School. It’s a great honor for me to recall the beautiful days when ① we spent together. During the two-week activities, we not only shared the ways of learning and living, but also do ② some interesting sports. All the activities left us a deep impression.

As far as Im concerning ③,we have benefited a lot from the activities. For one thing, many of your good qualities such as teamwork and devotion inspired us a lot. For another, our friendship has deepened ④ by participating in various activities. Finally, I sincerely hope our friendship will last forever.

Wish you all the best!

Thank you.




2.not only…but also是并列连词,前后谓语动词应保持形式一致。故应将②中的do改为did。

3.as far as Im concerned为固定搭配,故应将③中的 concerning改为concerned。

4.friendship与deepen构成被动关系,故应将④中的deepened改为been deepened。







1.not only did we share the ways of learning and living, but also we did some interesting sports.

2.it was many of your good qualities such as teamwork and devotion that inspired us a lot.


Dear friends,

How time flies! I am Li Jin, president of Student Union of Chenguang Middle School. It’s my great privilege to be here, sharing this unforgettable moment with all the fellow friends from the Great Britain. During the two-week activities, we surely exchanged our ideas on learning, ways of life, PE and cultures, which enriched the days we spent together.

The past two weeks witnessed our growth and friendship. It is your enthusiasm, teamwork and good spirits that impress us. Through the diverse activities, we have promoted the understanding of each other. And I sincerely hope our friendship will last forever.

Wish you all the best!

Thank you.p写一写

假如你是学生会主席李华。一批来自英国的高中生与你校学 生开展了为期两周的交流活动。现在,他们即将回国,你将 在欢送会上致辞。请根据以下提示写一篇发言稿。内容包括:








Dear friends,

How time flies! _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Thank you.

Yours, Li Hua

One possible version:

Dear friends,

How time flies! Two weeks have passed since you came to our school for the exchange program, which we all have benefited from. During these two weeks, we have studied and lived together, which gives us the opportunity to promote our friendship. Doing sports as a team has enabled us to know each other better. Your art skills are excellent and admirable, which leaves me a deep impression. I think all our classmates have learned a lot from our communication and the various activities. Now, on behalf of my schoolmates, I wish you a safe return. I also hope that there will be more events of this kind in the future.

Thank you.

Yours,Li Hua


假定你是李华,受邀参加1月15号在上海举行的国际青少年论坛(the International Teens Forum)。你准备了一个关于气候变化的英语演讲,请给你的外教Mr. Baldwin写封邮件,请他帮你修改一下附件中的演讲稿并征询他对这个演讲的建议。



_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


Dear Mr. Baldwin,

How’s everything going with you,sir? I have a great piece of news to tell you. I’ve been informed to attend the International Teens Forum to be held in Shanghai on Jan.15, .

My plan is to share my concerns and comments about the climate change at the forum and I’ve already included a speech attached to the email. As we all know,you’ve been focusing on this matter for years. May I trouble you to do me a favor and check it and make necessary improvements on it? If you could point out the mistakes I made in grammar or framework,that would be nice.

Your advice for the speech will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Li Huap
